The secret war is silent

Chapter 445 Finally here

After struggling all morning, it was already past lunch time when we returned to Yangyuan. Fortunately, the kitchen had already reserved meals for them.

Otherwise, they will go hungry.

Brother Haihuai, thanks to you this time, you helped me confirm the existence of these people. Otherwise, I would still have been suspicious. During the meal, Luo Yao said gratefully to Li Haihuai.

Brother Qin, if something happens to you on my territory, I, the head of the Xiangcheng Station, will not be able to bear the consequences. Don't worry, I will order my people to investigate and dig out these people for you. Li Haihuai said.

When you find the target, don't alert the enemy. These people are elite Japanese agents. You can't let your brothers lose their lives in vain.

Don't worry, I'm not that stupid. Li Haihuai laughed.

After eating, it was okay. Li Haihuai sat for a while, then said goodbye and left. The whole Yangyuan returned to silence.

Next, the two targets of this elite Japanese agent team are Yang Yuan and Rongyuan No. 4.

It just depends on whether his series of fake moves can deceive the Japanese.

He has done everything he can, and the rest depends on God's will. God should be fair and just.

In a lush valley not far from Yangyuan, a small team wearing national army uniforms was hiding here.

They set up a wild camp and camouflaged it well.

In the afternoon, as dusk approached, a man wearing a straw hat and a gray-brown coat came along the winding mountain road, leaning on this wooden stick.

After walking for a while, I sat down and rested for a while. I also took out a picture, took a look at it, compared it, and determined the direction before moving forward.

His direction seemed to be that valley.

Chirp, chirp, chirp...

Suddenly he heard a bird chirping. The man in the straw hat raised his head and listened carefully. Then he also held his mouth and imitated the bird's chirping sound, and responded twice.


Two figures covered in grass jumped out from the grass. They looked like elite soldiers who were good at hiding. When they saw the man in the straw hat, they quickly surrounded them.

Not to do anything to him, but to protect him.

One of them took the lead without saying a word, and then the others protected the man in the straw hat and quickly headed into the woods.

A hidden cave, not big, but relatively dry inside.

The man in the straw hat walked in, and a man wearing the uniform of a major in the national army quickly came up to him and broke the salute: Sir Kondo, you are here.

Toshi Fujita, we finally meet. The man took off his straw hat and smiled. Who is Kondo Keiichi if he's not in disguise?

Sir Kondo, this is an enemy-controlled area. It's too dangerous. Why did you come here in person? Fujita Jun quickly asked Kondo Keiichi to sit down and asked his subordinates to pour a cup of hot water.

Kondo Keiichi sat down, picked up the cup and took a sip and said: I can't do it if I don't come. The 'hate' has been exposed, and now life or death is uncertain. General Okamura gave me a death order. I must get rid of this one. I can decipher it. Technical team for the Imperial Japanese Army’s secret communications.”

But we don't have the exact information and location of this group yet? Toshiya Fujita was anxious, but the information didn't belong to him, and he didn't dare to enter the city easily. Their disguise could fool the mountain villagers, but once they entered the city, Then it will be easy to reveal the secret.

You don't have to worry about this. Now that I'm here, I already have the exact information. Kondo Keiichi smiled slightly.

That's great, can we take action? Fujita Jun said happily.

Fujita-kun, the war situation is now quite unfavorable to us. The Chinese have now deciphered our communication code, and our deployment has no secrets to them. Therefore, General Okamura made a temporary retreat in order to fight again. Order, and we are fighting alone now. Once we launch an attack, we may face dozens of times the enemy's pursuit and interception. You must be mentally prepared for this! Kondo Keiichi said solemnly.

For the Holy War of the Empire, for His Majesty the Emperor, Fujita Jun will never give up! Fujita Jun stood at attention with a snap.

Very good, Fujita Shun, I saw you right. Kondo Keiichi nodded with satisfaction and took out a piece of paper from his arms, I saw this when I came here.

Announcement of gathering broken troops...

It's strange. Before the battle was over, the Chinese began to gather the defeated troops who were defeated. They believed that they would definitely win this battle. Kondo Keiichi said with a mocking smile.

Sir, what do you mean?

They have determined that you have sneaked in, and you are using the rout as a disguise, so that you can break through the blockade in the chaos. There is not much time left for us. Kei Kondo said, So, we have to act immediately.


Map. Kondo Keiichi ordered, and Fujita Shun immediately took out a one-hundred-thousandth map of Xiangcheng and its nearby topography and spread it out in front of him.

According to the exact information I have received, this deciphering team is formed with the military code deciphering room as its backbone. Its members include multiple technical departments engaged in cryptographic code deciphering in Chongqing. It can be said to be the elite of China's cryptographic code deciphering industry. If If we can eliminate this small team in one fell swoop, it will be an unparalleled contribution to the empire, Fujita-kun.

When Jun Fujita heard this, his breathing became rapid with excitement. He had received the education and thought of sacrificing everything for the Japanese Empire since he was a child, and he had a fanatical pursuit of meritorious deeds.

They did not enter Xiangcheng with an open identity. Instead, like you, they disguised themselves as members of the field service corps and quietly came to Xiangcheng to assist the work of the Ninth War Zone. Our previous failure to land in Yingtian was most likely due to They deciphered our communication codes, which led to the failure of our combat plan. It can be said that because of this small team, our carefully prepared battle suffered the biggest setback! Kondo Keiichi said through gritted teeth.

Sir Kondo, we must completely wipe this team from this world! Toshi Fujita said loudly.

Of course, otherwise, I wouldn't be here. Kei Kondo said, Due to the exposure of the 'Hana', I must come over to personally coordinate and direct this operation.

Sir Kondo, please rest assured.

We went on to say that their initial station was No. 4, Rongyuan, Xumingli, outside the south gate of Xiangcheng. The commander of this small team was a very conceited man. He did not separate himself from the field service group, but continued Borrowing this identity and hiding in it is probably for our own ridiculous independence, which gives us an opportunity...

After 'Hai was exposed, they probably realized that the location of No. 4 Rongyuan might have been exposed, so they immediately moved. This time they chose the private estate of a wealthy businessman in the western suburbs, which is here... Keiichi Kondo Gently place your finger on a certain location on the map.

Wait a minute, Chief Kondo, this place doesn't seem to be far from us? Fujita Jun took a look and said immediately.

Yes, that's why I asked you to choose a suitable place to hide near here. Kondo Keiichi explained, But our goal is not to directly attack their place. I believe it is heavily guarded. Attacking us by force would cause huge losses, and since we don’t have heavy weapons, that would be tantamount to suicide...

Fujita Jun's eyes were filled with admiration. Kondo Keiichi was not a commander who would let his subordinates die easily.

The opponent probably guessed that we were going to attack them, so they deliberately tried to change the situation and used themselves as bait to trick us into being fooled. In fact, they have never moved their base at all! Kei Kondo said.

Is this a trap? Fujita Jun asked in surprise.

Of course, the sudden exposure of 'Hana' made me think of a possibility, which is probably related to one person. Kei Kondo said.


Luo Yao, code name: Di Ting, is the deputy director of the military secret interpretation room. He is very young, no more than twenty-five years old. He is a newcomer who has emerged in the past year. Our Viper intelligence team in the mountain city is in his hands. , and Mr. Wang's intelligence network were all destroyed in the hands of this person, and the failure of the Kuroki team was also related to him. Keiichi Kondo said angrily, He is also the person in charge of leading the team this time, and this person has become The great enemy of the empire must be eliminated.”

Sir Kondo, what should we do? Please tell me. Fujita Jun said obediently.

He wants to use himself to lure us into attacking the heavily ambushed manor. How can we do what he wants? My plan is to split your team into two...

I understand, Fujita will definitely complete the mission. Fujita Shun's face became serious. He understood Kondo Keiichi's plan, which was to use a small force to attack Rongyuan No. 4, forcing the people in Yangyuan to attack No. 4 after receiving the news. Time to back up.

Then another team ambush Yang Yuan on the road he must pass to Rongyuan No. 4.

This move is very vicious.

If Kondo Keiichi's guess is correct, once Rongyuan No. 4 is attacked, Luo Yao in Yangyuan will definitely think that his plan has failed and immediately rush to rescue.

And if Rongyuan No. 4 is just an empty shell, then this fight can also test the reality. Of course, in this way, if you want to attack Yang Yuan again, you will probably have no chance.

Kondo Keiichi is gambling, but it is not a gamble without basis. As an experienced agent.

The opponent's choice to evacuate Rongyuan No. 4 in broad daylight is very suspicious, although it can be explained, because there are relatively few secret messages coming and going during the day, and relocating and settling down will be more conducive to detection and deciphering work at night.

A large number of secret communications are carried out at night, but now the fighting between China and Japan is fierce. The fighting is more intense during the day and the communications are more intensive. Therefore, relocation during the day is not consistent with common sense. This is probably a fake move.

As a senior agent, he knows one thing very well, that is, what you see with your eyes may not be true, you have to see with your heart.

Keiichi Kondo is quite confident in his own judgment.

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