The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 1166: Submissive instinct 7

Shangguan Yu did not know what to say.

After a while.

"Right, my cafe! I shouldn't turn off my cafe, and the cafe is responsible for me. I have been out for so long..." Shangguan Yu likes her cafe, so she I think she shouldn't sell her own coffee shop, and she must still run it before she loses her memory.

“The café is being renovated.” Fu Siyue knows her love for the cafe, but the people in the cafe know that she has too many things and needs to sort it out before she can go back.

Shangguan Yu frowned, "Renovation?"

She likes the decoration of the cafe very much and should not change it again.

"Well, because it was a leak in the old house, the renovation of the upstairs was completely ruined, and it could only be renovated." Fu Si night crouched.

"This way." Shangguan Yu did not doubt his words.

Her coffee shop is itself an old house a hundred years ago. It will naturally leak rain after a long time.

"It's rare that we all have time, don't think about anything else, concentrate on playing!" Fu Si night.

Shangguan Yu looked at him and never thought about it. One day, he could come out with him for two months.

If it is true, this world is only the best to live, only to live to meet all the good possibilities.

Y country...

Although Mu Huan was released on bail, she had to be imprisoned at home before she could thoroughly investigate the matter. She could not leave the house without the permission of the authorities. Otherwise, she would be arrested and brought to justice.

After two days of instigation and fermentation.

Ruihui’s plan to illegally test drugs on children is becoming more and more fierce, and there is no sign of any stoppage.

Mu Huan is also getting more and more in the cusp.

Although most people know that the previous things have nothing to do with her, she just inherited Ruihui, but she is more toxic than the previous people, and even wants to test the medicine on the children! This is even more sinful, even more damn!

Because Zan Senning’s death also needs to protect those children, so that people have no doubt that Zansen’s words on the last words are fake.

I never thought that Mu Huan not only did not force him to do such a thing, but also forced him not to do such a **** thing.

Even if Mu Huan gave her the information she gave to Zan Sen that day, the whole process was recorded and it was shown to everyone, and everyone would not believe her. She would only suspect that she deliberately said that, then recorded The next image, so push everything to Zan Sen, let him take on all the crimes.

This kind of death has no evidence, and it is the hardest to find evidence and the worst to fight back.

Because a person is dead or still commits suicide, he has stood at the commanding heights of morality, and it is not good to reverse what you are doing.


Liu Dongxu is a very embarrassing person. He has always been secretly doing things. On the bright side, he will do very wrongly. It is like now, with other shareholders, he went to the police station to explain the situation. It is said that Mu Huan has nothing to do with the past.

He also took the group of shareholders and worked together as witnesses of Mu Huan. He said that Mu Huan never only forced Zhansen to do such a thing, but the first thing he did was to stop the experiment.

The experiment of that is actually Zansen's leadership in order to save trouble!

They asked him to take charge of the final human experiment, and he did not expect him to go illegally to test the drug!

To put it simply, Liu Dongxu pushed all the crimes to Zansen. The senior executives of Ruihui didn't know about it, and Mu Huan didn't know.

His proof and practice seem to be a good time.

However, in fact, it has pushed Mu Huan into a bigger storm.

"More today, see you tomorrow,

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