The Sharingan Hyuga

Chapter 135 - Sparring

As Naruto found almost all of the clan empty, The Guard replied, "Shuichi sama and Hiashi sama are at the training hall which was built a while ago. Today was the opening day. Everyone went to see it".

Naruto asked, "training hall? didn't you guys already have one?". He replied, "yeah, we had one. Well, I heard a rumor that this one was supposed to be a gift for Aihara sama upon her graduation and completing her first successful mission".

As they reached the clan end near the garden, Naruto wondered, "why are we here?". The guard replied, "we're at the entrance of the training hall, as Naruto got confused, Boruto pointed it out, "what is this?. There's some kind of door. Not that exactly. It's more like...".

The guard looked at him in a surprise, "Boruto sama, you can see the portal?". Boruto nodded, "Oh, that thing is called portal? I only saw a glimpse of it for like two seconds".

The guard smiled, "congratulations, Hokage sama, it seems Boruto sama has awakened Byakugan". Naruto looked at him in a surprised, "really?". Thye guard replied, "according to Shuichi sama's words, only a byakugan or a sharingan can see the portal. Let me open it for you".

As he made a hand seal, a bright light enveloped them and they saw a portal right in front of them. Boruto's smile became even bigger thinking that he may have awakened the Byakugan as he thought and said, "See, I'm telling the truth".

Naruto and Boruto found themselves in a mysterious place. The place is full of mountains and forests in the back and can see grasslands in the east far away. There were also large buildings here and there.

The one thing that surprised Naruto the most was this place contained an abundance of natural energy that he felt back at Mt. Myoboku. He mumbled, "is this the same place as that time?".

Kurama replied, "yeah. I think it is. I'm getting the same feeling as 14 years ago during the war". Boruto exclaimed, "Wow, amazing". Naruto smiled, "ok, let's go and meet your uncle and grandpa then".

As they entered the large building which Naruto sensed the people there, they saw all of the clan elders and Hiashi sat up on the first floor while remaining seated on their seats on the ground floor. Boruto saw his cousin Yuguchi Hyuga, who is Neji and Tenten's only child sparring some other kid from the Otsutsuki clan.

Hiashi looked at Naruto and Boruto and gestured them to come up. As they went their way upwards, they attracted attention from the audience who were surprised to see why Hokage came here in person especially the younger generation of both the clans and asked their parents.

Only then, they learned that Hokage is the son in law of the Hyuga clan who married Hinata, clan head's sister, and former Heiress.

They sat beside and started to watch the sparrings between the younger generation, Hiashi saw Boruto watching the fight excitedly. He asked, "say, Boruto kun, do you also want to participate?".

Before Boruto replies, Naruto said, "uh, we're just here to confirm something". Hiashi asked, "what is it?".

Then Boruto explained his experience at the academy as well at the clan compound just a while ago, He replied, "well, even those who were born with white eyes may not awaken the Byakugan in their lifetime.

But born with normal eyes and awakening Byakugan, I thought Himawari is the first, it seems Boruto also gained the gift? say, Boruto kun, can you awake it again for me to see?".

Boruto shook his head, "I can't activate it at will. Believe me, grandpa, I'm telling the truth. I have Byakugan in my left eye".

Hiashi said to Naruto, "dojutsu, whatever kind it is, almost everyone who possesses it normally awakes quickly it in a dangerous or a life-threating situation".

He stood up and looked at Boruto, "how about a spar with me. If truly awakened it, then it would appear amid the fight".

Just then, Shuichi appeared beside them, "how about me, father?". They turned to look at him as he continued, "you will always be too harsh in a spar. I'll fight instead of you".

Hiashi asked, "but don't you have a battle against Aihara at the end?". He replied, "she wants to fight against Hanabi".

Naruto exclaimed, "now that's interesting. I guess she's finally ready to have a serious match, huh". Shuichi put his hand on Boruto's shoulder, "let's get down shall we?".

Shuichi stopped the sparring on hold as he appeared with Boruto on the floor. Everyone who was just talking between themselves suddenly placed their entire attention towards them after finding Shuichi going to spar against Boruto instead of Aihara.

Boruto gulped as everyone looking at him expectations as he is the son of Hokage. He became nervous when he saw the same kind of expectation in Naruto's eyes.

Shuichi spoke, "don't be nervous, Boruto. Forget about everyone else and just concentrate on this battle alone". After calming down, Boruto dashed towards Shuichi and made the first move but it was easily blocked by him.

Shuichi nodded, "that's right. A shinobi should always make the first move. In a real battle, there's no start or something like that".

He tried with shadow clones. As he mixed himself up with shadow clones, he tried to confuse him to land a hit once but Shuichi easily dispelled the clones and blocked all of his attacks without even moving from there.

He looked at everyone, "ok, you can continue the sparring". Shuichi picked up Boruto and disappeared. He appeared beside disappointed Naruto, Hanabi, and Hiashi, "Hanabi, what do you think?".

Hanabi replied, "well, his basics were ok but other than that, he lacks many things. One is that he lacks training. He must have skipped training many times. Even I can spot his Original with his shadow clones around.

I heard from Hinata-Nee that he mastered it at the age of 6. So, that makes his experience in using shadow clones is around four years and still, there's no coordination between them. the biggest one is that he lacks discipline".

Shuichi shook his head, "no, the reason for it because he was never serious in the result nor the venue. All he was interested in awakening his supposedly Byakugan. That's why he lacked coordination with the shadow clones and was easily spotted".

Hanabi was taken back, "Byakugan? but didn't you told that he can't manifest it in his life, back when he was born?". Hiashi and Naruto were surprised to hear it, "what?". Shuichi looked at dejected Naruto, "are you disappointed that he can't have Byakugan?".

Naruto sighed, "no, it's not that. You see, Boruto also gets things easily and tends to take short cuts. Actually, when he said it first, I didn't even believe him. I thought it was just one of those few tricks that he's trying to get the attention of me.

While we're on the way, he saw the entrance to this dimension, you know. The guard said only Byakugan can detect it. So, I thought he didn't lie to me. But after watching the fight and hearing your words, I was slightly disappointed, yeah".

Hiashi sternly replied, "oh, is that a complaint against my grandson?". Shuichi said, "well, aren't you the very reason he turned out that way?".

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