The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 995: If you can't get it, you will destroy 8

At the time of Mu’s family, Mrs. Mu’s excuse Xue Yun could not give birth to her son. She was tortured by her various spirits. At that time, she tortured her out of depression. This son, naturally, carved deep marks in her heart.

This made her think that she must have a son even if she lost her memory. She felt that if she had a son, she would have everything, so she would not have to suffer.

This subconscious mind makes Ling Xiao’s son particularly important to her.

In addition, in the past eight years, she has only Ling Xiao’s son in her world, so her eccentricity is instinct.

The instinct's eccentricity is that she will not feel biased and make excessive things. She will not feel excessive, and she may even feel that Mu Huan is wrong, not good, Ling Xiao is her younger brother! Her brother! She can't leave him alone! Can't watch him without anything!

In particular, this is not difficult for Mu Huan!

Even if it is not because of Mu Huan, this thing, she is not used to ask!

Xue Yun was thoroughly brainwashed by Lingjia and his wife. I felt that all of this should be blamed, because Muhua, Bojia and Lingjia would go farther and farther.

I don't know, in fact, long after the breakup between Bo Junyan and Ling Wei, the two are not so close. Otherwise, they can't be promoted step by step, but Lingjia has been going downhill.

Although these two companies have cooperated in these years, they are only cooperation with whom they cooperate. Lingjia is relatively strong and relatively strong.

Merchants are very profitable, even if there is no Mu Huan, Bo Junyan will not give Linux what benefits, Ling Qiao accident, Bo Junyan will be shot, but it must be to return the benefits, not white to Ling.

But Ling Feng now lets Xue Yun want to give white, so that thin Jun Yanbai gives Lingjia such great benefits.

How could Mu Huan, once and for all, give the Ling family such benefits, let alone she is really looking forward to Lingjia.

"He is not my brother. It can be said that he killed my grandmother! I want him to have an accident. Do you want me to be good for him? How is this possible? Don't think about it! Still, except that you need me to raise you, don't Come find me again!"

"No, this time, add one more sentence, you come to me again, I will hurt the sputum once, do you want him to break his arm first, or break the leg first?"

"You..." Xue Yun didn't think she could be so embarrassed, so ruthless.

She asked her like this.

"Mom please go back, go slowly, don't send it." Mu Huan turned and left.

Xue Yun didn't dare to catch up, afraid she would really hurt her.

I dare not catch up, go back and don't know how to explain Xue Yun, squat down, crying.

Just when she thought of it, it would be better to die.

A gentle hand rested on her shoulder.

Xue Yun looked up and looked at the past. For Ling Wei’s eyes of concern, Ling Wei never looked at her with such a concern, which made her stunned for a while.

"Xue Wei, Xiao Huan, hasn't you promised you yet?"

"Ling Wei, I don't know, I really don't know what else to do, I gave her a squat, she still refused me, I really don't know what else I can do..." Xue Yun's emotions are collapsed.

"She is really unrequited! Since she does not care about your mother, then don't ask her again, we rely on ourselves!" Ling Wei angry.

Xue Yun looked at her, I don't know what her words mean.

How do you rely on yourself? She is not pulling or investing...

"More today, see you tomorrow~ Thank you for your reward."

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