The secret war is silent

Chapter 443 There is a situation

Although the man was wearing a tattered beggar's outfit, the woman didn't dare to say anything.

Caused by prestige.

She was used to being under the control of this oppression.

Yingzi, are you doing well now? The man glanced at the row of high-end and expensive cosmetics on the dressing table, and his tone was cold.

Father, these are gifts from others. It would be bad if I don't accept them. The woman murmured and explained carefully, not at all as carefree as she was in the car just now.

I'm not blaming you. How is your mission accomplished? The man, probably Kondo Keiichi, asked coldly.

You asked me to enter the military command as a student, but if I want to enter the military command, their review has become very strict, especially for those who have been occupied by Japan. Merely having an identity is not enough, and someone needs to be a guarantee. They will also conduct Under political review, if someone is found to be unqualified, they will probably be executed directly! Yingzi explained, not daring to take a breath.

So, you're scared?

No, foster father, I didn't expect that the moment I set foot in the mountain city, I would encounter such a situation. I would be photographed by a photographer, and then I would enter the film industry in a daze...

Well, this is indeed beyond my expectation. However, your current status is quite good. At least no one will doubt you anymore.

Hearing Kondo Keiichi's approval, Su Ying'er (Sakurako) felt a stone fall in her heart.

Father, although I have not been able to break into the army, I now know a person. He is the station chief of the Xiangcheng station of the army, his name is Li Haihuai.

Li Haihuai, I know that this person is very capable. Many of the special agents we sent to Xiangcheng fell into his hands. Only 'haunted'... Speaking of haunted, Kondo Keiichi couldn't help but feel his heart twisting. pain.

An intelligence elite who had been lurking for more than three years disappeared like this, without even figuring out what happened.

Father, did something happen to 'Hen'?

Well, I have lost contact with him for more than five days. Judging from the current signs, he may have fallen into the hands of the Chinese or even been broken into pieces.

We met five or six days ago and didn't find anything unusual? Yingzi said in surprise.

What, have you seen it?

Yes, twice in total, both times in his store. The first time was when I met him, and the second time I went there quietly without anyone seeing it.

In other words, this is the first time someone has seen you?

The clerk in his store, but that time I went there in disguise, so what he saw was not my true face. Yingzi explained.

That's okay. I believe that 'Hana' is loyal to the empire. Even if he falls into the hands of the enemy, he will not betray you. Kondo Keiichi breathed a sigh of relief.

Father, has something really happened to 'Hen'?

Basically, it is certain that the Chinese assistant who developed the 'Hai', a doctor named Zhou Yuan, was arrested and was immediately ordered to be shot for 'traitor'. This Zhou Yuan and the 'Hai' were once classmates. He knows too much about the situation of 'Hana', and once he opens his mouth, 'Hie' will never be spared from being exposed... Keiichi Kondo said, If the Chinese hadn't publicized this matter in newspapers, I wouldn't have been sure. Something happened to the Animal.

Yingzi was frightened for a while, but she was secretly glad that she didn't go looking for Hairy again. In fact, she originally planned to go this afternoon, but was intercepted by someone. If she really went, the consequences would be disastrous.

Since Kondo Keiichi doesn't know about it, the enemy must have set up a dragnet waiting for her at the Hana's residence.

I was really shocked when I saw my adoptive father in Hongbin Building just now. Why are you here?

I can't help it. Something happened here, and I had to come. I don't know what kind of virtue that Fujita guy has? Kondo Keiichi said while cleaning the dirt on his face.

You're here for a mission, right?

Well, 'Hana' told you everything?

He told me something, but the details are not very clear. Foster father, we are in a city controlled by China this time, and the risk of the mission is too great.

No matter how risky the mission is, it must be completed. This is the order given by Commander Okamura. Otherwise, I would not come in person. Kei Kondo said, It has been a long time since I sneaked into the enemy to carry out such a mission. I feel nostalgic. That thrilling feeling.”

Father, I wanted to go to see 'Hen' today. I had important news to tell him, but Li Haihuai disturbed me. Fortunately, it was him, otherwise I might have fallen into the hands of the Chinese. Yingzi explained. road.

You go to see 'Hen,' but you want to tell him that our target has changed?

Yes, at noon today, they evacuated from Rongyuan No. 4. It is not clear where exactly they moved.

I've seen it too, and that's why I came to you. Kei Kondo said, That Li Haihuai is the commander of the Xiangcheng Station of the Military Command. He must know a lot of secrets that we don't know. You can find a way to get close to him and learn from him. He told me the address of the new location of the code-breaking team.

But he is a very alert person, and I have only known him for a short time, and he would never say anything to me.

You only need to provide me with his whereabouts, and I will take care of the rest. Kondo Keiichi said after thinking for a while.


You don't need to participate in this mission. You are my trump card. There are more important tasks for you to do next. Kondo Keiichi said.

Yes, foster father.

That Li Haihuai's status in the military system is not low. You can take a good look at it to see if you can enter the military system through him. Kondo Keiichi ordered, If that doesn't work, you can use another method.

What the foster father means is...

It's not impossible to marry him and be his wife. Kei Kondo said.


It's time for me to go. I won't arrange for anyone to contact you here. The contact method is still the same. Kondo Keiichi stood up and said.

Father, I will send you off.

No need.

The director of the manor where Luo Yao lives now is named Yang, so let's call him Yang Yuan.

Brother, are you still awake? When Li Fu got up at night, he found that the light in the study room on the second floor was still on, indicating that Luo Yao had not rested yet.

Well, let's sort out some information. Luo Yao was sitting under the desk lamp, writing something. He looked up and saw Li Fu coming in and explained.

You almost didn't sleep all night last night. If you don't rest, you won't be able to bear it.

It's okay. I'm sleepy. I'll go to bed naturally. Luo Yao covered his mouth and yawned. He had already taken a small sip of the cup of coffee beside him.

Look at you, you're so sleepy and you still don't go to bed. What time is it? Li Fu asked, pointing to the time on his wrist.

Okay, okay, I won't write anymore, I'm going to bed now. Luo Yao put on the pen and said, I've never seen such a mother-in-law like you.

Xiao Hui is not here, so I have to keep an eye on you for her.

What benefits has Gong Hui given you, and you still look after me for her? Luo Yao stood up angrily, walked to the simple camp bed next to him, sat down, and lay down and asked.

Xiao Hui said that you don't have to worry about flirting with women, but you must be on time for meals and rest. Li Fu chuckled, These are the exact words. If you don't believe me, you can ask her when you go back.

Turn off the lights for me when you leave! Luo Yao rolled his eyes at him, then closed his eyes, turned his head, and ignored him.

Li Fu, did Gong Hui really say that? In the next room, Li Fu and Chen Zerong were hiding in bed and whispering to you.

Why are you eavesdropping on my conversation with eldest brother?

I just happened to pass by the study. When you were talking, the door was not closed. It came into my ears on its own. What can I do?

Let me tell you, when we were about to set off, Gong Hui pulled me aside and said it herself. I don't know where they are now. I am worried for them. Li Fu sighed.

What's the point of being anxious? It's useless if you don't worry. Besides, the military now prohibits marriage. If we hadn't gotten married long ago, we probably wouldn't be able to get married now. Chen Zerong said.

No, there are always exceptions...

You are talking about Consultant Osborne and Xu Zhen, right? They are only consultants, not members of the military command. Xu Zhen has not joined the military command, so there is no problem?

That's not true... Li Fu Qingzhi almost spilled the beans and said hurriedly, Sleep, sleep, let them settle their own matters.

After listening to the whispers of Li Fu and Chen Zerong in the middle of the night, Luo Yao smiled helplessly in his heart, turned over, turned his face to the other side, and gradually fell asleep.

It's rainy in autumn in northern Hunan. When I woke up in the morning, I found that it rained lightly in the middle of the night yesterday, and it gradually stopped in the early morning.

When it rains, the cold becomes heavier.

When I came out of the mountain city, a shirt and a thin coat were enough. Now I need to wear a slightly thicker coat. Girls who are afraid of the cold should put on a sweater when they get up in the morning. Okay, otherwise it would be really cold.

Li Haihuai is here.

He comes every day, sometimes in the morning, sometimes at noon, sometimes in the evening, and he wants to communicate some situations with Luo Yao.

Although he is the station chief of the Xiangcheng Station, the current top commander of the task of trapping the Japanese agent team is Luo Yao, who is the deputy commander.

Does he have any complaints?

Really not, but some people under his command could not stand it, but they were suppressed by him. Why, how long can Luo Yao stay in Xiangcheng?

This kind of good thing about taking credit for nothing and not taking responsibility on your own does not happen all the time.

Brother Haihuai, you really don't need to come here in person every day. There's nothing particularly important. Just make a phone call. Luo Yao still woke up and heard Yang Fan report that Li Haihuai was here and he had to get up to greet him.

Otherwise it would be disrespectful.

You just made a big move here. If I don't come and take a look, I won't be worried. Li Haihuai explained hurriedly.

Actually, Brother Haihuai, you need to worry more about Rongyuan No. 4. Luo Yao said seriously. He is on the Yang Yuan side. Rongyuan No. 4 really needs Li Haihuai to pay more attention. Woolen cloth.

Although the security measures there were quite strict, he was still a little worried. That was the most important thing.

The enemy's movements are still unclear. It's like the Sword of Damocles hanging above his head. He is always on guard.

I have something to inform you about, right?

Oh, what's going on? Luo Yao asked in surprise.

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