I saw that Longfeiqi held up a large round plate in front of them, and the arrows that were hoisted suddenly fell on the big round board.

Mu Huan and Li Meng raised their thumbs at the same time and praised him.

Longfeiyi suddenly looked proud.

It’s time for him to have a useful time! No, it is Dragon Little!

But after avoiding this wave, there is another wave. The various traps in this place are dangerous. It is not easy to take them to a safe place, just when they are exhausted.

A person who looks like a grandfather appears in front of them. "How come you are here? There is no opening to the outside world. How do you get in? You know that it is dangerous!"

Mu Huan, "..."

Li Meng, "..."

Dragonfly, "..."

I know! They especially know how dangerous it is!

"Play next time, go to other places to play, but don't just come here to play, there must be security measures, there must be someone to lead to play, or there will be life-threatening!" Grandpa warned.

The three people were speechless for a while.

Then I saw that the uncle easily opened an invisible door. "You can go out from here, you can."

Mu Huan, "...!!!"

What's special, there is actually a door here!

Li Meng, "..."

Grandpa, why don't you appear earlier?

Dragonfly, "..."

His uncle is always his uncle.

After the door was over, there was no signal on the mobile phone. Mu Huan always felt that it would be completely safe to go to the place where there was a mobile phone signal. Therefore, even if it was out of the place, it was not at ease.

However, both Li Meng and Long Feiqi were injured, and they could not walk quickly.

Beside the side, there is a wheelbarrow for transporting sand and stone. Muhua thought that this mountain road is not very good, but the mountain waist is a slope, the steps are relatively small, let them go up, she pushes them two Going, it will be much faster than now, so I look at them both, "Get on the bus! I push you away!"

Li Meng, "..."

Dragonfly, "..."

"Come on, don't feel embarrassed, let's go quickly, nowhere there is a signal, I don't trust!" Although a grandfather opened the door for them, the timing of the uncle was just too good.

Even if there is something like decoration used here, she is not at ease, no matter how much she is or how she is, in general, leave here and go to the place where there is a signal!

"I don't go, let Li Meng go, I can go!" Longfei is not determined, and does not say that they can't get two of them in a narrow place. Whatever, he can't be a big boy. A girl pushed away.

Li Meng just wanted to say that she was not on, and she was directly taken up by Mu Huan.

Li Meng, "..."

Mu Huan looked at the dragon flying dragonfly and patted the unicycle lane. "You sit on this side. This is all right. Let's go quickly and teach them that they can't contact us. We should be anxious."

"I don't sit!" Long Feiyi insisted on not doing it.

"Well, you don't sit, if you can't walk, I don't care about you, it will be dark, there are wolves in the mountains, there are wild boars, you are now eaten in minutes, you just want it!" After the joy, he pushed Li Meng away.

I really don't wait for him, no matter what.

Long Feiqi hurriedly caught up with her, but the place where he was injured was also a leg. He simply did not go fast, even though he had tried his best to chase after the joy, but they still opened a long distance.

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