Can't contact her family, they have a lot of procedures to go.

After the nurse’s voice fell for a long time, she did not get a response. Just when the nurse wanted Shangguan Yu to stay for herself, she would wait until she asked her again.

"I... I don't have... family..." She has no family...

She is alone, only she is alone.


No family?

After a while.

"Your husband, no, or a boyfriend?"

"No..." She didn't, she didn't have anything.


"I will let my friend come over and go through the hospitalization process."

"Okay..." After the nurse finished, some couldn't bear to see such Shangguan Yu and turned away from the ward.

Shangguan Yu lay there and lay for a long time, long after.

Call her the manager of the coffee shop and ask her to come over and go through the hospitalization process.

She didn't call Mu Huan, she didn't want Fu Si night to know about it.

After going through the hospitalization procedures, with the guardian, the hospital dared to do a detailed inspection of Shangguan Yu, and only did some necessary checks last night.

The manager of the coffee shop pushed Shangguan Yu and waited for the inspection outside the B-ultrasound. The hospital was waiting for the patient's entertainment. The TV was playing entertainment news. The real estate tycoon night hugs the mysterious woman to the hospital for emergency treatment. The picture is not very good. HD, but it can also be seen, it is Fu Si night to go to the emergency room of the hospital with Gu Lingyin.

The manager looked worriedly at the official Guan Yu, "Xiao Yu..."

Shangguan Yu just took a look at the TV and took back the line of sight. She didn't speak, and the manager didn't dare to speak anymore.


After Fu Siye confirmed that Gu Lingyin had nothing to do, he flew abroad to handle the official business. When he came back, it was already a week. He got off the plane. When he arrived home, he would have a warm light to meet him every time he went home at night. But this time he was greeted by the darkness of a room.

He thought that Shangguan Yu fell asleep and went straight to the building.

Yes, there is no Shangguan Yu in the room.

He found other rooms and did not go to Guan Yu.

This made him frown.

Shangguan Yu has no family, relatives, and no friends. In addition to going out to play, she has not stayed outside, and she will definitely tell him if she is traveling, but she did not call him to say that she is going to travel.

He took out his cell phone and called Shangguan Yu.

After ringing for a while, no one answered, just when he wanted to hang up.

The phone is connected.

Not waiting for what Shang Yu said, he said, "Where are you? Why not at home!"

"I went out to play." Shangguan Yudao.

Fu Si’s nightbrow wrinkles are even more embarrassing. “Why didn’t you say anything to me?”

"You have never told me about your whereabouts."

Shangguan Yu has never said this to Fu Siyue. He has been busy for a week, no one is going home, and now she is treated like this, and tired and inexplicably Fu Si night, said coldly, with you, hang up the phone.

Shangguan Yu at the end of the phone, looking at the phone that was hung up, the tears fell silently.

She curled up in bed, didn't cry, just, silently tears...

The next day, Fu Si night woke up and went downstairs and found that the carpet in the hall was changed. When he changed the carpet last time, he was just at home, feeling just changed, but he thought that Shangguan Yu loved clean, and he didn't think much.

Just go to work.

After a week, Shangguan Yu still did not return.

This made Fu Si night, who rarely took the initiative to call her, called her again.

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