"Good boy..." Xue Xiaoxiao is even weaker.

Thinking of what, she said again, "Xiaohuan... don't... blame your mother... especially your brother..."

Mu Huan looked up at her grandmother, not knowing why she said this.

"Grandma did not... no time... A... promised... Grandma..." Xue painted to use his last strength to grasp Mu Huan.

Mu Huan's tears fell even more fierce. When she cried and bowed her head, Xue painted closed her eyes forever.

The most unbearable thing for people is to suddenly lose their loved ones.

Especially, the people who are still good the day before.

That's it, I close my eyes forever and never wake up again.

In this way, she left her forever.

Mu Huan was in front of Xue's bed, crying and tearing his heart.

Going back to God, I realized that Xue Jun’s words meant Xue Yun, rushed in and saw that her mother had passed away. The person’s eyes were black and dizzy for several times. Finally, she supported the wall and barely stood still. She stumbled. Before the Xue painting, I was there like Mu Huan, and I burst into tears.


"You said, is the person dead?" Ling Wei frowned, she asked him to use Ling Xiao to make the old lady missing, how he died!


"How do you do things? How can she let her die!" The old lady is the only weakness of Mu Huan. When she is dead, Mu Huan is even worse, and the old lady has a lot in her next plan. The important part, now she is dead, and everything has to be overthrown.

The assistant bowed his head and looked sullen. "I'm sorry, Ling, the accident happened too fast, I didn't have time to respond."

Ling Wei originally wanted to talk about him again. Suddenly she thought that this old lady was dead. Mu Huan cares about her grandmother. Now that the old lady is dead, she must be very painful! Moreover, the old lady can be said to be killing Ling, so that Mu Huan can never forgive Ling Xiao, so, when...

Also thought of the new plan Ling Wei did not say anything about the assistant.


When looking at the reasons for her grandmother's car accident, Mu Huan knew why her grandmother wanted her not to blame her mother and Ling Xiao.

Because, her grandmother can be said to be dead.

On that day, Xue Yun went out to play with Xue Yu and Ling Xiao. When Xue Yun went to the bathroom, Ling Xiao said a few words because of Xue Yu, and he pushed the Xue painting angrily. The weak Xue painting was pushed by him. I walked back a few steps and retreated to the road. I just had a drunk driving car. I got out and knocked her away...

This is an accident, but it is not an accident, because it was Ling Xiao who pushed Xue Xue, which led to such a thing happening.

It can be said that he killed Xue painting.

After Mu Hua knew the truth, he angered his eyes and reached out and smashed Ling Xiao, who was next to Xue Yun.

Ling Xiao, who was caught in the air, looked at the terrible Mu Huan and cried in fear. "Mom... Mom..."

Xue Yun hurriedly said, "Xiaohuan, you are going to put down Xiaoxiao, he is your brother!"

"Moreover, it was just an accident! Xiao Yan, he didn't mean it! He didn't expect it to be like that! He was just a child!"

Ling Feng is an old-fashioned son. It is a special favor for Ling Xiao. Xue Yun is also holding Ling Xiao in his hand, and he is following him. He follows him and develops a temper that he can’t be said. If he is annoyed, he will start.

"He is eight years old! Not a three-year-old child who doesn't know anything! How can he push her grandmother!" Mu cheered.

"The last two can't be written, owe two more, make up tomorrow, and start updating after 12:30 tomorrow.

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