The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 1165: Submissive instinct 6

I can't help but think about their wonderful future.

Yes, she didn't have what she thought, she should be so excited and even...

Even, I feel like I have heard him like this, such an apology, oh that...

She didn't know what happened to her.

How come there is such a strange feeling.

Fu Si night held her tightly, until he smelled a smear, he remembered that he was still frying eggs, so he hurriedly released Shangguan Yu and went to see his eggs.

The beautiful yellow heart just now is now black and black.

He can't sweat, "Xiao Yu, go sit and wait for me."

Shangguan Yu looked at his hustle and bustle, instinctively, "I am coming."

After he finished, he took over the flat-top pot he was going to brush. Fu Si night did not refuse her, because he had not seen her busy for him for a long time, prepared breakfast for him, he missed such a picture, missed The heart hurts, which makes him unable to reject her.

Shangguan Yu saw that he did not leave, but looked at her like this, as if watching more precious things, "What?"

How could he look at her so strangely?

"Nothing." Fu Si night returned to Shinto.

Although Shangguan Yu felt that he was a bit strange, but thought that he did not like her to ask him too much, he said nothing, she did not dare to ask more.

Shangguan Yu is cooking much faster than Fu Si night, and she is doing more abundantly.

Fu Si night saw that she just used it for a short time, she prepared a table full of breakfast, and thought she would become magic, but he knew that this was not magic, but that she learned too much for him. Do too much and practice it.

"Why don't you eat?" Shangguan Yu looked up to Fu Si night.

Why didn't he eat, and looked at her like this?

"It's a good meal." After her indifference, to lose her despair, Fu Si night now feels that as long as she is with her, no matter what she does, she is so precious that he is not willing to look away, so he always looks at her.

Shangguan Yu, "..."

He is boasting that she looks good?

Except for a very small hour, he praised her. When he grew up, he did not boast that she looked good...

He suddenly became so indifferent, hated her, became like this, let her... I really don’t adapt...

Isn’t the person really really excited about what he really wants when he really gets what he wants in the book?

Going back to God, she turned to the topic, "When are we going back?"

"Two months later." Fu Si night road.

Shangguan Yu’s eyes wide open, “After two months?”


"We... Why do we want to... play outside for so long?" He used to spend time with her after going to the mountains. Now I will accompany her out for two months?

This is not to blame her, always feel unreal, like dreaming, but his behavior, really too illusory, dreamy, doing what he absolutely will not do...

"We didn't come out to honeymoon when we got married. I haven't been with you for so many years since I got married. I just didn't have time to play with you. I just didn't get busy recently. I let the morning shift, come out and have fun and go back." Fu Si night.

Shangguan Yu, "..."

Although he did not work as thin Jun Yan, but he was also a workaholic, he actually left his job and wanted to accompany her to have fun.


When Shangguan Yu was a moment, he didn't know what to say. It was all incredible.

After a while...

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