The Self-cultivation of the Noble Concubine Who Eats Melon

Chapter 572: 572: Can he also be considered a prodigal?

 At the beginning, Song Qinghan actually said hello to her. Is this the sun rising from the west?

Yun Zhao suddenly became cautious and lowered his head when writing the letter. He must be asking for something. Could it be that Song Qinghan encountered something and asked her to help?

This is quite difficult, she doesn't want to help her, and there is still resentment between the two of them.

 Looking down with a conflicting mood, Song Yunzhao's expression became solemn.

Xu Anxing took over Baozhuanglou's business in Guangning Mansion. It has been doing well in the past two years and there has been no problem with the accounts. Song Yunzhao has always let him do it.

Song Qinghan had helped Xu Mingying in the past, and this was a thank you gift she gave her. As long as Xu An did nothing wrong, she had no intention of taking it back from the Guangning Mansion.

Unexpectedly, Song Qinghan told her that Xu Anxing accidentally found Mrs. Zhao's husband meeting someone in Guangning Mansion. An ordinary person would definitely not come to tell her this.

Mr. Zhao met people from the Ministry of War.

At this juncture, I met with people from the Ministry of War, not in the capital but in Guangning Mansion, not far from the capital.

Song Qinghan said that although Xu Anxing was a dandy, how could he not recognize the officials in the court, so he could recognize him at a glance.

Xu Anxing himself had a "reputable reputation" in the capital, and many people knew him. Therefore, it was difficult for him to show up, and people kept a close eye on him. The two of them stayed in the restaurant for a full afternoon before they separated.

Xu Anxing sent someone to investigate, only to find out that the official from the Ministry of War had official business and went to Guangning Mansion. However, when he left, Mr. Zhao arrived right after him. It would be too much of a coincidence to say it was a coincidence.

Song Yunzhao wrote down the name and asked Zhang Maoquan to check this person's affairs in the Ministry of War.

Zhang Maoquan came back the next day and replied, "Master Chen Suzhen went to Guangning Mansion to hand over the military preparations on the order of the Minister. Originally, this matter was an errand of another Master Wang, but unfortunately Master Wang injured his foot while riding a horse before leaving. So I temporarily changed to Mr. Chen to go on my behalf."

Yun Zhao nodded slightly, "Have you checked the master of the Zhao family?"

"After checking, Zhao Furen has been making friends in private since he came to Beijing. He has met many people in the past few months, and Mr. Chen is one of them. However, before today, the two of them had no appearance in the capital. intersection."

 “Send what you found to your Majesty.” Song Yunzhao said.

"Yes." Zhang Maoquan bent down and walked towards the Tai Chi Hall.

Yun Zhao thought, however, that Zhao Furen and Chen Suyun had a secret relationship, but they refused to let anyone know about it. Even if they met, they had to go to Guangning Mansion. No matter how they looked at it, things were not simple.

She was able to check up to this point only because of Song Qinghan's letter. It would be difficult for her to check further down, so she could only let the emperor do it himself.

 Zhao family…

 It seems that my prediction is good, and it is indeed related to the Zhao family.

Zhao Ling'e still doesn't make any extra moves and seems to be cautious. Moreover, Mrs. Zhao has not sent any messages recently asking to see Zhao Ling'e.

I think back when Mrs. Zhao first arrived in the capital, the Queen Mother supported Zhao Ling'e, and Mrs. Zhao frequently sent messages to see her.

Whether Zhao Ling'e knows it or not, as long as the Zhao family commits something, she will definitely not be able to escape.

 Besides, with Zhao Ling'e's ability, Yun Zhao didn't believe that she couldn't feel anything strange.

The Huizhou incident is so serious. If it was the Zhao family, how could Zhao Ling'e, as the daughter of the Zhao family, not know the Zhao family's style?

Thinking of this, Yun Zhao called Shi Zhu over and whispered to her, "Have someone tell Zhao Cainu some news..."

It is necessary for Zhao Ling'e to know about the meeting between Zhao Furen and Chen Suyun.

Zhao Ling'e has always been cautious in doing things. If the Zhao family really takes action this time and takes such a big step, Zhao Ling'e will definitely be angry.

As long as she gets angry and can't sit still, she will take action.

  When Feng Yi came back for dinner in the evening, Feng Yun was a little older now, so he would listen to what the adults said, so the two of them didn't talk about these bad things during the meal.

After finishing the meal, Feng Yi played with his youngest son for a while before sending him away. Then he said to Yun Zhao: "After the New Year, let Feng Yun go to school with his brother." Yun Zhao:...

How much do you dislike your son for being an eyesore?

She couldn't help but give him a look.

Feng Yi laughed and said, "I'm just teasing you."

Yun Zhao didn't believe it. His eyes were serious just now. He nodded his head, and he would pack up his younger son for his older son in the spring.

Yun Zhao didn’t want his son to be tortured by studying at such a young age, so he simply changed the subject, “Has Chen Suyun’s matter been investigated?”

Speaking of this, Feng Yi looked at Yun Zhao and said, "I didn't expect that dude Xu Anxing could actually do something."

Song Yunzhao nodded, "It's really surprising. I didn't expect him to be so interested in the Zhao family."

Feng Yi sneered, "With his current situation, if he doesn't live well, his sons will be even less promising in the future."

This deep sense of ridicule won Yun Zhao's heart.

 “You are right, so Xu Anxing can be regarded as the prodigal son turning back?”

 “Can he also be considered a prodigal?”

Song Yun Zhaoxiao, it seems that Xu Anxing's impression of Feng Yi is really very bad.

"I have asked people to investigate Chen Suyun's affairs carefully. Zhao Furen has only been in Beijing for a few months, and it is impossible for Chen Suyun to take such a big risk."

“You mean that Chen Suyun has a close relationship with the Zhao family?”

“You should know when the results come out.”

"What you said makes sense. The Zhao family has disciples all over the world. Maybe Chen Suyun actually studied under the Zhao family."

 It would make sense if this were the case.

“Don’t alert the enemy first, wait until we find out.” Feng Yi’s face looked very ugly.

Feng Yi was in a bad mood. How could Yun Zhao understand that Chen Suzhen's official position in the Ministry of War was not low? If the Zhao family could move him, how many ministers like Chen Suzhen would still be working for the Zhao family in the court?

Think again about the theft of Ding Xian’s token. Such a vital thing can be stolen. So was the person who stole the token bribed, or was he arranged to be around Ding Xian a long time ago?

The more I think about it, the less I dare to think about it, and the less I dare to think about it, the more afraid I become.

Yun Zhao held Feng Yi's hand, "Hasn't the news come back from King Zhenbei yet? He should have arrived in Huizhou by now, right?"

Feng Yi looked slightly solemn, "According to the schedule, we should have arrived yesterday, but it will take time for the news to come back."

"I wonder what happened to Ding Xian." Yun Zhao was very worried. Ding Xian was really reckless. He just led his troops to chase him out. If he wasn't fully prepared, he was afraid...

Feng Yi snorted, "If he has the ability to lead people to chase him out to sea, he should be somewhat confident. What will happen to his wife and children if he is not cleared of charges? They must be alive."

Song Yunzhao looked at Feng Yi's face and realized that his eyes were all black and blue. It was obvious that he had not been able to sleep well because of this matter these days.

 If the matter is not resolved in one day, let alone Feng Yi, even she will not be able to feel at ease.

 (End of this chapter)

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