Chapter 475 Chapter 476: The Second Prince

Song Yunzhao is still very concerned about the group of people in the Song family who will take the collective exam this autumn. He did not expect that by such a coincidence, everyone who failed the exam, those who are waiting for others, and those who are taking the exam will all come together this year.

Especially because Song Weiyue and Song Weiming had been studying for several years and had been delayed in getting a wife. They were waiting to get married after autumn this year.

Mrs. Song Wenchang knew what was going on, so Yun Zhao didn’t need to worry. She was only really worried because the Cai family was in charge of their marriage.

This time the Cai family gave her horoscope to someone, and the emperor punished the Cai family, but in the end he spared some mercy for the Song family and did not push her into the mud. The death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime is unforgivable. Within the three generations of the Cai family, Don't even think about taking the imperial examination.

Mr. Cai was hit hard. When her natal family collapsed and she became enemies with Concubine Ming, her life became difficult.

 Fortunately, it was Song Qinghan who enlightened her. She was unaware of what the Cai family was doing, and she had no intention of harming Concubine Ming. At most, she was being dragged down by her mother's family. In the future, her mother would be more honest in front of Concubine Ming, and her life would still be able to go on.

Her father cannot divorce his wife because of this, and his face will be tarnished if word spreads about it.

 That’s why Ms. Cai was particularly quiet today, and everyone knew it, so no one recruited her.

Song Fanyue felt very uncomfortable in her heart. One was her maternal wife who loved her, and the other was her own siblings. They did such a thing, making him embarrassed to see the imperial concubine.

He didn't think he was wrong before, but in the past few years of studying in the south, he saw a lot, saw a lot, and listened a lot, and then he realized that he had indeed done something wrong.

 He was ashamed to see Concubine Ming, so he spoke very little today.

Song Jinxuan curled her lips as she looked at him, but this time she didn't say anything about Song Fanyue in front of Yun Zhao, and even praised him for studying hard.

Song Yunzhao therefore took another look at Song Jinxuan.

 Song Jinxuan:…

 It’s not easy to be a good person these days.

The family had a reunion dinner, Song Yunzhao prepared a reward, and then asked people to send them out of the palace.

 After the song ended and everyone left, she felt a rare sense of emptiness.

 Meet Feng Yi for dinner. First, she thanked him for arranging for her to meet her family today, and then told him about today's events.

“I think the married sisters are doing well in their husband’s family.”

Every one of them has a glowing face, which shows that the more favored she is as a concubine, the more secure the status of the sisters in her husband's family will be.

“There are differences between the brothers who are studying.” Song Yunzhao explained the matter simply.

Feng Yi patted her hand and said, "If you know you feel guilty, then there is still hope."

Song Yunzhao smiled and said, "I think if Song Maoyue can't stabilize his mentality this year, Qiu Wei will be in trouble."

"Such a trivial matter can mess up the mind, and it will be difficult to take charge of an official position in the future." Feng Yi said unceremoniously. His impression of Song Fanyue was average, especially when he bullied Yun Zhao.

The Song family has more than one promising son, and he really doesn't care what happens to Song Fanyue.

Hearing Feng Yi's words, Song Yunzhao felt funny and happy at the same time. This pregnancy made her sad, and she was afraid she would not be a little princess.

 Song Yunzhao launched the campaign the day before Song Yunmei got married.

Feng Yi was attending court, and Meng Jiuchang couldn't bear to wait until the court was over before reporting back. He was kicked by the emperor and limped along with his majesty to Yaohua Palace.

The Holy Spirit drove straight to Yaohua Palace. Concubine Shu and others had already arrived. The Queen Mother was not here this time. Thinking of the situation when Yun Zhao gave birth last time, Concubine Shu did not dare to let the Queen Mother show up this time.

She first went to Shouci Palace to report to the Queen Mother the news that Concubine Ming was about to give birth. Then she said that the Queen Mother's health was her first priority and that she would watch over Concubine Ming in the Yaohua Palace on her behalf, so that the Queen Mother could rest assured.

How could the Queen Mother not know what Concubine Shu meant? However, Concubine Shu gave her the steps and the Emperor was in the palace, so the Queen Mother agreed.

When Feng Yi came, he saw a group of women sitting in the main hall of Yaohua Palace. All the concubines in the harem were probably here. Only those who were friends with Yun Zhao were left, and he sent away the rest. .

Before everyone could show up in front of the emperor, Meng Jiuchang invited them out. In the delivery room, Yun Zhao heard Feng Yi calling her name through the window, and she responded. This was her second pregnancy. She was experienced and didn't panic.

Hearing that there was no movement in the delivery room, Feng Yi became even more worried. He called the imperial doctor and asked, why was there no movement?

 Emperor Physician:…

How to answer this?

 There are differences between postpartum women, some are pain-tolerant, and some are intolerant to pain.

Feng Yi was anxious and kept circling outside the delivery room. Concubine Shu felt dizzy just looking at it, so she simply went back to the palace to wait.

 Seeing the emperor like this made me feel a little bit disgusted.

In His Majesty's heart, I am afraid that only Song Yunzhao is his concubine. Look at his anxious look. If he doesn't really care about her, how could he make such a gesture.

Hum, if she hadn't entered the harem, if she could marry someone else and be a good wife, she would probably be able to find a good husband.

Thinking about it, I feel less angry again.

  Her father was against the emperor and made the wrong move when he sent her to the palace.

 The emperor is small-minded.

Who made her unlucky?

Concubine Wan was in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking. Her eyes seemed to be filled with infinite sadness.

Concubine Shu hurriedly pushed her gently, and the emperor's mind as big as a needle nose was seen by him. It would be bad if he misunderstood that Concubine Wan was not happy that Concubine Ming had given birth to a child.

Concubine Wan came back to her senses, glanced at Concubine Shu first, followed Concubine Shu's eyes and looked outside the palace, then understood and smiled at Concubine Shu to express her gratitude.

 She was actually thinking about the new fragrant recipe she had discussed with Yun Zhao before, and was distracted for a moment.

The four of Wang Zhaorong and Wang Zhaorong gathered together, not daring to speak at this time. The emperor and Nala were running around in circles outside like a donkey. If they were talking and laughing, they should not attract the emperor's attention.

The midwife said before that this was Concubine Ming’s second pregnancy and the fetal image was correct. When she gave birth to the first one, Concubine Ming screamed twice. There was no movement during the second pregnancy. Obviously the midwife was right and everything went smoothly. .

 The four people looked at each other and immediately dispersed.

They can't afford to offend the emperor, so they should just shut up and remain silent.

Feng Yi didn't know that he was being criticized by his concubines and was being treated like a donkey. He was thinking that there would be no more news, but regardless of the rules about not entering the delivery room, he had to go in and take a look.

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard a loud cry coming from the delivery room.

 Then I heard the midwife's voice, "Ming Fei has given birth."

Everyone in the Yaohua Palace felt relaxed instantly. Not long after, the midwife came out with the wrapped baby in her arms. When she saw the emperor, she saluted and said, "Congratulations to the emperor. Concubine Ming has given birth to a little prince."

 The cheers suddenly jumped up, and the congratulations continued.

 Feng Yi heard nothing, only glanced at the child, and was about to go to the delivery room.

The midwife hurriedly stopped the emperor and said in a frightened voice: "Your Majesty, your Majesty has just given birth, and she still needs to clean up before she can meet you."

Feng Yi's footsteps stopped abruptly, and then he looked at his son, who was small, with a red face, closed eyes, and wrinkled skin, making him look ugly.

How could such a handsome man have such an ugly son?

The second update is complete, hey, my little cuties.



 (End of this chapter)

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