The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 996: Who ambushed them 1

Even if the people in the class are very curious, why does Mu Huan’s mother want to beg her, but the strength of Mu Huan, let’s not say that some people dare to ask, even if they talk about it in the back, they just dare to whisper, so Xue Yun came to the class. Under the pleading for Mu Huan, although there is a small news spread, it has not caused any major impact.

On the evening of the final exam, Mu Huan’s class organized a dinner at a theme restaurant in the eastern suburbs.

This restaurant is very innovative, dining in a large glass flower house, with snow outside, warm inside, flowers, environment, first class.

"Squad leader, this restaurant you found from there is simply awesome!" The classmates in the class rushed to find the place to look good.

“On the Internet, this restaurant quickly climbed to the top of the list!”

"It's really good here, like a paradise, except for being far from the city, there is nothing wrong with it." Li Meng looked at the snowy road outside the window. "But if you open it in the city, there is no such environment."

"Yeah." Mu Huan nodded. "This dish is delicious."

“Well, especially this beef, it’s so delicious!”

"Come on, stars, drink some plum wine, this plum wine is very good to drink." Longfei squatted the cup and let Mu Huan drink.

Mu Huan has said many times with Longfei, don't call her stars, but he will also call, she is too lazy to stop him.

"I do not drink."

"Who was the madman who drunk last time, who is the wilderness who danced and danced?" The classmate sitting next to Mu Huan joked.

Mu Huan, "..."

Therefore, she did not drink any more.

The environment is good, the dishes are good, everyone is young, a class, playing, they are especially open, this dinner will be eaten at 10 o'clock in the evening.

Mu Huan received a message from Bo Junyan saying that he would arrive home after a while and wanted to go back. Li Meng still wanted to play. She asked Wu Xingye to pick up Li Meng for a while, and she went back first.

She left, and Longfei stayed here without any meaning, just left, and when she got out of the restaurant and came out to park, he shouted Mu Huan.

"Stars, I am drinking, you take me back." Longfeiyi wants to spend more time with Mu Huan for a while.

"Call your driver to come over." Mu Huan said.

"Call people, I have to wait, I want to go back now."

“This restaurant has a pick-up service, called a restaurant car, don’t have to wait.”

"I am afraid, you said that I am so rich, if the driver is on the road, how can I be drunk, and how can I make a fortune?" I was afraid of Longfei’s face.

Mu Huan, "..."


Just when Longfeiyi still wants to say something.

Mu Huan suddenly had a sideways body. The next second, I saw that I didn’t know what was from the place where she had just stood, slammed into the car and hit the car in a pit!

When the dragonfly looked at what was hit in the car, he shouted, "The trough! It's a real bullet!"

"Get on the bus!" Mu Huan said to open the door.

However, at this time another shot came over.

She hurriedly hid behind another car.

Long Feiyi followed and hid. "Is there really someone who wants to make me murder my life?"

His voice just fell, Mu Huan felt the top of the head shook a bit, she hurriedly hugged her head, and then, the glass above her window, it shattered, and fell a lot of small broken glass.

Longfei, who didn’t have time to take the gimmick, was hurt by the head of the shackles.

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