The secret war is silent

Chapter 444 Traces

This is a place called Peach Blossom Ridge.

Li Haihuai's people received news that a group of broken-up soldiers had arrived here a few days ago. They were not many in number, only about twenty or thirty people.

When the village chief saw that they were a team fighting the Japanese, he placed them in the village ancestral hall and gave them rice, noodles, vegetables, and meat.

It is said that these people who fight the Japanese are heroes. Even if they don't have anything to eat, they still need to make sure these children are well fed so that they can go to the front line to fight the Japanese.

These defeated soldiers stayed in the village ancestral hall for three days.

During this period, the villagers had to save money from their own food rations to support them, and the village chief also planned to report this information to the town office.

However, a major officer of the national army who led the team refused, saying that they had already contacted the troops and were just taking a temporary rest here. They would leave soon to find their own troops and there was no need for trouble.

The village chief didn't think much about it. Anyway, one more thing is worse than one less thing. Since everyone has already contacted the army, why should he bother himself?

This group of defeated soldiers did not tell lies. They stayed in the village for three days and left quietly one morning.

The people in the village were all surprised that he left without saying hello. The village chief took people into the ancestral hall and took a look. They were completely surprised.

The village chief and villagers have all seen the military discipline of the national army. Even a very strict army can at best not disturb the people.

However, what they saw was a clean ancestral hall.

This reminded the village chief of the passing scene back then. Only the passing troops had such military discipline.

This village has taken in **. This is a big deal. If we don't report it and let people know about it, it will be a big disaster.

So the village chief rushed to the town hall to report the news.

The town office was also shocked. A group of criminals disguised as national troops were operating near Yuelu Mountain. What a big deal this was.

He quickly reported it to the Military Command Xiangcheng Station.

The person in charge of this town office was a member of the Xiangcheng Station of the Military Command, so Li Haihuai was the first to receive the news.

Although the relationship between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party is somewhat tense now, it is still at the stage of fighting without breaking up. Moreover, the anti-Japanese guerrillas of the Communist Party are not active in the Xiangcheng area, let alone disguised as national army troops. This is not to take the initiative to send handles to the country. In the hands of the army?

Li Haihuai immediately thought that this might be the elite Japanese special agent team that had penetrated into the vicinity of Xiangcheng.

Only they need to disguise their identities and not let the outside world know their identities and origins, but they have gone too far.

The military discipline of the national army has never been very good, but the central army is slightly better, not to mention the local armed forces.

This village chief is also careful.

I discovered this and reported the situation out of fear. Otherwise, it would be really difficult to discover this Japanese spy squad disguised as the national army.

Moreover, this Japanese army all speaks Chinese, although it is not a Xiangdi accent, which explains the problem.

The Japanese trained them to sneak into areas controlled by the national army to perform special tasks.

Such a Japanese army that can speak Chinese is more harmful than a squadron or even a large group of Japanese troops on the battlefield.

Of course, this news alone cannot be used to conclude that this team is the Japanese army. We need to come to confirm on the spot.

Every time we live, we will leave traces, no matter how clean we clean them.

Therefore, Li Haihuai came over early in the morning and dragged Luo Yao to Taohualing. The distance was not close and the road was not easy to walk. After it rained, cars could not go, so he had to ride a horse.

In this way, they still walked for more than two hours before arriving at Taohualing. Luo Yao and Li Haihuai were both accompanied by the person in charge of the town office, so their identities were naturally concealed.

But the village chief knew the person in charge of the town office, so there was no lie. He came to the village in person and welcomed Li Haihuai, Luo Yao and others in.

There was no time to chat with the village chief, so he went directly to the village ancestral hall.

Two officers, when they were stationed, the old man once brought them rice, noodles and vegetables... The village chief led the people inside and introduced them as they walked.

This room is where their officer lives...

There are many ways to judge whether this national army is a disguised Japanese army, such as their living habits. There are also habitual actions for talking and communicating with others.

Japanese people speak more modestly and always show themselves to be modesty and polite, which sometimes shows up when they are not paying attention.

Customary bowing and obedience to superiors.

This is also one of the characteristics.

There are also eating habits and so on.

Even if they have adapted to Chinese eating habits, they will still habitually use their own cooking techniques when cooking.

This was also the reason why they had to clean the ancestral hall thoroughly, but they were just too cautious.

Instead, the most important thing is ignored, the national conditions.

In such a small village, only a few people can have such knowledge, and the most knowledgeable person in the village is just the village chief.

The village chief is probably at the level of a primary school student, and the furthest he has traveled is probably Xiangcheng.

Xiangcheng is the provincial capital, and in his eyes it may be the most prosperous city in his life. As for Jinling and Jinghai, which are further away, he probably has never even thought about it.

Where is the swill they poured? Luo Yao asked.

Swill? The village chief was stunned and didn't understand what the identification of ** had to do with swill.

Don't ask for it, just bring the commander over quickly.

Yes. The person in charge of the town office urged, and the village chief quickly agreed and took Luo Yao over.

The weather is not too hot yet, and the vegetable leaves in the swill have not completely rotted.

Village chief, who are you? They attach great importance to food and will never waste any of it. Look, how many vegetable leaves are left in this swill? If you can't finish it, just throw it away. That's not in line with them. A diligent and frugal life style. Luo Yao said directly.

The village chief blinked, somewhat confused.

They are not 'Japanese', they are Japanese devils disguised as national troops. Luo Yao answered the question directly.

Ah! The village chief was frightened.

Village Chief, don't be nervous. This matter has nothing to do with you. They are so good at disguise. It's normal for you to tell them apart. If you can tell them, it may be dangerous. Maybe your village will be destroyed by them. Massacred. Luo Yao hurriedly comforted.

Thank you, sir. If I had known that they were the damn Japanese, I would have poisoned the rice and noodles for them. I would have poisoned them to death! the village chief swore viciously.

Village Chief, fortunately you didn't do this. These are not ordinary Japanese devils. They are very cautious in doing things. Even if you poison them, they will still be able to find it. Therefore, it is a good thing to pretend that you don't know what to do. Luo Yao chuckled. He could understand the village chief's indignation, but they were ordinary people after all and could not understand the power of these specially trained Japanese agents.

Thank you, sir. I understand, old man. The village chief thanked him. In fact, he was afraid that he would be held accountable and that he would not be able to bear this responsibility.

Brother Luo, come here and take a look.

This is the trace of the telegraph antenna being entangled. It's very new. It should be the latest. Luo Yao came over and recognized it after taking a quick look.

This is what they do, and they are very familiar with the methods and traces of building radio antennas.

Did they ask you to borrow a ladder?

I think I borrowed it, saying that I need to arrange a sentry on the roof and need a ladder to go up and down. The village chief recalled and nodded.

That's right. Luo Yao said to Li Haihuai, Brother Haihuai, we can basically confirm that the defeated Nationalist army that left Taohualing the day before yesterday was a Japanese detachment. They were troops pretending to be retreating from the Nationalist army. Those who sneaked in, because there are not many people and the inspection is not careful, it is easy for them to sneak in.

It is difficult for a large Japanese army to sneak in, but it is much easier for a small force like this. This kind of situation has happened before, but it was discovered quickly and could not sneak in so deep. Li Haihuai said in surprise.

Yes, it is not difficult for a single spy to infiltrate as long as he knows Chinese and our customs, but it is much more difficult for a small team, and if there are so many people, the only way to hide their secrets is to pretend to be one of us. Okay, we can only fish in troubled waters when the front troops are dispersed. This is actually an inspiration to us. Luo Yao said.

Let's not talk about inspiration now. The important thing is how to find this Japanese team that has sneaked in. Li Haihuai said.

Their target is me. He can't go far. He should be hiding somewhere nearby. Luo Yao said.

Then send someone to search?

In the name of gathering the defeated national army, an announcement was issued. Luo Yao said, Force them so that they can no longer hide.

You mean, if they are still hiding nearby, they won't be able to stay long if they hear the news of gathering the defeated troops, and they will definitely take action immediately?

Well, once their identities are exposed, they will be chased and intercepted by thousands of national troops. At that time, unless they have the ability to fly and escape, the possibility of escaping back will be infinitely close to zero! Luo Yaodao said.

I understand. I will issue an announcement to gather the national troops and break up the defeated troops, in the name of the Xiangcheng Garrison Headquarters. Li Haihuai said.

Brother Lao Haihuai.

You're welcome, we all work for the party and the country. Li Haihuai said, Why should we separate you and me?

It rained all night yesterday. Even if there are footprints left, they are probably gone now. Luo Yao still refused to give up and searched for a while out of the village in the direction the village chief said, but found nothing useful.

These people shouldn't get far.

But they probably don't dare to hide in the village anymore. It's a pity that they don't have a reconnaissance plane. Otherwise, they can take aerial photos of the nearby areas to find suspicious hiding places.

Judging from the time they left Taohualing, they should have been right after the guy who parachuted on a Japanese reconnaissance plane.

If there was no connection here, he wouldn't believe it even to death.

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