Chapter 474 Chapter 475: Marriage

One after another, families in the capital were holding happy events. Yunzhao also received good news. Song Yunmei's marriage was also decided. It was Yu Chengfang, the fifth-ranked Prime Minister of Dali Temple.

This is a good marriage, and it seems that Song Yunmei made a mistake. Originally, Mr. Yu was looking at the daughter-in-law of another family, but unfortunately the other party had a sweetheart, so the attitude when they looked at each other was very bad.

Yu Chengfang was naturally angry. Although his official position was not obvious in the capital, he had stepped forward step by step and had some bones, so he immediately rejected the marriage.

It was a coincidence that the matchmaker entrusted by the eldest lady introduced Song Yunmei to Yu Chengfang, and Yu Chengfang was humiliated. It seemed that the person introduced this time was Concubine Ming's maternal cousin. Although she was a concubine, she Mrs. Ning'anbo was well-known in the capital as a person who treated concubines very kindly, and the concubines in her family all married well.

He felt that this marriage was not possible. His official position was nothing in the eyes of the uncle. He originally wanted to refuse, but the matchmaker persuaded him to take a look. Unexpectedly, Song Yunmei was gentle and well-educated. It was rare for the two of them to talk to each other. Come together and it’s done.

Song Yunzhao didn't expect such a twist. Song Yunmei, her cousin, had a very good temperament. She married a man from Dali Temple, and the two of them were soft and strong.

Since Yu Chengfang was a few years older than Song Yunmei, the Yu family was particularly concerned about her and wanted to marry her as soon as possible.

Mrs. Yu came to the house in person to show her sincerity, so it was a bit urgent to set the wedding date after March. However, since the family was sincere, the eldest lady relaxed.

Song Yunmei is the last girl in the eldest family to get married. Now everyone wants to see her off, which can be regarded as a reunion between sisters. After all, since their respective marriages, some have married out of Beijing, and some have followed their husbands abroad. It’s so hard to get together.

Song Guiyi made this suggestion, and everyone agreed.

Song Guiyi was originally planning to go south in a month, but because of this incident, he decided to stay for another two months.

Mrs. Zhong has agreed that her grandson and granddaughter should stay in the uncle's house to study. Mrs. Zhong is a very particular person, so she specially sent Shu Xiu for two children to study in the uncle's house, as well as money and food for food and accommodation in the uncle's house.

I know that the uncle's house is not short of this, but the descendants of the Zhong family cannot just eat from the maternal family, and they are not staying for a year or two, they have to stay for a long time.

 Even the closest relatives must settle their accounts clearly. In this way, everyone will be happy and everyone can get closer to each other.

Song Yujiao, who was married to Jade City, was nearby and was the first to arrive in the capital. Song Hongjiao was half a month late, and Song Jinxuan also rushed back all the way. This time, not only was she back, but her husband, Song Fanchang, Song Fanyue and Song Fanming were all back.

It was only a few months before the general examination, and the master of the academy asked them to come back together to prepare for the examination. The Song family was now in a lively mood. Even the second roommate got the news, and the second master and second wife came to Beijing from Nanyu with their children.

 The general examination is usually held the year after the township examination. However, the emperor is short of talents, so this year Enke was added to the examination. After the township examination, the general examination will be held. This was the first time this happened, so there were many objections in the court, but Feng Yi insisted on his opinion and wanted to recruit talents for the country, so the courtiers complied with the emperor's wishes.

 Song Yunzhao also wanted to go back to the Song family after learning about it, but her delivery date was approaching and it was impossible to leave the palace.

All the sisters of the Song family gathered in the capital, and the second room lived in Wenxinhou Mansion. After all, Wenxinhou Mansion was a large place with few people and many rooms. There were many people in the eldest room, so it was a bit crowded when we came back.

Song Yunzhao specially asked people to send back a lot of things as gifts for her sisters and brothers at home. In her current capacity, sending things back can be regarded as a reward, and the people at home will naturally be happy.

Feng Yi looked at Yun Zhao a little melancholy and asked her with a smile, "How about I take you back quietly?"

Song Yunzhao was a little moved, but she still shook her head, "Forget it, the imperial doctor said it's hard for me to move now." Although she missed her sisters and brothers at home, she was naturally focused on the child in her belly. Although Feng Yi looked at her with a smile and a bit of regret in his eyes, he actually knew in his heart that after this gathering, he didn't know when the next gathering would be.

Song Yunzhao did not expect that she had not left the palace, but one day later, the eldest lady and Cai came into the palace to see her with the sisters and brothers of the Song family. The emperor specially sent people to the Changyin Pavilion. The place was large and bright, making it easy to talk. It will not disturb the other concubines in the harem.

Yun Zhao was overjoyed. When everyone met in Changyin Pavilion, they were very restrained at first. After all, Yun Zhao had become a famous imperial concubine. She had been the emperor's favorite for several years in the palace, and now she had a second child in her belly, who was the emperor's only child. Two children.

Fortunately, they are sisters who grew up together. Although there were some disagreements between the little sisters in the past, now they get married and have children. When we get along with each other, the little quarrels in the past are nothing, and they have become the words of the mouth. Talk.

Song Yunzhao saw that Song Jinxuan had changed the most. She gave birth to two children in three years. She had two sons and a daughter. She had a good relationship with her husband. She was not broad-minded and fat. She was now the plumpest among the sisters.

Song Yexi is still in the capital with Yun Zhao as usual. Although they don't meet often, they can see each other a few times a year.

Song Guiyi had just met Yun Zhao before, but Song Lilong and Song Hongjiao seemed more open-minded and generous than when they were in the boudoir. After getting married, they followed their mother-in-law and learned how to manage the house. Naturally, they were different from when they were girls. .

Song Qinghan also came today, but she spoke very little. Sitting next to Ms. Cai, both mother and daughter were a little restrained.

 Meeting the sisters and a group of brothers and sisters, Song Wanchang was very stable when he was in the capital before, and he became more and more stable after studying abroad for several years. Song Weiming and Song Weiyue have changed a lot. They have both grown a lot taller, lost some of their childishness, and now they look like reliable teenagers.

Before leaving Beijing, Song Weiyue had a very tense relationship with his mother, eldest sister, and concubine Ming. However, he did not expect that the Marquis Wu Xin's mansion would be gone when he came back this time, and he was shocked in his heart.

Song Weiming felt more at ease with Concubine Ming. The relationship between his sister, aunt and Concubine Ming had always been good. In the past few years, he had studied hard and lived up to Concubine Ming's expectations. He believed that it would only get better and better in the future.

Compared with Song Weichang's calmness and Song Weiming's relaxation, Song Weiyue seemed more restrained.

Song Yunzhao didn't pay special attention to him, just based on their relationship. Anyway, she wouldn't take the initiative. Whether they can get along well in the future depends on what Song Yuyue does.

On the other hand, Song Weiqian and Song Weiting, who are in the second room, are more comfortable facing Yun Zhao. Song Weiqian has also been studying hard. After passing the exam, he will fail once and he also wants to try again this year.

 Song Wunting stopped studying after becoming a scholar. Now he is learning to take care of the household affairs with the second master. All the children in the family go to school, and someone has to take care of the household affairs.

Song Weiting didn't have much talent in studying, so he volunteered to stop studying. Now he has learned a lot from working with the second master, and Yun Zhao saw that he was even better at socializing.

 No stage fright.

Song Yunzhao was surrounded by people, and at this moment, he suddenly felt a little dazed.

 The Song family is indeed different between the past and the present.

 (End of this chapter)

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