Who is the enemy?

have no idea.

Where is the enemy?

do not know either.

The woman in black who came to Jiyaxuan never appeared again. Her identity is still unknown.

There is a sense of powerlessness that the enemy is in the dark and I am in the light.

There is no longer any suspense about victory on the battlefield, even if the national army's results are getting smaller and smaller now, as long as the Japanese army can be driven out of Xiangbei.

For the Chinese army, it was a victory, because before this, there had never been such a situation where they could have an evenly matched showdown with the Japanese army.

It is good to win, but it is also a favorable situation to defeat the opponent.

This has a great encouraging effect on strengthening the confidence of the Chinese people in the war of resistance. The voices that the war of resistance will inevitably lead to defeat and the war of resistance will inevitably lead to the destruction of the country must be eliminated.

He doesn't need to worry about things on the battlefield, and it's not his turn to worry about it, but the safety of X team is his responsibility.

These people are the elites of the party-state, and none of them can afford to lose.

Now if someone wants to attack them, they must nip the danger in the bud and never give the Japanese a chance to succeed.

Brother Haihuai, I'm leaving it to you. You have to arrange for someone to keep an eye on me secretly. You must not relax.

Brother Qin Ming, you can rest assured here. If something goes wrong, you can take my head to deal with it! Li Haihuai promised, patting his chest.

Thank you.

Old Ma, you remember, the outside is loose and the inside is tight. These few days are critical. No one is allowed to take leave without any reason. Do you understand? Luo Yaoyou returned to Rongyuan No. 4 in person to deploy security work.

He is not sure whether this place has been exposed, but now he must decorate it according to what has been exposed. As for whether he can deceive the Japanese spy in the future, it depends on God's will.

Team Qin, we are short of manpower. Can you please send us more manpower?

Don't worry about this. Xiangcheng Station will arrange a group of people to quietly move in under cover of evacuation. By then, the number of people available to you will at least triple. Luo Yao said, he must be prepared with both hands.

That's good. As long as there are enough weapons and manpower, I can confidently defend this place. It's not far from the military camp anyway.

I will arrange a unit at the wounded soldiers hospital...

Then it's foolproof. We are less than 500 meters away from the Hospital for Wounded Soldiers, and we can get there in a few minutes. Deng Yi (Ma Huan) was completely relieved.

Don't take it lightly. The enemies are all elite agents who have experienced hundreds of battles. They are more difficult to deal with than the Japanese troops we encountered on the battlefield. Luo Yao reminded, Once attacked, everyone will move to the basement, seal the door, and Prepare enough water, food and gas masks inside, and dig two more secret vents based on the existing vents. Only our people know the location of the vents.

Understood. Deng Yi nodded solemnly, not because he didn't trust the people at Xiangcheng Station, but because the consequences of leaking it would be too serious.

The Japanese want to cause trouble in the core area of ​​national defense. What if they want to complete the mission and escape unscathed?

A strong attack is definitely not an option.

The only way to use special combat methods is to use fire attacks or poisoning, which should be their first choice. Fire attacks may not be effective, because people can move and will not stand there and let you burn them alive.

Poison gas is the most likely possibility.

First use poisonous gas to stun people, or lose their fighting ability, and then set them on fire, then it will be difficult for the gods to save them.

This is the conclusion Luo Yao came to after careful consideration from his opponent's perspective.

Their special agent team can come in, so it's not difficult to bring in a few poison gas bombs, not to mention they can also use airdrops.

At noon, cars drove into the No. 4 gate of Rongyuan.

Dozens of soldiers in gray uniforms came down. None of them carried weapons. They were obviously on other missions.

Move it quickly, be careful, that thing is very valuable...

Quick, hurry up and dismantle it. We only have one hour. A national army captain scolded his soldiers while looking at the time on his wrist.

There was a lot of activity in the yard. Dozens of boxes with seals on them, which looked very heavy, were taken out and then lifted onto trucks.

Slow down, be careful. This is all important equipment. If a part is broken, you can't afford it... A middle-aged man in a Chinese tunic suit rushed out and anxiously talked to the soldiers. shouted.

Seeing a soldier hurriedly carrying a box in, the middle-aged man in Chinese tunic became anxious and rushed over and roared!

The veins on his neck were clearly visible, and the anger didn't look like he was pretending.

Qin Group, how was my performance just now... After a moment, he ran in and came to Luo Yao, leaning forward and asking.

Passed. Luo Yao said lightly.

I've passed it, where have I passed it? He scratched his head and didn't know where he had passed it.

Okay, stop thinking nonsense, hurry up and prepare to evacuate according to the original plan. Luo Yao ignored this guy and ordered coldly.


Stationmaster, these people have evacuated, why are we still here watching? From an observation point at Xiangcheng Station, we can just see the situation in the courtyard of Building 4 of Rongyuan.

One of Li Haihuai's men put down the telescope and asked.

You know nothing, what is true is what is true. This is the art of war and a strategy. Remember this. There are two people in each group. Keep an eye on this place. If there is any situation, report it as soon as possible. Except for problems , I want your head. Li Haihuai said harshly and left first.

Qin Group, can this play deceive the Japanese?

I don't know yet. Anyway, I feel that the Japanese are well prepared this time. That old devil Okamura Neji has suffered such a big loss, so he must find a scapegoat. Luo Yao said with a smile. .

Indeed, how did the news about our coming to Xiangcheng leak out? Huo Tian (Wu Yan) asked in confusion.

The problem is not with Xiangcheng, it should be with Shancheng. Luo Yao narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

Then we have to dig this person out, otherwise more secrets will be leaked in the future. Huo Tian said solemnly.

Don't worry, once the Japanese make a move here, they will close the net over there. Luo Yao nodded.

So, the leaker must have been identified?

Well, it's basically certain. In fact, I have suspected it for a long time. It's just that I didn't find any substantial evidence and didn't touch him. Luo Yao said.

Why is this? Huo Tian's eyes were full of doubts. When did the military commander need to look at evidence to arrest people?

I can't explain it in one or two sentences. I'll wait until you have some time and I'll trust you, Lao Wu, to explain. Luo Yao said, Now, it's time for me to leave. I'll leave this place to you and Lao Ma.

Don't worry, your current arrangement has considered all aspects. Even if the Japanese do come, there will be absolutely no problem for us to wait until reinforcements arrive nearby. Huo Tian said confidently.

Wait for the car, let's go! Luo Yao waved his hand and got into the car in front of him. The convoy quickly drove out of Rongyuan No. 4 and headed toward Yuelu Mountain along the highway.

The movement was neither big nor small. At least the people living nearby saw it with their own eyes.

On a small building in Xumingli, a young figure was sitting on a wicker chair on the balcony, with a cup of fragrant coffee on the small table next to it.

Take a sip of coffee and look at the green mountains in the distance. This afternoon is so pleasant.

Suddenly, a motorcade appeared in sight. Meimei was shocked for a moment, and immediately put down the coffee she was holding.

Came downstairs in a hurry.

Ying'er, where are you going? At the top of the stairs, a man was about to go upstairs when he collided with him. The woman did not stop at all, but walked faster.

Miss Su, how did you know I was coming? As soon as he stepped out of the door, a polite voice sounded.

At the foot of Yuelu Mountain, inside the manor.

Get out of the car and gather!

An elite company jumped out of the car one after another. Yes, there was no one from the X team in the car at all.

All of them were disguised as soldiers from a company of the Ninth Theater Commander's Special Agent Regiment, and what was in the wooden box on the car was not radio equipment, but the weapons and equipment of the soldiers of this company.

Through this method, a play was performed at No. 4 Rongyuan, and a spy company was quietly transferred into the manor.

This move was very clever.

Now, no matter which target the Japanese spy team sneaks in this time, they will get no benefit.

There is no way, you can't grasp the opponent's movements, so you can only use stupid methods.

As long as the opponent comes for us, he will definitely come, and judging from the battle situation, there is not much time for this small team.

Once the Japanese army is completely driven out of Xiangbei and the war situation is determined, then this Japanese spy team that sneaked in is a tiger. He is surrounded by a pack of wolves. Will he still have a chance to leave?

Captain Hu, thank you for your hard work. Are your tasks clear? Luo Yao invited the commander of the special agent company to his office.

Sir, it's clear.

Okay, then you can start setting up your defenses. If you need anything, just say it. I will try my best to cooperate with you here. Luo Yao said.

When a special agent company is stationed, the security guard job is naturally handed over to them. They are all elite and professional.



Come in.

Team Qin, Zhao Shiyin has captured a special signal and would like to ask you to come over and listen to it. Chen Zerong opened the door and came in to report.

Okay, I'll come right away. Luo Yao stood up suddenly and quickly went to the telecommunications room with Chen Zerong. The manor's telecommunications room equipment could only be strengthened during this fake evacuation. He also sent the eavesdropping expert Zhao Shiyin was transferred here.

Zhao Shiyin and Wen Xueren are known as the golden girls in the secret interpretation room. Both of them have hearing that is different from ordinary people. Zhao Shiyin's detection ability is better than that of Wen Xueren, while Wen Xueren is better at detecting abnormal telecommunications signals.

Zhao Shiyin was not very outstanding when he was in the temporary training class. Unexpectedly, after entering the secret interpretation room, his ability improved by leaps and bounds.

Luo Yao is very optimistic about the two of them. It is said that the two of them are really interesting.

If they could form a couple, Luo Yao would definitely be happy to see it happen.

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