Just when he thought that Mu Huan would really care about him.

Mu Huan looked back at him. "You can't get on, don't go, I am really gone!"

Longfeiyi looked at such a small car and felt that he could squash when he sat down. Moreover, the road here is a slope. Whether it is uphill or downhill, she pushes two people and needs strength to control the direction.

He didn't want her to be too tired. After all, she had been charging for them.

Mu Huan saw that he still did not move, "Why, are you still waiting for me to hold you?"

Dragonfly, "..."

He really wants to, but she really will? Will you come to hug him?

"Come on, don't ink!"

last of the last……

Longfei is still sitting in the car, but he can only sit on the side, basically relying on it, but even if there is a wheel pushing, it is much faster than he walks with his feet.

After Mu Huan pushed them away for a while, they faintly heard someone shouting their name, then speeded up the pace, and when she turned and found that it was a downhill, she could not stop, and could only grab the car down. run.

The shouts are from the slopes below.

The professors at the school saw that they were not coming back, and they came with a group of people.

When the following people saw that Mu Huan was pushing the car and rushed down, they were all scared. They didn’t know whether to avoid it or stop it. After all, if Mu Huan rushed down, the following is the step. All three of them have to turn over and fall.

Just a few tall boys in the class, standing up, decided to fight and block Mu Huan.

Mu Huan stopped before hitting them.

This made both sides wipe a cold sweat, because such an impact force, hit it, it is really no joke! No matter how strong the boys are, they will be hurt.

As the first tallest boy in the class, he returned to Shinto. "Mu Huan, you are too strong! You can brake the car!"

She is much bigger than his strength!

All the students returned to the gods and said that Mu Huan’s strength was absolutely perfect.

"Get out of the power to eat that!" Mu Huan sighed and sat down on the ground.

"What are you doing here? How can you make a phone call?" The professor asked them to go there, and how to make it so embarrassing.

"We..." Mu Huan just said something.

Seeing that Jun Junyan walked over to her side, she immediately stood up and looked surprised. "How is your husband coming!"

Bo Junyan saw her and stepped up. She came to her with a few big steps. "Is it hurt?"

"No, they are both injured." Mu Huan pointed to Longfei and Li Meng.

Then he said again, "How can you come with your husband?"

"Professor Li said that he couldn't contact you, and he still found a good circle."

Standing on the side of Professor Li, "Well, I am afraid that you have something to tell Professor Bo."

"What happened?" After seeing the amount of Mu Huan, Bo Junyan found that although she was not injured, she was also very embarrassed.

"The front piece seems to be building a real life field for survival. The trap is very powerful. We almost can't get out of it." Mu Huan said.

Bo Junyan looked at Wang’s help and asked him to take someone to see what happened.

When he turned around and just wanted to say something, Mu Huan stretched out his hand to hug. "Her husband hugs, so tired, I didn't eat at noon, so I was hungry."

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