The secret war is silent

Chapter 450 It would be better if I woke up one day earlier

Mountain City, Shapingba Guest House under the Secret Interpretation Office.

The news that Luo Yao was seriously injured spread, not only the bureau headquarters was agitated, but the entire code interpretation room was also in strong turmoil. The atmosphere was a bit unusual, considering the achievements of the code interpretation room.

Luo Yao, the leader, occupies an extremely important position.

From the secret research team to the secret interpretation room, Luo Yao is the well-deserved soul figure. Without Luo Yao, he could control the entire secret interpretation room.

It was impossible for Chi An and others to study and decipher the secret codes without any distractions. It was Luo Yao who created a stress-free external environment for them.

This is important.

If Luo Yao hadn't been watching, would Wei Daming have allowed the secret research team and even the secret translation room to exist?

Wei Daming's style of behavior would never give people like Chi An a relaxed environment and such generous treatment.

If something happens to Luo Yao, or he is even unable to see things, it may be a life-and-death test for the secret interpretation room which is currently on the rise.

Luo Yao is here, no matter how many small tricks people like Wei Daming and Chen Zuxun make, as long as he comes back, all power will be taken back.

This is inevitable.

No one is worried, so even if Wei Daming poaches some people and power now, it is still impossible to shake Luo Yao's control over the secret translation room.

Gong Hui, Chi An, Qi Zhibin, Su Li and others join forces to gain real power in the secret translation room. If Wei Daming wants to seize power, he must find a way to win them all while they are still in office.

The problem is that as long as Luo Yao is here and these people do not make mistakes, Wei Daming and Chen Zuxun have no right to interfere with the personnel arrangements of the secret interpretation room.

These powers cannot belong to Luo Yao even if he is not in the secret translation room.

The director of the secret interpretation room is Mao Qiwu. Although he is only in name, if he really wants to touch the personnel of the secret interpretation room.

There was no way around Mao Qiwu. Wei Daming was not Luo Yao, but the head of the secret translation room appointed by Dai Yunong. He was just a consultant.

But as soon as something happened to Luo Yao, problems arose.

This also exposed the biggest problem of the secret interpretation room. It thrives on people. Once there is a problem with Luo Yao, the leader, it is likely to cause difficulties in the operation of the entire organization, and even internal conflicts will be exposed.

Regarding the situation in the secret interpretation room, although Gong Hui is now headed by Gong Hui, Gong Hui's reputation is not justified after all, so the large secret interpretation room is led by a young woman.

Naturally there are people below who are dissatisfied.

Chi An and the other old men who followed him to conquer the country wouldn't say anything. At least they all knew Gong Hui. Even if Luo Yao was really gone, Xiao Sui Chengui could still do it.

The problem is that Gong Hui's qualifications and prestige are not enough. She wants to be promoted unless she gets the support of Dai Yunong.

It's not easy.

Even difficult.

Secret meetings have been held for two consecutive nights, and all the people Luo Yao trusts are participating. How should we deal with this situation now?

Wei Daming's side was already silent, but in the past two days, small movements have begun, and the people who originally belonged to their side began to feel excited.

He was seriously injured and fell into a coma. He didn't know if he could wake up, and even if he could, he didn't know when.

The crisis of life and death in the secret translation room suddenly came, which caught everyone in Gong Hui by surprise.

Yes, of course it cannot be held at Songlinpo Mansion.

That's not a catch, and there's no guarantee that the secret won't be leaked.

What should I do? You guys want to say something? The room was filled with smoke. This was absolutely not allowed in a veterinary station.

Cao Hui, who had a somewhat irritable temper, asked directly.

What can we do? As long as Director Luo is alive, people like Wei Daming and Chen Zuxun will not dare to mess around. Su Li said.

How many times have you said this? The problem is that Wei Daming and Chen Zuxun are becoming more and more aggressive. Chen Zuxun is the deputy director. No one here has a higher position than him. Sister Hui is only the deputy director!

But there are so many of us, can Chen Zuxun kick us all out? Qi Zhibin said.

So far, the news coming back is that it's not at that point yet. Luo Yao's injury is stable, but he just hasn't woken up. Chi An hesitated for a moment, took a long drag on his cigarette, and put out the cigarette butt.

Lao Chi, you are too blindly optimistic. What if Director Luo can't wake up? After saying this, Jia Bingwen said Bah three times in a row.

How often do you contact me?

Three hours.

Change it to two hours.

Okay. Su Li agreed. The guest house is now Su Li's territory, and everyone here is his own.

I plan to go to Xiangcheng. At home, Lao Chi and Lao Qi will be in charge. Su Li and Cao Hui will help. You don't need to do anything, just stabilize the situation. Gong Hui decided.

Sister Hui...

You don't need to say anything, I have made up my mind. No matter what the final result is, I must accompany him now. Gong Hui said firmly, If something happens to him, we can't do anything here, but if he is okay, then Everything will go back to how it was before.”

It's okay for Deputy Station Director Gong to go there. At this time, we just need to stabilize ourselves internally. If Deputy Director Chen wants to do anything, just let them do it. It won't be too late to deal with it when Director Luo comes back. Chi An said.

Yes, let's take this opportunity to take a good look at how many people are thinking of us and how many are not worthy of reuse at all. Su Li nodded.

Yes, after this incident, you can see where people stand.

Su Li, we must not relax our surveillance of the target, and we must not let her escape our sight. Gong Hui ordered Su Li.

I know, Sister Hui, don't worry.

Let's break up. It's getting late. Let's go back and rest. Gong Hui waved his hand.

Back at her residence, Gong Hui packed her things and prepared to leave for Xiangcheng tomorrow. She suddenly realized that she could not find a single photo with Luo Yao.

The only photo of her and Luo Yao was in the temporary training class, a photo of Luo Yao, Li Fu, Wen Zishan, and her with Chen Zerong and Jiang Pingping.

The person who took the photo was Shen Yu.

Apart from his ID photo, Luo Yao doesn't seem to have a single photo. He said that in the secret service industry, the less information the better, especially the image data. If someone steals it, it will be a matter of life and death.

Looking at the photo, I felt slightly absent-minded.

In the end, she put it away and put it in the gift box. This photo was developed and printed after she got the negative from Li Fu after returning to the mountain city.

It turned out that when they went to Jiangcheng, they couldn't take it with them. They didn't know if they could keep it at that time, so they got rid of it.

Anyway, if you have negatives, you can develop and print them again. Negatives are easier to preserve than photos.

Sister Hui, these are the clothes that were just collected to dry. Where do you put them? As Gong Hui's secretary and life assistant, Jiang Xiaoyu is almost inseparable from her now.

Put it on the bed. I'll clean it up later.

Okay. Jiang Xiaoyu put the clothes on the bed and accidentally caught a glimpse of the photo of six people in the suitcase. All six people in it had seen it before, and she couldn't help but be surprised, Sister Hui, have you and Director Luo known each other for a long time?

That was taken when he and I were in the temporary training class. We were still in the academy at that time. The six of us had a good relationship, so we took this photo. Gong Hui explained, This is his ID photo in addition to his ID photo. , the only photo.”

The implication is that Luo Yao and I have known each other for a long time. Although there was a relationship between you that has not yet begun, it is nothing.

Sister Hui, when are you going to come back this time?

I can't tell. Regarding family matters, you should listen to Director Chi An more. Then, if there is any situation, you can go to the Detective Brigade of the police station to find Shen Yu. When you go, just say to 'Sixth Brother'. Gong. Hui warned.

Why go to the police station? Can't you go directly to the police headquarters to find Deputy Director Shen? Jiang Xiaoyu asked confused.

No, if you go to the bureau headquarters, everyone else in the bureau will know. But it's different when you go to the police station.

I understand. Do you really don't need me to accompany you, Sister Hui? Jiang Xiaoyu nodded and asked again.

No, you can't help me much. You can still help them at home. Some things are easier for you than them.

I understand, I will pay attention, Sister Hui. Jiang Xiaoyu nodded, she understood what Bai Hui said.

Her past is not a secret to some people, especially when she was in Jiangcheng and had a colleague relationship with Luo Yao.

Chen Zuxun and others have been trying to win over her, but she followed Gong Hui's instructions and did not refuse directly.

Even provide them with some information.

All in all, she also acted as a double agent in the secret translation room.

Otherwise, how could Gong Hui and the others understand and grasp the movements of Chen Zuxun and others? This is inseparable from Jiang Xiaoyu's contribution.

You should go back and rest early. I haven't been in a good mood these two days. It's all up to you to work alone. Gong Hui said.

Then I'll come over early tomorrow morning. Jiang Xiaoyu nodded.

What, Gong Hui is coming tomorrow, why didn't you stop him? Soon, everyone who came to visit Luo Yao left, leaving Li Fu alone.

He is the most idle person in the X team now. Naturally, he is taking care of Luo Yao in the hospital. Huo Tian is now in charge of the X team. After the Japanese army returned to Xinqiang Hebei, the other party immediately changed the password.

Under the leadership of Huo Tian, ​​they are working hard to decipher it, but it is not that urgent anymore.

Can I give orders to Gong Hui? Li Fu smiled bitterly, Besides, can she listen to my advice?

Send a telegram to Gong Hui immediately and tell me that I have woken up and ask her not to come over. Luo Yao ordered. As soon as he was injured and unconscious, someone in the mountain city would definitely be unable to sit still. If no one can stabilize the situation, he I don’t know when I can go back, and someone must be able to stabilize the situation.

Come here at this time, won't it cause trouble?

The military plane she was on has arrived at Hengyang Airport. She was supposed to come here today, but she didn't have a car, so she had to come tomorrow.

Then let her take the flight back tomorrow! Luo Yao said angrily.

You think the plane belongs to your family, and you can fly it whenever you want. Brother, these people are here, so just ask Sister Hui to come over. They also care about you. Li Fu said, I can tell you, when you arrive Don't look down on Sister Hui at this time.

This is such a big deal, I wish I had woken up a day earlier.

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