The secret war is silent

Chapter 440 Feeling restless

Can't sleep.


Feeling restless.

Luo Yao had never felt like this before. Even when he was lurking in Jiangcheng, he could sleep in the Japanese military police prison.

But now there is actually a feeling of panic. It is strange that Kondo Keiichi now knows that he is in Xiangcheng.

Whether it was the big deal that Sha Yunhu said, or the dangerous mission that Guangu Shutong mentioned to him by Zhou Yuan.

Obviously, this was directed at him and the X group, or even the X group.

I couldn't sleep, so I got up and walked around, bought a coat, walked to the wicker chair on the balcony, sat down, and looked at the stars in the sky.

Luo Yao's mind suddenly calmed down.

There is peace in my mind.

It didn't take long for this peace to be broken by a buzzing sound. As a veteran who has experienced major bombings in mountain cities.

He immediately heard that it was the sound of a Japanese aircraft motor, and he could even tell immediately that it was a Japanese Type 92 reconnaissance aircraft.

A Japanese Type 92 reconnaissance plane flew over the western suburbs of Xiangcheng in the middle of the night. What it was doing, Luo Yao instinctively sensed something unusual.

I hurriedly returned to the house, fetched a telescope, and followed the roar of the plane.

Although it was dark and couldn't see clearly, Luo Yao still spotted the low-flying Japanese Type 92 reconnaissance plane. It was bullying China because it didn't have enough air defense capabilities, so it dared to invade China's airspace wantonly.

If we were to conduct low-altitude reconnaissance and come over at night, what could we do?

A big question mark appeared in Luo Yao's heart.

Suddenly, in the telescope, he saw a black spot falling from the low-altitude reconnaissance plane. It sank very quickly, but was quickly blocked by the mountain and could not be seen.

This distance doesn't seem to be very far from the manor where I live. It's just over a hill.

Tiger, get up and call a few people to follow me. Luo Yao's heart moved. Since he was so close, he would be unwilling not to check.

So, he pulled Yang Fan off the bed.

Team leader, is this related to the Japanese reconnaissance plane just now?

Ask if you know. Bring your weapons and ropes and follow me. Luo Yao nodded and urged, Hurry up, don't delay, bring your weapons and flashlight.


Brother, wait for me? Li Fu heard the voice and ran out in shorts.

You stay, Xuezhong is familiar with the terrain, come with me. Luo Yao rejected Li Fu directly and called Yi Xuezhong instead. Li Fu needed to stay in the manor to take charge, and it was obviously not possible for them to leave.

Half an hour later, they finally arrived at their destination.

It is a low-lying valley with very dense vegetation. Ordinary people should not come here often.

Just now I saw the Japanese reconnaissance plane hovering in the sky for a short time, and then flew away. Let's look carefully. If the Japanese airdropped something, it must be nearby. Two people in a group, ten million Don't be alone. Luo Yao ordered.


Everyone should not be too far apart, about fifty meters, and use the flashlight light as a signal.

Luo Yao and Yang Fan teamed up and started searching along a route. While searching, Yang Fan asked: Team leader, what do you think this little devil wants to do? Send a reconnaissance plane over at night. If this is to deliver supplies, , we should also send a transport plane...

Stop talking and search carefully. If something comes down, there must be indentations on the plants on the ground. Although Luo Yao couldn't see very clearly, he felt that when the Japanese reconnaissance plane hovered at low altitude, there was a black spot on it. down.

As for what fell, he didn't know. It was too dark and far away to see clearly.

Group Qin, something has been discovered.

Let's go and have a look. Luo Yao turned around and saw Yi Xuezhong's group using a flashlight to signal them to go over.

The two ran over quickly.

I saw an overwhelming patch of grass on the ground. Judging from the shape, it was very irregular, as if some animal had rolled on it and pressed on it.

Qin Group, such a large rolling mark should not be caused by animals. There are no such large animals in the mountains here. Even if there are, they rarely come out at night. This place is far away from the villages where people live. It’s very close, and I haven’t heard of any large wild animals appearing nearby.”

Could it be a wild boar or a leopard or something?

It's not like that. Wild boars usually come out to look for food in the morning or dusk, and they always find a place to hide at night. said a mountain search team member following Yi Xuezhong. He was an experienced hunter before and was very familiar with prey in the mountains. habits.

Leopards do have the characteristic of being nocturnal, but leopards are good at hiding. It is impossible to leave such a large mark. And judging from the crushing marks, it should have rolled in this direction. The search team member pointed to the ground. Cao analyzed from the direction of crushing.

Human, this is not an animal, this is a person. Luo Yao said directly, He is a man about 160 in height and weighs about 120 kilograms. He also carries a backpack and Parachute, if he takes the parachute with him, he will not be able to go far, so please look carefully nearby.

Yes! Everyone responded loudly.

After a while, someone screamed, which startled everyone else. Because something had happened, everyone rushed over.

On a tree, the parachute was rolled into a bag and stuffed between two branches. If it was broad daylight, it would be easy to spot.

But at night, it's very difficult. Most people don't look up to the sky, but only look at the road on the ground. This is just a normal personal habit.

This person took advantage of normal habits and hid the umbrella bag in the tree. Even if he was discovered, it would have been several hours.

At this time, he had already run dozens of miles away.

This man is so smart.

He knew that the place where he parachuted and landed couldn't hide such a big parachute bag, and he couldn't walk far with a heavy parachute bag on his back. He could only use this method to delay the time of being discovered as much as possible.

The longer the delay is, the more likely he is to leave calmly. By then, even if the parachute bag is discovered, he will not be found.

How long has it been since he parachuted?

It's been an hour and a half.

In one and a half hours, how far can a person go with normal leg strength? Luo Yao continued to ask.

If you walk fast on flat ground, you can walk about twenty miles, and if you walk slowly, you can walk about ten miles. Yang Fan replied without thinking, On mountain roads, young people can walk at least 70% of them. Seven or eight miles.”

Draw a circle within ten kilometers, how big is it?

When I came out, I took the map with me. I spread it out, measured the distance, and drew a circle. Everyone was dumbfounded. The area included was not large, but it included most of Xiangcheng.

There are hundreds of thousands of people in Xiangcheng, and there are hundreds of thousands of refugees outside the city. Now, they don't have any key characteristic information about this parachuting Japanese. How can they find it?

It's completely like finding a needle in a haystack.

It would be easy to find him if we knew which direction he was going. Yi Xuezhong said.

Luo Yao shook his head: This guy is an experienced anti-tracking master. Even if we can find his traces, it may be that he left them intentionally.

What should we do? Should we let him go like this? This guy must have a purpose in entering Xiangcheng in this way.

The 'Hai' team was taken over by us. At this time, the Japanese army took the risk of airdropping a man. Why?

Of course it's for that big deal! Yang Fan answered first, and Yi Xuezhong took a step slower with a sly look on his face.

Smart, everything is correct. Why did the Japanese army airdrop people here? What does this mean? Luo Yao analyzed, 'Hu' may be the commander of this mission. Now that the commander is gone, they need to airdrop one. Commander, come here, otherwise, there is no need to take such risky actions.

Team Qin's analysis makes sense. If this person's mission is for us, then he will meet us sooner or later. Yi Xuezhong said.

Yes, we still need to find people, but don't make a big fuss, as that will cause panic. Luo Yao nodded, Take the umbrella bag back and see if we can find any clues.

Yuelu Mountain Ninth Theater Headquarters.

Umbrella bag?

Yes, the place where Qin Ming lives now is closest to the valley where the Japanese reconnaissance planes hovered. He took people there as soon as possible. When he searched the scene, he found an umbrella bag hidden in a tree. It’s long gone.” Wu Xuexin reported.

What are the Japanese doing?

It should be for the 'X' group. We deciphered the Japanese secret code twice and were like divine help on the battlefield. We were able to launch a counterattack in time this time. The 'X' group made a big contribution. Wu Xuexin said, This The Japanese must have known this information, and they naturally want to get rid of our code-breaking team. Wu Xuexin said.

Then quickly send troops to tightly protect the 'X' team's station?

If you do this, although the danger will be temporarily eliminated, the enemy will return without success. Wu Xuexin nodded, Team Leader Qin means that you can't guard against thieves for a thousand days. Since the thieves have come in, you can't Let him leave easily.

What's his plan?

Team Leader Qin feels that the secrets of Rongyuan No. 4 Station may have been leaked, so let us cooperate with him to make a fake evacuation. Wu Xuexin said.

Fake evacuation, why?

Withdrawing Rongyuan No. 4 now will have an impact on the work of deciphering the Japanese military secret codes. Because the current war is tight, they are urgently needed to provide intelligence support for deciphering the Japanese military secret codes. Therefore, we cannot move, but we can make a move to evacuate. The action made them mistakenly think that we were protecting the 'X' group, and we used a reverse strategy to vacate the cage and change the bird, so that the opponent misjudged that we had moved the 'X' group to the foot of Yuelu Mountain on the west bank of the Xiangjiang River. The manor where Qin Ming lives now.

Then he is using himself as bait?

That's right, you are using yourself as bait to lure your opponents into being fooled. Wu Xuexin nodded and explained, According to Qin Ming's judgment, it is very likely that an elite Japanese squad has sneaked into the vicinity of Xiangcheng. The mission is for the 'X' team, and the newly cracked Japanese espionage team 'Hip' is very likely to be the commander of this mission.

Well, this Qin Ming is very courageous. Xue Boling praised, If he needs anything, he will try his best to satisfy it.

He has no other request. He just hopes that you can cooperate with him in a play. Wu Xuexin said with a smile.

What drama?

Go to his place in person tomorrow afternoon and leave after half an hour. Wu Xuexin whispered.

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