The Self-cultivation of the Noble Concubine Who Eats Melon

Chapter 473: 474: Can she be in a good mood?

Chapter 473 Chapter 474: Can she be in a good mood?

This matter involved pirates and the implementation of the New Deal. Yun Zhao had to tell the emperor no matter what, which was equivalent to falling into Mrs. Ding's trap.

 Do you think she can be in a good mood?

 For the sake of the imperial court, for the emperor, for the New Deal, and for Song Maoyue, Song Yunzhao had to pinch his nose and end up holding his nose.

Back to the inner hall, there were still the account books of Baozhuang Building and Baozhu Building on the table. She didn't have the intention to read them now, so she brushed them aside and asked Zhang Maoquan to go to Taiji Hall to deliver a letter.

Song Yunzhao laughed angrily as she thought about it. This was the first time since she entered the palace that someone had plotted against her to this extent. Mrs. Ding was worthy of being the one who had the heart to marry a widower and become his stepmother.

Feng Yi was busy over there and asked Zhang Maoquan to reply and come back after he was done.

Yun Zhao was naturally not in a hurry now. He picked up the account book again and reconciled the accounts. The abacus beads clicked. With the sound, his mood slowly calmed down.

  Feng Yi didn’t come back during lunch time. Feng Yi didn’t come back for lunch now that he was enlightened. The two fathers and sons were busier than the other. Yun Zhao took his lunch by himself.

After lunch, she took people to the imperial garden for a walk. She met Lu Zhixue and Qin Cai, who was from her palace, who were also walking around the garden. Yun Zhao said a few words to Lu Zhixue and then left. She looked at Qin Cai. The people looked at her with a cautious look, which was funny and boring, so they didn't bother them.

I didn't see Feng Yi until dinner. Feng Yi looked tired after a busy day. When he saw Yun Zhao, he said, "Today's things are happening one after another. I really don't have time. What happened to you here?" "

If it was an important matter, Zhang Maoquan would definitely not dare to be slow. Looking at Zhang Maoquan's attitude, Feng Yi knew that the matter was not urgent, otherwise he would have been here long ago.

"Let's eat first." Song Yunzhao was still worried about Feng Yi's health. Although she was young and strong, she had been working so intensively, getting up earlier than a chicken and going to bed later than a dog. She didn't want to become a widow early.

 Feng Yi's stomach was indeed empty, so the two of them sat down to eat.

Yun Zhao filled a bowl of body-building chicken soup and placed it in front of Feng Yi, "It's specially cooked in the dining room. Please drink more."

Feng Yi picked up the bowl and drank it in sips. The chicken soup with ginseng always had a strange taste, but it was Yun Zhao's love. After drinking two bowls in a row, he felt better.

With a feeling of relief in her stomach, she gave Yun Zhao some of the bamboo shoots she loved to eat recently, and said with a smile: "Can you talk now? What happened to you?"

Yun Zhao didn’t delay any longer this time and just explained the matter in one word.

Feng Yi's face looked a little ugly, and he said to Yun Zhao: "No wonder there are so many troubles in Huizhou recently, and the root cause is here."

Song Yunzhao asked in surprise: "Is the one who impeached Governor Ding?"

“Half and half,” Feng Yi thought thoughtfully.

Song Yunzhao ate slowly without disturbing his thoughts. When she was almost finished, she heard Feng Yi say again: "It seems that Ding Xian's bandit suppression was not reported to the court last year. I'm afraid he would have known it by then." Something happened."

Hearing what Feng Yi said, Song Yunzhao made sense after thinking about it carefully, "This matter is related to the New Deal, so you'd better be more careful."

  Anyway, Ding Xian's impression on Yun Zhao is no longer good.

However, after all, he is a person who guards the customs for the country and is a person who puts his life on the line. She will not engage in slander just because she doesn't like it.

Feng Yi patted Yun Zhao's hand, "Since Ding Xian intends to leave the matter to me, he has obviously made a choice in his heart. This **** knows how to take shortcuts." Feng Yi cursed a few times and looked at Yun Zhao again. Zhao said: "Let's forget about this marriage. The temperaments of these two couples are contrary to the Song family. If something happens again in the future, I'm afraid it will drag the Song family into trouble."

"I think so too. Besides, our family is a civil servant, loyal to the emperor and patriotic, so it is not suitable for us to become an in-law with a feudal official." Song Yunzhao said jokingly.

When Feng Yi saw Yun Zhao laughing, he knew that her concerns were over, and said to her: "Your second cousin's marriage is not urgent. We will wait until the results of the interrogation. The preliminary results of the new policy should be out by then. The Song family will be on a higher level, and it would be wrong for him to have his marriage decided now."

Song Yunzhaole said, "Don't say that. Our Song family doesn't choose a daughter-in-law based entirely on family background, but mainly on character."

Feng Yi looked at Yun Zhao and smiled, "That's what you said."

Song Yunzhao always felt that he was laughing at her.

Since Yun Zhao became pregnant, her body has been in a very uncomfortable stage. The two of them may not have had **** for a long time. It is rare that she has been in good health and looks better these days. She is now in the second trimester of pregnancy when she can have sex. The person came briefly.

 Feng Yi was afraid of hurting her, so he was very restrained.

Yun Zhao was so happy that he felt it was better not to come. It would be even more uncomfortable if he couldn't get up or down.

Feng Yi took over the matter, so Yun Zhao didn't have to worry about it. He only handed a letter to his eldest aunt, canceling the marriage with the Ding family, and also told His Majesty that the marriage of the second cousin would wait until after the examination. .

The eldest lady's heart has also calmed down. She still has her eldest daughter to deal with. She has to discuss the matter with her in-laws about the two children staying in Beijing to study, so as not to put her daughter in trouble.

The Flower Festival in the palace was quite lively. Feng Yi was busy with government affairs and did not show up, and Yun Zhao did not show up to raise a baby. This time, the Queen Mother left Shouci Palace, and An Shutong also appeared in front of people again.

Feng Yunjin and several other friends came to visit Yun Zhao after the festival. They mentioned that An Shutong was much thinner, but Yun Zhao didn't care. People in this world are not living as they wish. They are either too thin or too fat. They can just wait until they think about it. .

Lu Zhixue looked at Han Jinyi, "I heard that Huang Mingxiu and An Wenying have made a marriage agreement?"

Han Jinyi was happy, "Your information is quite good. I just got the news and you got the smell."

Song Yunzhao is also a little curious. She is deeply touched by Huang Mingxiu's unlucky physique. It is not easy for this child to grow up.

Wang Zhaorong sighed, "Miss Huang Liu is a lucky one. Mrs. Yongjia Hou spent an unknown amount of time choosing the youngest son of Uncle Xuchang for her marriage. Although she cannot inherit the title, the youngest son is favored and has no pressure. In the future, Separating the family can also lead to a generous fortune. With Huang Mingxiu's temperament, it would be best to marry such a husband."

Song Yunzhao sighed after hearing this, pity the hearts of parents in the world, Mrs. Yongjiahou has indeed chosen the most suitable person for Huang Mingxiu.

“Which family did An Wenying marry?” Song Yunzhao asked curiously.

An Fangyi was demoted to concubine An because of Qin Xiyue's incident, and even Duke Ding was reprimanded by the emperor. Thinking about how An Wenying was a concubine of Duke Dingguo's house and did things in such a high-profile manner. Now that Duke Dingguo's house is implicated, I'm afraid her whereabouts are not very good.

“I heard that I was promised a military attache who served outside the capital. After I got married, I left the capital with my husband.” Lu Zhixue said. She couldn’t remember the specific family at the moment. Since she couldn’t remember, it must not be a prominent family.

 Besides, this kind of thing only happened in the Dingguo Palace. A famous family in the capital would definitely not get married to a concubine.

Song Yunzhao was thoughtful, and he was really surprised to marry a military attache.

 (End of this chapter)

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