The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 955: Sudden loss of 6

"Mom knows, Xiao Yan, he is too ignorant! Mom will educate him in the future! He will never let him be so self-willed! He really knows it wrong!" Xue Yun said to look at Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao hurriedly looked at Mu Huan and cried for mercy. "Sister, I know it is wrong! I really know it wrong! Sister... I beg you... Sister..."

"Xiaohuan, Mom really will educate Xiaoyan, Mom really will! You will put him down first..." Xue Yun stepped forward to grab Mu Huan's hand and let her put Ling Xiao down first.

"Just educate him?" Mu Huan scared a pair of eyes.

"I will beat him! Severely beat him up!" Xue Yun Road with emphasis.

"He killed his grandmother... your biological mother!" How can she just want to protect him like this, and she didn't really get angry with him!

"Xiaohuan, Mom knows, Mom has already beaten him, but he is still a child! He still doesn't understand anything. He didn't think there would be such serious consequences. For the past two days, he has been They are all nightmares, he is already very scared, and he has regretted it! Xiaohuan, you said, what about him?" Xue Yun cried.

Even legally, he is only a child, not responsible, let alone, he is not intentional, he did not think, just push it, it will be like this, he really did not expect it!

"Let him take his life to death? Then you have to take care of your mother! It is the mother who has not educated him so that he will be so ignorant!"

Mu Huan glared at Ling Xiao’s hand and slammed it harder. The blue veins on the back of his hand bulged out.

Feeling the strength of her hand, Ling Xiao’s fear of crying is even more embarrassing. “Mother saves me... Mom saves me...”

Xue Yun listened to his crying, and his heart was so painful that he could not breathe. "Xiaohuan! Let's let go of your brother! Let me let go of him!"

"If you want to fight, just hit the mother, you want to pay for it, let the mother pay for it!"

The eyes of the scarlet Mu Hua looked at Xue Yun, the more the hand grip, the more force, this is her mother, the biological mother...

For a long time, after a long time...

Mu Huan threw the cockroach in his hand.

She didn't work very hard, but she also fell in the squeaky sigh, crying and tearing her heart, shaking the mountain.

"Mu Huan!" Xue Yun fiercely screamed at Mu Huan, that look, as if he could not wait to eat Mu Huan.

"How can you throw him! How can you! He is your brother!" How can she throw him out! How could this be!

"I don't have a younger brother." She has no brother! No matter who was born, she did not!

"Why don't you even my mother refused it!" Xue Yun listened to Ling Xiao's heartbreaking cry, followed by a distressed death!

Mu Huan looked at the ghosts who were crying and screaming, and resisted the body. The impulse of bloodthirsty inside, the twilight scarlet, "You better take him away immediately, want him to be good, and don't let me see him again later!"

If she is not her biological mother, if Ling Xiao is not her biological son, she does not care whether this is an accident, no matter whether he is a child, she must let him pay the price of blood!

"You..." Xue Yun, who still wants to say something, for the eyes of Shang Muhuan, who are bloodthirsty, have forgotten what to say.

When she was a child, Mu Huan was a delicate and sweet little girl. After reuniting with Xue Yun, she was too eager for the mother's love that she had lost. She couldn't describe her mother well. This made Xue Yun, who did not expect her to be so ferocious.

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