The secret war is silent

Chapter 439 The Brave Kondo

Following Ogasawara, Okamura Neji's adjutant, he soon arrived at the 11th Army headquarters.

Your Excellency Commander, Director Kondo is here.

Invite him in.


The Japanese are always meticulous about etiquette, but they don't know that this kind of etiquette is the biggest waste of time.

This is not to say that it is bad to talk about etiquette, but it also depends on the occasion. If it is an important matter and you have to talk about etiquette, you may miss everything when you start to speak.

As an aside, for Okamura Neji and Kondo Keiichi, it hasn't reached that urgent stage yet, so it doesn't hurt to talk about etiquette.

This back and forth, greetings, serving tea, and a few innocuous nonsense, passed in a few minutes.

Finally getting to the point.

After listening to Neji Okamura's introduction to the situation of the Shohoku war situation, Kondo Keiichi was a little surprised: Your Excellency, Commander, is it so serious?

Yes, our enemies have already woven a big net for us under the city of Xiangcheng. When the imperial army got in, although I gave the order to stop the attack and turn in in time, the enemy responded very quickly. After I gave the order, When we issued the order, they launched a fierce counterattack almost at the same time. They are now like candy, sticking to our back and fighting. When we launched the counterattack, they seemed to have obtained our plan in advance. We are extremely passive now.”

Your Majesty Commander, but our secret code has been deciphered by the other party again? Kondo Keiichi was horrified.

Although Okamura Neji didn't want to admit it, he still had to nod. Such signs showed that only this situation could explain the problem.

It's okay to say that the combat plan was leaked in one place and two places, but now there are problems on the entire battlefield, which explains the problem.

Although he took some measures to use wired communications to issue orders or send special personnel to convey them, some troops did not have wired communications at all, or could not set them up in time, and some orders were even communicated long ago.

He even thought of using airplanes to drop personnel to carry orders, but that was okay during the day, but what to do at night?

Change password again?

This is not impossible, but it is not possible now. Once you decide to change the secret code again, it is likely to cut off your connection with the frontline troops.

It will also cause chaos in our own command and communication system. How will the new code book be delivered? If it is intercepted by the enemy, will it be in vain?

Stabilizing the front line is the most important thing, and changing the secret code is secondary.

I have ordered the Sixth Division and the Nara detachment to move closer to several important supply stations along the road, and then decide on their own retreat route. Okamura Neiji said.

This is already the best way.

Your Majesty Commander, what can I do? Kondo Keiichi asked.

Kondo-kun, don't you have an elite special agent team that has sneaked into Xiangcheng? Okamura Neji asked.


I remember that you told me that their mission was to find the code-breaking team that secretly came to Xiangcheng from the mountain city, right?

Yes, Commander?

any progress?

This... Kondo Keiichi looked troubled and didn't know how to speak.

I am the highest military and political officer in Central China. Do you still need to keep it a secret from me? Okamura Neji asked displeasedly.

I don't dare, my subordinate just received some bad news. A thin layer of sweat broke out on Kondo Keiichi's forehead. He lowered his head and said, My intelligence team, the 'Hai' team, which has been lurking in Xiangcheng for many years, may have been exposed. , Originally, my subordinates arranged for the 'Hip' team to cooperate with Major Fujita's actions, but now...

Exposed, how could it be suddenly exposed at this time?

This subordinate is not very clear at the moment. It may be caused by an accident. This kind of situation is very common for latent agents in enemy countries.

You mean, we had many such latent agents in the past who were exposed without any reason? Okamura Neiji asked.


Absurd, so your elite team can't complete the mission? Okamura Neji asked rudely.

It's not that I can't complete the task, it's just...

Just what?

“It just takes a risk.”

If we can kill the Chinese code-breaking team, we need to exchange it with your elite team. Do you think this deal is worth it? Okamura Neji asked with cold eyes.

Kondo Keiichi lowered his head, beads of sweat rolled down the tip of his nose: Reporting to your Excellency the Commander, I think it should be worth it.

That's good. I authorize you to command this operation. It must be successful! Okamura Neji directly gave Kondo Kei an order.

Hai. What could Keiichi Kondo say? Neji Okamura was much higher in rank than him and was the top commander of the dispatched army in Central China. According to the rules, he had to obey his orders at any time.

If you have any requests, just ask them. If I can satisfy them, I will definitely satisfy them. Okamura Neji said. He is not the kind of unreasonable person.

Your Excellency, Commander, the 'Hai' team has been exposed. I have a senior agent in Xiangcheng at the moment. Her identity is only known to 'Hai'. Her loyalty can be trusted. She should not be there at the moment. Exposed, but we can't contact her now, and only I can do it now, so I want to ask the Commander to send a plane... Kondo Keiichi gritted his teeth and said.

Kondo-kun, your bravery is beyond my expectation. After hearing Kondo Keiichi's request, Okamura Neji said in awe.

Thank you for the compliment, Commander!

I agree to your request, but it is too dangerous for you to go alone. Should I send two elite warriors to accompany you?

Your Excellency Commander, I can handle it alone. If there are two more people, it will be difficult. Kondo Keiichi quickly refused.


... Kondo Keiichi quickly explained, and Okamura Neji finally understood the reason why he insisted on being alone.

He wants to airdrop directly to the outskirts of Xiangcheng and then sneak in as a refugee. He can do it, but how can he do it if he brings two men who can't even speak Chinese?

My subordinates are going to prepare now. Please arrange the flight.


Is this what it looks like?

The eyebrows should be a little thinner... Jiyaxuan's clerk looked at the portrait sketch in Luo Yao's hand carefully and said.

After Luo Yao revised it, he showed it to him again.

Chin, the chin needs to be pulled down a little bit.

Luo Yao took pains to revise it to ensure that the face sketch he drew met the approval of the guy.

This is now the only clue.

If the man hadn't been so impressed by this woman, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to draw such a sketch now.

It's like, it's so similar, that's it, sir, sir... Ji Yaxuan's waiter was so excited that he stuttered.

Very good, thank you.

Sir, when can you let me go back? I still have my mother to take care of me at home? the boy asked eagerly.

Don't worry, we will let you go back after we finish investigating the case. We will arrange for someone to take care of your old mother at home, and we will not let her starve or freeze. Luo Yao said, although this guy looks like Guan Gu Shu It doesn't matter, but we can't put him back now.

Over at Jiyaxuan, Li Haihuai sent people to stay on guard and open for business as they did when Guangu Shutong was there.

But Luo Yao felt that there was a high probability that this kind of waiting would be useless. However, looking at the list provided by Zhou Yuan, it at least showed that Sekiya Shutong had no chance to pass on the news of his exposure. He could only use his own suicide Ways to protect others in the group.

But what he never expected was that something went wrong with Zhou Yuan, and Zhou Yuan implicated all these people.

Of course, Zhou Yuan is Chinese after all, and Guangu Shutong still has some secrets that he has not told him.

Brother, now that we have the portrait, can we find someone?

Do you know that this woman doesn't have a disguise, so she goes to see Guan Gu Shutong as she is? Luo Yao asked in return.


Our counter-espionage cannot be based solely on the way we handle cases. The way of thinking of spies is different from that of ordinary criminal suspects. Zhou Yuan did not confess this woman, but this woman may not be unaware of Zhou Yuan's existence. If she knew, She must be alert at this moment and will not let you have the chance to catch her. This is one possibility. There is also another possibility, that is, she does not know that Sekiya Shutong has been exposed and committed suicide, then she is very likely to return. If we go to Jiyaxuan again, she might not go. As long as we look for someone in a big way, she will definitely not go. Luo Yao analyzed, By the way, where is Brother Haihuai?

He went back tonight. I heard he made an appointment with someone to discuss something. Li Fu said.

He has fallen in love with a young star from a mountain city, and he has made an appointment with her for a candlelight dinner tonight. Yang Fan said nonchalantly.

how do you know?

When I came back, I met him. He had such a proud look on his face. I knew right away that he was dating a woman. Yang Fan wrote lightly, You can find out about this kind of thing after just a little inquiry.

This is a private matter, so don't talk behind my back. Luo Yao reminded, knowing that Li Haihuai's wife Yang Zhaojie lives with them.

Don't worry, I know what's appropriate. I've heard a lot about our stationmaster Li's romantic affairs in class in Qianyang. Yang Fan nodded.

Yi Xuezhong came in from the outside. Yang Fan had just mentioned that his immediate boss was a womanizer. As a subordinate, he was naturally a little embarrassed.

Lao Yi, you're just here. Let's change shifts with Tiger. It's been a hard day. I'll let him be on duty in the middle of the night. You go and have a rest. Luo Yao said.

Yes, Team Qin. Yi Xuezhong agreed.

Qin Group, Director Dai called and said that we have done very well in Xiangcheng this time. He also said that there will be a commendation meeting for us after we return. This time, our 'X' group members will basically be promoted to one level! Chen Zerong excitedly knocked on the door and came in with a telegram.

Really? Li Fu's eyes lit up after hearing this, but Luo Yao didn't react at all. He was already a colonel, and if he rose to the rank of major general, it would be impossible unless the old man made an exception.

So for him, he doesn't have to think about promotion. It is possible in a few years, and at most he will be given some material rewards.

On the contrary, these people under my command can all receive awards and promotions, which is a good thing.

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