The phone was ringing for a long time, and Shangguan Yu was picked up.

"When will you come back?"

"do not know."

"How can you not know? It will be New Year's Eve..." It will be New Year's Eve. She will be very busy at the end of each year. How can she have time to go out for such a long time this year?

"When I go back, I will inform you." Shangguan Yudao.

Shangguan Yu’s sentence made Fu Si night feel that he was very concerned about her whereabouts, so he said, “With you, when will you come back when you come back!”

He hung up after he finished talking.

In the past, in this case, Shangguan Yu will call back, but this time, no.

This made Fu Si’s inexplicable feelings uneasy.

However, he forced the uneasy and went to work.

Later, he did not call Shangguan Yu, and she did not call him.

Until, after another week.

"President, my wife's lawyer is waiting for you in the reception room."

"Lawyer?" Fu Si night frowned.


Shangguan Yu’s lawyer, Fu Si night, is a lawyer who used to be a former official.

As soon as he entered, Shangguan Yu’s lawyer stood up and handed him a document. “Fu, this is the divorce agreement signed by Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu’s house and coffee shop in Shangguan’s house, you can see if there is no problem. I will trouble you to sign the word here, and then I will go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to do the procedure."

It’s a stupid gimmick, and I’m going to divorce. I’m thinking about it for him. It’s not a matter of half of his family’s property. I also put the Shangguan’s family in, as long as I have my own home and a cheap coffee shop.

"Fu, please sign."

The royal lawyer of Shangguan’s father is naturally trusted by the old man, and he is also loyal to the old man. Even if the father has passed away for many years, he naturally feels very distressed with Shangguan Yu. Therefore, although he is respectful to Fu Siyin, his attitude is actually not very good. it is good.

Just want him to sign quickly, he is leaving.

Fu Si night did not go to the divorce agreement handed over by the lawyer, but the twilight gloom, "What is she doing?"

Don't say a word, go out to play for so long, come back and let people send him a divorce agreement, what is she playing?

Is it another means of forcing him?

"If Fu wants to know what Xiao Yu is doing, he may sign the word first and then go through the formalities." The lawyer sneered.

“Do she really dare let me sign?” She really thought, would you really let him sign?

"Please sign immediately!" The lawyer put the divorce agreement forward and let him sign it immediately. Then he looked at the watch on his wrist. "Now the Civil Affairs Bureau has not yet got off work, as long as you have time, you sign With the word, I immediately informed Xiao Yu to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau. We can do everything in an hour."

Fu Si night’s face was black and thorough. “You tell her, let her be right!”

"Xiao Yu has stopped, and stopped the love for you. She really wants to get divorced. She asks me, please sign your appointment, so please sign it! Everyone is very busy, especially Fu. Time is precious, don't delay your precious time." The lawyer once again signed Fu Si night.

"Fu, please don't have any doubts! I can take my head to ensure that Xiao Yu is really wanting to divorce you!"

The face of Fu Si night suddenly became terrible!

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