The secret war is silent

Chapter 448 Already prepared

On the hillside, Kondo Keiichi and Fujita Jun led the remaining twenty Japanese agents to ambush here since the first half of the night.

Not far away, you can see a telephone pole.

Under the telephone pole is a winding mountain road. If Yangyuan returns to Xiangcheng, this mountain road must be passed.

There is a sharp bend here. Whether you arrive here by car or horseback, you need to slow down. Moreover, because of such a sharp bend, the line of sight is blocked, and the vegetation on the hillside blocks it, making it difficult to spot the ambush.

Kondo Keiichi chose the ambush location here after careful consideration.

Sir Kondo, Morishita-kun is gone. Fujita Jun came over and sat down next to Kondo Keiichi.

Morishita-kun is loyal to the country and deserves to die. Kondo Keiichi is used to seeing life and death, and his heart has long been as hard as black iron.

Just now, through monitoring their phone calls, they will not return until dawn. Fujita Shun said.

Well, the opponent is very smart. Since everything is safe in Rongyuan, there is no need to risk returning to Xiangcheng at night. Kei Kondo said, Assign people to be on guard. The others can take a rest and recharge their batteries.


A touch of fish-belly white appeared in the east, which was a sign that the sky was about to break. Luo Yao actually stayed up all night, sitting on the balcony of the study on the second floor wearing a military blanket.

All he was thinking about was his success, failure, gains and losses in Xiangcheng this time.

Brother, breakfast is ready. Come down and eat together? Li Fu knocked on the door and came in, asking Luo Yao to go down and have breakfast.

Well, just wash your face. Luo Yao stood up and said.

Breakfast is very simple, consisting of steamed buns, porridge and pickles. The steamed buns are mixed with grains, and the white flour steamed buns are unaffordable.

Let the brothers eat freely. Only when you are full can you have the strength to travel and fight. Luo Yao ordered.

Qin Group, do you want to fight?

It is expected that there will be a fierce battle, Captain Sun. You and your brothers must be prepared. Our enemies are well-trained agents. Their combat power is far superior to ours. They may also carry special weapons. Luo Yaodian nodded.

Special weapon, what is it?

Gas bombs.

But we didn't bring gas masks...

It doesn't matter, we have already prepared it for you. In a moment, you can ask each of the brothers to get one. You don't need to be taught how to use it, right? Luo Yao asked.

We can do this. Captain Sun nodded.

After a while, we will be divided into two parts. I will lead the team in front. Company Commander Sun, you will lead the large team in the back. The distance will not exceed five miles. We will carry portable radios and we will keep in touch at any time. Luo Yao ordered.

Qin group, why don't you go together?

If the Japanese army sees that we have a strong force and does not launch an attack halfway, but lets us pass and directly attacks Yangyuan, it will be troublesome. Therefore, we must lure it to ambush us halfway, and then you lead a large force to kill us from behind. , completely eliminate them, so that you can have peace of mind. Luo Yao explained.


Li Fu, you stay, Yang Fan comes with me. Luo Yao turned to Li Fu and ordered.

Why did I stay?

After this attack in Rongyuan, Team 'X' will definitely not be able to live anywhere else. Moving to Yangyuan is an inevitable choice. You are not allowed to stay and tidy up the room that should be vacated? Luo Yao heheed.

Why me, can't Lao Yi do it?

Lao Yi is familiar with the terrain, are you familiar with it?

I..., where is Yang Fan, can he stay? Li Fu said unwillingly.

If you can match Yang Fan in fighting and marksmanship, I wouldn't mind letting him stay and do this job?

Li Fu was very frustrated. He was not good at either of these things, and there were many dangers on the trip, so this was exactly what he needed.

You need to stay vigilant if you stay here. Once we leave, the interior of Yangyuan will be empty and it will be easy for others to take advantage of it. Before we return, anyone who comes even half a step closer to Yangyuan will be shot to death! Luo Yao ordered.


7:54 am!

A black car walked in front, followed by a truck with a light machine gun mounted on the roof of the truck.

There was a squad of heavily armed secret service soldiers in the car.

Two cars drove over from the winding mountain road. In the late autumn morning, the mountains were covered with a layer of mist, visibility was not high, and the speed of the cars was naturally not fast.

This is quite advantageous for the Fujita team ambushing at the corner of the hillside. First of all, there is the problem of sight.

It would be difficult for the people in the car to detect their ambush. Secondly, after the attack was successful, they could quickly evacuate with the help of the fog.

This undoubtedly improves their survival rate.

As long as they leave the battlefield in time, the chance of their team returning alive will be greatly increased.

No one wants to die here if they can go back alive.

Captain, here we come... A team member climbed up to Fujita Jun and told him in his ear, There are two cars in total, a black car in front and a truck in the back. There are about ten people in total.

Xingxi, finally we've waited. Fujita Jun showed a cruel smile and let himself lie down in this ungrateful place all night, especially in the second half of the night, it was too cold, and his military blanket He even asked Keiichi Kondo to take it, but he couldn't help it. Another person would have had an attack.

Kondo Keiichi is his superior, does he dare?

There was no clothing to keep out the cold, so I could only resist until dawn. I took two bites of the cold rice balls hidden in my arms, and moved my body a little, and then I felt a little warm.

The sun is coming up soon, and the fog will dissipate soon. We must seize this opportunity and make a quick decision! Kondo Keiichi's gloomy voice sounded behind Toshi Fujita.


God is really helping me with this fog! Kondo Keiichi said with a proud smile, Use special bombs to reduce our casualties.


The so-called special bomb is a kind of nerve gas bomb, which was airdropped along with Kondo Keiichi. At the beginning, Fujita team did not carry this. Once discovered, their identity will definitely be revealed, so even their equipment is from the national army. Of course, they are all trained, and they use the same equipment as the national army.

Because of this, their team this time repeatedly deceived the national army and infiltrated into Xiangcheng without being known at all.

In the car, Luo Yao reached out and rolled down the window.

Team leader... Yang Fan was surprised and was about to remind Luo Yao that this was too dangerous. Although the car glass was not bulletproof, it could at least block some damage from shrapnel or stray bullets.

Luo Yao shook his head. Of course he knew what Yang Fan meant, but the purpose of rolling down the window was to hear the movement outside more clearly.

Separated by a layer of glass, it is obviously different.

After rolling down the window glass and walking on a mountain road with only a hundred meters of visibility, Luo Yao could hear farther with his own ears.

This is still in the process of marching, and if it is prohibited, it can be further.

There's a sharp turn ahead, slow down!

How did Team Leader Qin know there was a sharp turn ahead? Yi Xuezhong, who was sitting in the passenger seat, asked in surprise.

Haha, we have walked this road several times. Although the visibility is not high now, based on some signs on the roadside, I can basically judge where the car is now. Luo Yao explained with a smile.

Of course he wouldn't say that he heard it himself, because the mountain road turned and the changes in the mountain wind and airflow acted on the leaves, causing subtle vibrations.

If a normal person is nearby, he can actually hear the sound, but he cannot distinguish the wind direction, and then the wind direction can be used to determine the terrain.

Of course, this also needs to be combined with his memory. After all, it is a road traveled, and some impressions will naturally remain in his mind.

The combination of many factors will naturally determine that there is a sharp turn ahead.

Also, this is a great place to set up an ambush.

Luo Yao had already studied this place on the map. It was one of the most dangerous places on the way back to Xiangcheng. If he were the commander of the Japanese spy team, this would be his first choice.

Be careful of sharp turns ahead, drive slowly! Luo Yao warned.


The speed of the car has obviously slowed down, and Luo Yao can hear farther and clearer, and he can hear subtleties more clearly.


A slight whisper penetrated his ears!

Yang Fan, send a signal to the car behind you and get ready for battle. Luo Yao suddenly opened his eyes and ordered Yang Fan, who was sitting next to him, calmly and unquestionably, Quickly!

Without doubting his presence, Yang Fan stretched out his arm out of the window and made a gesture to the truck behind him.

When the second lieutenant national army platoon leader in the cab of the rear car saw this gesture, he immediately raised his hand and struck his subordinate in the rear car.

In an instant, the machine gunner lying on the roof of the truck reached out and pulled the bolt of the gun, loading the bullet. The soldiers in the carriage also looked nervous and prepared for battle.

Do! Do!

It was the sound of a grenade launcher.

Stop and prepare to fight!

Following Luo Yao's order, the driver slammed on the brakes, and the parking space was thrown out due to inertia. It moved sideways and stopped in the middle of the mountain road.

Two small black dots soared into the sky and landed in the open space between the two cars. They did not explode, but two streaks of white smoke came out!


It is possible that one bomb is a dud, but the probability of both being duds is too small.

That's not a dumb bomb, it's a poison gas bomb. Everyone, wear gas masks, use our cars as shelters, and prepare to fight! Luo Yao reacted very quickly. It was impossible for the Japanese to fire two useless ammunition. It was obvious that they At first, poison gas bombs banned by international conventions were used.

This was an intention to kill them at the minimum cost. Fortunately, he was prepared, otherwise, there would be no other way except to flee in all directions.

But once they inhale the poisonous gas or flee in all directions, it heralds their doom.

This trick is too poisonous!

Nani, they actually carried gas masks? Keiichi Kondo and Shun Fujita, who were in ambush on the hillside, saw Luo Yao and others quickly take off the gas masks they carried and put them on.

They instantly felt heartbroken. How could these Chinese people carry gas masks? Were they prepared for it?

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