The secret war is silent

Chapter 449 Injured

These Chinese not only carried gas masks, but also took their time to rely on two cars as bunkers and assumed a fighting posture.

None of the expected scenarios came true.

Kondo Keiichi's face was gloomy, as if he could squeeze out water, and Fujita Shun's face was even more twisted, and he pulled out his command knife.

He couldn't take any chances, so he had to attack by force. This time, he only brought four poison gas bombs, and he had used two of them in one go just now.

Even if the remaining two were shot out, they would be useless.

The only option is to attack by force.

The sound of gunshots broke the silence instantly!

Bullets flew randomly, hitting the steel plate of the car, and sparks flew out. The originally peaceful mountain road immediately turned into a battlefield.

The enemy is on the hillside, less than fifty meters away.

At such a close distance, it seems that he was well prepared. Yi Xuezhong could only rely on instinct to identify the direction and aim to fight back.

Luo Yao specially brought a Browning pistol when he went out this time. Although his marksmanship was not very good, he could at least fight back with a gun.

This feeling of a hail of bullets.

It wasn't the first time he had experienced it, and he didn't feel scared at all. On the battlefield, the more scared he was, the faster he would die.

He understands this truth.

Company Commander Sun and his brigade are about three miles behind. As long as they hold on for four or five minutes, the brigade will be able to come up.

Even if the Japanese spy squad cannot be completely annihilated by then, there will be absolutely no problem in repelling it.


There is indeed a sharpshooter among the little devils.

Luo Yao was horrified to see that a soldier from the special agent company was shot in the neck as soon as he showed his head. His head tilted to one side and he fell down.

This bloody scene is so shocking.

Yang Fan, can you kill this guy? Luo Yao leaned against the car, panting, and asked Yang Fan beside him.

Yes, but you have to give me a rifle, not a pistol. Yang Fan said while fighting back.

Okay! Luo Yao nodded, We will cover you with firepower!

Luo Yao gave an order, and the guns in everyone's hands fired. For a time, the firepower of the Japanese agents who were ambushing them on the hillside was greatly weakened.

Shoot, shoot!

Fujita Shun roared while waving his command sword.

Yang Fan saw this opportunity and quickly ran towards the killed spy company soldier. He had a medium-sized rifle in his hand.

Calculate the time.


The Japanese sharpshooter opened fire, and Yang Fan's body rushed forward and suddenly swung across, deflecting by three points.

The bullet almost flew past its belly.

Extremely thrilling.

When the Japanese sharpshooter wanted to aim and shoot again, Yang Fan had already picked up the rifle of the soldier from the National Army Special Agent Company from the ground.

When the national soldier died just now, the bullet was already loaded and ready to be fired. But just when he was about to pull the trigger, the Japanese sharpshooter was one step ahead of him.

Therefore, when Yang Fan picked it up, he didn't need to load it at all. He just raised his hand and pulled the trigger.


The rifles used on the opposite side were all medium and high-end rifles. Yang Fan knew the performance and parameters of this gun very clearly, so there was no need to calibrate it at all. It was just a shot based on feeling.

Xiao Lin-kun...

Fujita Jun's ferocious face suddenly turned white.

The sharpshooter in the Japanese spy team fell down. If he had not fired this time, he would have died.

This can be considered tit-for-tat.

Although the Japanese spy squad no longer has sharpshooters, their marksmanship is still very accurate and much more powerful than the most elite spy company of the national army.

Soon, they suffered casualties, and on Luo Yao's side, only Yang Fan and the national army second lieutenant platoon leader could compete with the Japanese agents on the hillside.

But just one or two people cannot sustain the situation.

On Luo Yao's side, the driver who drove him had also been shot. Although he was not dead and was still breathing, if he did not receive treatment, he would bleed to death in a few minutes.

Seeing that the situation was under his control, Fujita Jun waved his hand, and the Japanese agents on the hillside rushed down one after another.

Luo Yao's side had already suffered more than half of its casualties, and only four or five of them were able to fight. The others were either killed or seriously injured and lost their fighting ability.

The situation is extremely critical.

However, Captain Sun's team has not arrived yet, which makes Luo Yao feel a little bad inside, especially if there is a problem in any link.

Quick, get in the car...

When Yang Fan heard Luo Yao's voice, he reached out and opened the door of the truck, got in, started it, and drove the truck forward.

Luo Yao lifted Yi Xuezhong up, then jumped into the truck himself.

Yang Fan drove the truck and rammed the car that was lying on the road away, and rushed forward crazily.

Watch out for the roadblock ahead!

Since the Japanese are ambushing here, they will definitely set up roadblocks in front. Otherwise, they have cars and don't need to stop at all. They would have rushed over long ago.

Let's go down!

A huge boulder lay across the middle of the road, and sure enough there was a roadblock.

As soon as Yang Fan turned the steering wheel in his hand, the front of the truck suddenly tilted and rushed down the slope of the mountain road.

Finally, intensive gunshots rang out from behind. It was probably Captain Sun who had led his team to catch up and fought with the Japanese spy team.

The truck rushed down with huge inertia, and the brakes didn't work at all.

The front of the car seemed to hit something. Luo Yao and Yi Xuezhong behind the car were thrown up in the air, and then fell down hard...

Wake up, wake up...

There were noisy screams in his ears, his head hurt, and there was a buzzing sound inside, as if there were thousands of bees flying inside. Luo Yao once again felt like he was on the verge of death.

Brother, how are you? He opened his eyes and saw a blurry figure, but it was still unclear. Luo Yao tried his best, but couldn't resist the pain in his body and closed his eyes again.

Doctor, what's going on? Why did you faint again after you woke up?

It's okay. This is a sign before waking up. It should be fine after a while. The doctor came over to check and said.

Doctor, how long will it take to wake up?

I'm not sure about this, but judging from the patient's reaction just now, he should really wake up soon. You don't have to worry, just take good care of him. The doctor affirmed.

Thank you, doctor.

When Luo Yao woke up again, a few hours later, his head no longer hurt so much, but he still had no strength in his body.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself lying in the room. He could smell the smell of disinfectant in his nostrils. He must be in a hospital.

He actually didn't die.

Good thing.

He remembered that he was riding Yang Fan and driving a truck down the mountain road, and then he was thrown into the air by inertia and fell heavily.

My head seemed to hit something, and I fell unconscious.

He didn't know what was going on outside or how long he had been unconscious. Slowly, he felt that he could move.

He turned his head slightly and looked around. This was still a separate ward, and there was no one else except him.

He opened his mouth to call someone, but the words reached his throat and he couldn't shout.

Luo Yao could feel the presence of his hands and feet, and he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. At least he knew that he was still intact, so there was hope of recovery.

After a long wait, someone finally came in, a young female nurse.

After she came in, she saw Luo Yao looking at her with his eyes open, and said in surprise: Mr. Qin, are you awake?

Can you tell me where this place is?

This is Xiangya Hospital.

Oh, can you call the escort over for me? Luo Yao requested.

Okay, Mr. Qin, please wait a moment, I'll go right away. The nurse trotted out with cheerful steps.

When a patient wakes up, this is probably the happiest thing for medical staff.

Within a moment, the large ward was filled with people. In addition to the doctors and nurses, there were Li Fu, Chen Zerong and his wife, Li Haihuai, Yang Fan, who was wearing a cane and wrapped like a pig's head. If it weren't for those familiar eyes, he would still be there. I really can't tell who it is.

It's not a big problem. I can be discharged from the hospital after a while of rest. I'm so lucky! The attending doctor exclaimed after carefully checking again.

Great! Everyone looked happy when they heard the news. If something happened to Luo Yao, it would be a serious problem.

The patient needs to rest now. Don't talk too long, no more than half an hour at a time. The attending doctor warned before leaving.

With the help of everyone, Luo Yao sat up and leaned against the bed.

How many days have I been in a coma?

Three whole days. Li Fu stretched out three fingers and said.

What's going on with the battle between Captain Sun and the Japanese spy squad? Luo Yao asked with concern. He wanted to know if the Japanese squad was completely retained.

On that day, after Company Commander Sun and his troops arrived, they fought fiercely with the Japanese spy team for more than ten minutes. The enemy did not want to fight and retreated on their own initiative. Company Commander Sun and his troops chased them and finally let them get away. Li Fu explained.

Luo Yao sighed. The spy company and the Japanese spy squad were not on the same level as opponents. Unless it was an encirclement or annihilation battle, if the Japanese spy squad really wanted to retreat, it would be really difficult to stop them with the strength of Captain Sun.

Being able to repel them is already amazing.

What are our casualties?

Six of the brothers who were with us sacrificed their lives, and three survived. Both drivers were killed. Company Commander Sun and the others were also injured twelve times, with nine killed in action, while the other party only suffered four killed, including the captured man. The sharpshooter who killed Yang Fan.

Luo Yao was silent after hearing this. This casualty ratio was a bit high, but it also showed that these Japanese agents who sneaked in were well-trained elites. Ordinary soldiers were no match for them, not even elite spy companies.

Where is Lao Yi, how is he? Luo Yao suddenly remembered that he rushed down the mountain with Yi Xuezhong, why didn't he see him?

Yi Xuezhong broke his ribs and left calf. He is lying next to you. He is not as lucky as you. He will probably have to stay in the hospital for a few months. Li Fu explained, It is not life-threatening.

Hearing this, Luo Yao breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he is alive, his injuries will heal slowly, and he will eventually recover one day.

Brother Qin, the news that you were seriously injured and comatose has been reported to the Shancheng Bureau headquarters. Boss Dai has personally instructed that you must be cured! Li Haihuai said, I sent a telegram three minutes a day to ask about your situation. You are fine now. , you can report it.”

Thank you, Brother Haihuai.

Why are you so polite? If you survive a catastrophe, you will have good fortune in the future. Brother Qin, Commander Xue heard that you were ambushed and injured by a Japanese special agent team. He was furious and ordered all the national army checkpoints in northern Hunan to strictly check the refugees and the dispersed nationals. Soldiers, any suspicious persons will be arrested immediately! Li Haihuai chuckled, Chief Xue said that even if the land in northern Hunan is turned over, the Japanese spy team that ambushed you will be dug out.

Luo Yao smiled and said in his heart: I'm afraid it's not that easy.

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