The Sharingan Hyuga

Chapter 138 - Hijack

The academy students departed from the Elite academy after their tour is over. While those students who love to study and train were a bit dejected to leave so early, the other students who enjoy being free were happy to leave as they felt the place was like a prison.

As Isozaki, Hokane Hatake sat together while discussing the jutsu and the knowledge related stuff they gained from the library, Suzuki uchiha who sat with Sarada and Ichiyama who sat with Shikadai were unfocussed and keep staring at them.

While Shikadai asked Ichiyama, "do you like Hokane?". Upon hearing the question, he blushed and replied in stuttering, "no, who told you that?". Shikadai replied, "c'mon who are you fooling around. Anyone can tell you like her by looking at you".

He quickly changed the topic and looked outside while keep glancing at both of them. Jealousy kept rising in his heart as they began to laugh together, "hmpf".

As for Suzuki, she activated her Sharingan and concentrating on their conversation while nodded and not hearing anything of Sarada's blabbering. Sarada asked upon seeing her eyes, "why are you activating sharingan now?".

Suzuki replied unconsciously, "just trying to lip read them". "huh?". Suzuki came back to herself and replied in a hurry, "it's nothing. I'm tired. I'll take a nap. Wake me up when we reached Kumogakure". Sarada mumbled, "weird".

As Boruto and others having fun playing video games, making jokes, etc..., Metal Lee, son of Rock Lee got distracted for a second and looked all over everyone. Sarada who joined them after Suzuki slept asked, "what happened?".

he replied, "it's been a while since I saw Shino sensei". Boruto carelessly replied, "he must in the other compartment". Sarada immediately stood up and replied seriously, "I sat there until now. I haven't seen him even there.

There are only two compartments in this train. Did he even board the train?". A while later, all the 30 of them gathered. After hearing the situation, Ichiyama spoke, "this must be some kind of test. Remember last year's camp? Shino sensei left all of us in the middle of the jungle while monitoring us around?".

Iwabe replied, "this is a moving train. It's different from a jungle. Not to mention, we're far away from the village. It's very difficult for him to do that".

Isozaki then spoke, "the most likely scenario is that he might have gotten down or had been kidnapped at the last stop. I saw him board the train with us. We can't enter the locomotive as the train is moving at jonin level speed".

Shikadai replied, "so what you are trying to tell is that whatever the situation is until the destination arrived and the train stopped, we can't anything but wait. Is that it?". Isozaki nodded.

Ichiyama then said, "so, you both are implying that the destination might not be Kumogakure?". As they were discussing the scenarios that are happening with them, the train abruptly stopped in a random place in the middle of the forest zone.

Ichiyama activated Byakugan whereas Suzuki activated her one tomoe sharingan and began to observe their surroundings. Ichiyama shouted, "careful..."

Just then, the door was exploded. six people entered the train in masks and threw out the poison gas bombs. While many of them went unconscious quickly,

Ichiyama went into Juken stance, "Eight Trigrams: Palm rotation". He released the chakra from all of his tenketsu while spinning around and cleared the poison gas, it affected him quickly and he fell on the floor. Suzuki began to do some hand seals and just when she's about to be done, a voice stopped it.

"don't. You'll hit our friends too". Only then she realized that they aren't in a training ground. They are in a narrow closed space. Her Fireball jutsu may injure others too. Suzuki asked, "what's the plan?".

He replied, "we need to get out of the train". Sarada scolded him, "are you out of mind?". Shikadai then spoke, "we're in unfamiliar territory. If we get off the train and lost in this forest, it might be hard for us to go back home.

Let's just surrender. I think they won't harm us considering Boruto's and your background. Let the elders deal with exchange situations".

The leader of the masked men spoke, "wise child. Surrender yourselves, kids. We don't mean you any harm". Boruto shouted, "no way we would let ourselves admit defeat to guys like you".

Isozaki then whispered, "Ichiyama, are there any enemies other than these six?". He replied, "no other enemy in 400m range". Isozaki shook his head and thought, "he's useless. I wish cousin Wakino is here with us...sigh...".

Hokane then said, "I think what Iso-kun said is right. We've to get out of the train to deal with these guys. We can use the forest to our advantage with Ichiyama's Byakugan and Suzuki's Sharingan.

Moreover, we will have a lot of freedom to use jutsu in an open field rather than this compressed space". Shikadai replied, "the problem is that can we, academy students even deal with those guys? For our safety, it is better to accept defeat and not resist".

Boruto then said, "I don't have any intention of accepting the defeat without even trying. I'm escaping from here. Anyone who wants the same can follow me. Others can just sit around and do nothing".

The leader of the masked men smirked, "it seems you all decided to resist. Well, don't regret it later, then. Capture them". Before the enemies take action, Boruto threw out smoke bombs to block their vision for a while.

As the enemy got distracted for a few seconds, they jumped out of the windows. After the smoke cleared, Shikadai who stayed was shocked seeing the enemies just smiling.

Suddenly, something came to his mind but before he even spoke out, everyone who stayed on the train was quickly knocked out. He mumbled, "you did the right thing, kid. Now, let's test out those troublesome brats, shall we?".

Two of them stayed there and look after the unconscious students while four of them went into the forest. After a while, Isozaki, Suzuki grouped in one place and Ichiyama, Boruto, Hokane grouped at another place.

Boruto then said, "Ichiyama kun, where are others?". He replied, "Aside from us, only Isozaki and Suzuki escaped. I lost my connection with Shikdai, Mitsuki and Chocho. I guess they have been knocked out by the enemy".

Hokane asked, "what about Iso kun and Suzuki chan?". Ichiyama replied, "one second". As he did a hand seal, five of them got connected. Boruto asked, "shall we group up?".

Isozaki replied, "I'm not sure where we are and where you guys are. Ichiyama, can you spot us?". Ichiyama replied, "no. I guess you two are out of my range". Suzuki cursed out, "damn".

As they were communicating with each other, the enemy's leader spotted Isozaki and Suzuki. She did the hand seals, "Fire style: Fireball jutsu". She breathes out a huge fireball at the enemies.

As the leader got hit by the fireball, it turned out to be a shadow clone and quickly, her leg got caught from the underground and got drag into the earth, leaving only her head above the surface.

Isozaki mumbled, "Earth Style: Headhunter Jutsu. I heard about this jutsu somewhere. But where?".

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