The Self-cultivation of the Noble Concubine Who Eats Melon

Chapter 573: 573: The forgotten Zhao Ling'e

 At the end of autumn and early winter, the morning and night are already very cold.

The sky is dim, and the palace people have already gotten up and walked quickly on the Qingshi Yong Road to perform their duties.

 In the Yaohua Palace, Yun Zhao was having breakfast with Feng Yun.

In Zhaoyang Palace, Concubine Zhuang had already dressed and changed her clothes and took the palace guests to Concubine Shu's Cuiwei Palace. The Queen Mother stayed in the palace to recuperate, and the concubine became the person with the highest status in the harem, so the palace affairs were completely handed over to the third concubine.

Of course, Concubine Wan was only in name only, and she never did anything to become famous. She only led Qiao Jinyun to play with various recipes every day.

Concubine Shu was waiting for Concubine Zhuang to come. When she saw her coming in, she asked her to sit down and said directly: "Zhao Cainu in Huayang Palace is ill. People around her have come to seek help from the imperial doctor. I have sent someone to the imperial hospital to spread the message. , If nothing happens later, you can go over and take a look."

Concubine Zhuang frowned, "How come you are so good?"

Concubine Shu snorted, "Who knows, it's just like this that I don't worry about others coming to see her, so you should go and have a look."

Concubine Zhuang nodded, "I'll take Feng Guibin with me."

Feng Yunjin is cautious and thoughtful in everything she does. Now when she and Concubine Shu are too busy, she will come to her to help.

“It’s up to you.” Concubine Shu didn’t care about this, “You should pay more attention to Huayang Palace and keep an eye on some people.”

Concubine Zhuang agreed, and the two talked about palace affairs for a while, then got up and left.

Let the palace attendants go to Yanqing Palace to deliver a message to Feng Yunjin first, and she will meet her halfway.

Feng Yunjin is checking the accounts of Baozhuang House. It’s the end of the year again. Accounting is a big deal. This year, the imperial concubine has said that she will have someone help her, but she is still worried and plans to go through it herself first.

 After receiving the message from the people in front of Concubine Zhuang, Feng Yunjin immediately changed her clothes and went out.

 After meeting Concubine Zhuang, Feng Yunjin greeted her and then said: "I didn't know that Zhao Cainu was actually sick. I saw her picking flowers in the imperial garden two days ago."

“So, let’s go over and have a look.” Zhuang Fei said.

Feng Yunjin didn’t say anything else. Huayang Palace was in front of him.

The two of them entered Huayang Palace. The imperial doctor had just finished checking his pulse and left. Su Hua was asking the young palace maid to grab some medicine and boil it. Hearing that Concubine Zhuang and Feng Guifei were coming, he hurried out to greet them.

 “My servants pay homage to Concubine Zhuang, Concubine Feng.” Su Hua bowed and saluted.

"Get up." Concubine Zhuang said as she walked in. "How is Zhao Cainu? What did the imperial doctor say?"

"Replying to my wife, the master went to the imperial garden to pick flowers the day before yesterday and was hit by a cold wind. The next day he felt a little bad. Unexpectedly, he couldn't get up today. The imperial doctor said it was evil wind entering the body and has already prescribed medicine."

While speaking, Concubine Zhuang had already entered the palace, walked around the screen and entered the inner room. She saw Zhao Cainu sitting on the clinical couch wearing a coat. She was very surprised when she saw the two of them and hurriedly got up to greet her.

"Since you are sick, don't be too polite. Why don't you rest? What are you doing when you get up?" Concubine Zhuang said with a soft face.

Zhao Cainu stood up holding Su Hua's hand, covered her lips with a handkerchief and coughed lightly, then said in a slightly hoarse voice: "Concubine really couldn't sleep, and couldn't lie down even after lying down, so she got up and sat down. No. Thinking that the empress and the concubine will come, I ask the empress and the concubine to forgive me for being rude."

Feng Yunjin looked at Zhao Cainu, her face was indeed not very good, she could see that she was haggard, her lips were white, and there was a heavy look of tiredness in her eyebrows.

"You just need to take good care of yourself when you are sick. That's why I didn't let anyone know about it. I just don't want to trouble you." Concubine Zhuang said with a good temper, "The imperial doctor said that you have evil wind entering your body. You can recover from this illness in a few days." , don’t be exposed to the wind these days, take good medicine, and you’ll be fine soon.”

"Yes." Zhao Cainu responded with a grateful look on her face, "I saw the sun was shining brightly that day, so I wanted to go out for a walk, but I realized that the sun was nice but the wind was a bit cold, so I accidentally fell ill."

Feng Yunjin listened to the exchanges between Concubine Zhuang and Zhao Cainu, and nothing sounded strange at all. Looking at Zhao Cainu's appearance, she was indeed ill.

 Looks normal.

When Concubine Zhuang stood up to leave, Zhao Cainu said hesitantly, "Madam, I have something I would like to ask for your accommodation." Concubine Zhuang looked at her and said, "What is it? As long as it does not violate the palace rules."

“I haven’t seen my family for a long time, and this illness makes me even more homesick. I want to see Mrs. Zhao, but I don’t know if it’s possible.”

Concubine Zhuang looked up at Zhao Ling'e and smiled, "Of course you haven't seen your family this month, right?"

Zhao Ling'e nodded, "Yes." After speaking, "I haven't seen her since I came back from the palace. If not, I wouldn't dare to cause trouble to the empress."

"It's time to meet her. Just pass a letter to Mrs. Zhao and let her enter the palace." Concubine Zhuang said.

 “Thank you, empress.”

Concubine Zhuang left with Feng Yunjin and left Huayang Palace. Feng Yunjin whispered: "How could Zhao Cainu beg your empress for such a thing? There are regulations in the palace. With her position, she can see her once every two months." From the family.”

“If something happens suddenly, there must be a reason. Let someone go and check it out.” Concubine Zhuang thought about it.

"Mother, do you suspect that someone is causing trouble?" Feng Yunjin asked.

"It's possible that the imperial concubine doesn't like Zhao Cainu. The people below are the best at looking at people's dishes. It's not impossible to make things difficult in secret." Concubine Zhuang is used to seeing this kind of thing.

However, she didn’t think it was a big deal. Every place has its own rules of survival.

The imperial concubine is already very generous in managing palace affairs, but there are so many people serving in the palace, inside and outside, that it is impossible for the queen to take care of everyone personally.

 In those places that cannot be seen, there will naturally be unseen things happening.

Feng Yunjin looked at Concubine Zhuang and said thoughtfully, "I think it's a coincidence that Zhao Cainu got sick this time."

Concubine Zhuang looked at her when she heard this, "Really? I think so too."

The two looked at each other and smiled in unison.

 “Would you like to report back to the imperial concubine?”

"Let's wait and see if our guess is accurate." Concubine Zhuang said, "First, let someone check the family members' meeting to see if someone is really up to something, or if it is Zhao Cainu's cover."

“It’s also possible that we are following the trend.” Feng Yunjin said.

"Then we have to be even more careful." Concubine Zhuang's face hardened. Zhao Ling'e dared to intercept His Majesty in front of the concubine.

The two of them separated at a fork in the road. Feng Yunjin went to check whether Mrs. Zhao had submitted a post to the palace recently, and the result surprised her.

  After returning from the summer palace, Mrs. Zhao didn’t even submit a single post.

It is said that Mrs. Zhao is a branch of the Zhao family, and she came to Beijing specifically for Zhao Cainu. But it turns out that Mrs. Zhao has not visited Zhao Cainu in the palace for so long?

No wonder Zhao Cainu couldn't hold herself back and asked Concubine Zhuang to meet her.

Feng Yunjin went to see Concubine Zhuang first, and Concubine Zhuang went with her to see the concubine.

Yun Zhao was a little surprised after hearing this. He returned to Beijing at the end of summer and it was already the beginning of winter.

I also remembered that Zhao Furen and his wife were constantly making small moves in the capital, but the couple seemed to have forgotten Zhao Ling'e in the palace.

Today’s update is almost finished. The writing was not smooth. It took me a long time to revise and revise this chapter. Please forgive me.

  (End of this chapter)

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