The Sharingan Hyuga

Chapter 139 - Kekkai Genkai awakening

As Suzuki was trapped, Isozaki dashed towards her to rescue her. He pulled out a few shurikens from his pouch and threw out and did a few hand seals and spew out the fire on them.

"Fire Style: Phoenix Flower jutsu". As the fire imbued shuriken flew towards him, he easily dodged all of them. Meanwhile, as Suzuki is struggling to free herself, Isozaki was being overpowered by the enemy in a taijutsu battle.

Isozaki frowned, "there's something wrong. I'm not sensing any kind of killing intent from this person but I shouldn't take any chances. We're not in konoha and I shouldn't expect Dad to save me. he doesn't care much about me, anyway".

A while later, Suzuki finally freed herself and joined the fight to help him. she asked, "you alright?". Isozaki nodded while panting. he looked at the enemy and spoke, "what's your aim? you don't seem like you want to capture me".

He replied, "well, I just thought you were something special and wondering whether you are worth anything considering you are the son of the Head of the Alliance. But it seems like you are nothing special".

Then he looked at Suzuki, "let's check out whether your Sharingan is special or not". He did some hand seals and spew out mist which surrounded them and slowly blocked their vision.

Suzuki spoke, "this is Hidden Mist jutsu. stick close to me and heighten your senses". As she looked around, she muttered, "damn. this mist is thick enough to cancel out my enhanced vision".

She heard a whisper in her ear, "that's right. Your sharingan is still only at the initial stage". She attacked the place where the voice came from but she hit nothing but air and then, a kunai made a cut on her hand.

A series of attacks appeared in the mist and made superficial cuts all over the body and a series of punches and kicks which separated both of them.

A while later, Isozaki who wasn't getting attacked for while heard Suzuki's scream and activated his three tomoe sharingan in a hurry. He spotted her and quickly dashed towards the enemy and blocked his attack.

At another place, Boruto, Ichiyama, and Hokane are battling against three enemies. As the battle got serious, Hokane got gravely injured which made Boruto awakened Jougan and defeated those three ninjas with Ichiyama's help as he saw the key point in the opponent chakra system.

But after that, it quickly disappeared and made Boruto wondered if he can ever activate the eye on his own. Later, as they tied three of them to a tree, Hokane healed herself which made Ichiyama stupified who was worried.

She blinked, "did you forgot who my mom is?". Only then, they remembered she's also the daughter of Shizune who was a top tier Medical ninja.

Meanwhile, outside of the planet, Shuichi who is still looking like a 16-year-old activated his TenseiRinneSharingan spread out his arms, "seal". On his shoulders, Aidus' eyes are glowing as a huge barrier slowly being formed around the world.

After a while, Shuichi looked far into the distance and mumbled, "this one is too weak. It won't be able to stop them. I can't kill them before they even did anything bad. This is my last effort to change their demise.

I hope they won't be foolish to try to break the barrier by force. If they try to do so, then I can't stop the Otsutsuki clan's demise in the future. I guess it's time for Isozaki to learn about his potential. A new journey is about to begin for him as well as for Boruto. Time to go back".

Just when he's about to teleport, Aidus sounded, "Ku...". He looked at him and stroked his head, "thanks. I forgot about it". He transformed back to a 30-year-old man and teleported to Konoha.

As he teleported to the clan compound, he found Ino just sat on the chair and blankly looking straight and in a thinking mode.

After bringing her back to senses, he asked, "what happened?". She sighed, "nothing. I'm just thinking. Ever since Iso kun and Ichi kun started going to the academy, I'm feeling bored". Shuichi replied, "how about you run father in law's flower shop again?".

She looked at him and blinked for a few seconds in silence. He asked, "what?". She replied, "you already forgot about what the clan elders said when you said the same thing when we're married?".

Shuichi replied, "c'mon. Situations were different now and then, you know". She mumbled, "still, wouldn't it be uncomfortable for Father in law?". He sighed, "you are right. he would throw a fit again. I already changed too many traditions for the clan, although for the good".

She then asked, "Honey, how about we go for a picnic somewhere?". he smiled, "this is what you want to ask, right?". She pouted, "c'mon. Is it too much to ask? I can't reopen my father's shop again. I can't see and spend time with my kids like before.

Now that Aihara is studying there and the twins were on a trip for a month, I'm too bored you know".

Shuichi laughed, "fine but where do you want to go?". She replied, "not sure. You decide". He thought, "well, should we go to that place?". Shuichi then said, "ok, I decided. I'll take you to some special place".

Ino immediately got excited, "really, where is that?. Don't tell me it's on the moon". Shuichi shook his head, "Nah. there's nothing special on the moon. It's a place I haven't visited for a long time".

Upon hearing it, she asked, "can we bring Ai-chan with us. She too deserves a break". He thought, "Hmm, it isn't good to make an exception for her. It would make me look bad in front of everyone. I think everyone deserves a break".

Shuichi then said, "Ino, you go and pack your bags. I'll go and pick up our daughter". After saying that, he teleported to the Elite academy and asked the principal to declare holidays for a month to everyone which surprised the students as there wasn't a time they allowed the students to return to the village before graduating.

Shuichi returned with Aihara after talking to her which she accepted happily. She grinned, "Iso kun, Ichi kun, and Matatabi chan will be mad after knowing about it".

After storing all of their stuff in scrolls, Shuichi asked, "are you ready?". Ino and Aihara nodded excitedly. Shuichi then said, "Ai-chan, you saw my Rinnegan when you were little right?".

She nodded, "mom said your strongest eye isn't that but something else". Shuichi smiled, "you are old enough to learn about it". Shuichi's eyes changed surprising Aihara, "This eye is called TenseiRinneSharingan or the God's eye. It's the ultimate dojutsu ever existed to date".

The three of them stepped into the spatial tear and stepped outside at a Mountainous region. Aihara looked at our surroundings, "Dad, where are we?". He replied, "The Clover Kingdom". As both of them were confused with the unfamiliar name, Shuichi spoke, "come out, Aidus".

A Giant three-headed dragon appeared before them. When Aihara saw him, she was shocked, "he was the same Aidus?. He is way too big and his eyes...Dad...aren't those your eyes?". Ino too was shocked to see Aidus Giant form for the first time But calmed down quickly as she saw Juubi before which is multiple times bigger than him.

Shuichi laughed, "well, hop on. Let's go and meet some friends of mine".

Meanwhile, Back in Naruto world,

Suzuki was down on knees full of injuries, without any energy to move and put her hands before her as an Earth dragon is almost before her. She heard a loud sound while her surroundings became dark.

Isozaki was panting while his three tomoe sharingan is glowing. The enemy leader was shocked to see a wooden dome surrounded her and blocked the jutsu. He looked at Isozaki and thought, "never thought he has this ability".

But soon his expression changed as he saw so much hatred in Isozaki's eyes. Isozaki roared in anger "how dare you to try to hurt her". Several numbers of thick trees began to erupt from the ground and attacked him. "Uh oh. I guess I went a bit too far".

Ichiyama, Hokane, Boruto, and others who came to look for both of them were stupified and stood there like a statue as they saw the trees were attacking the enemy on a wide scale. Mitsuki spoke, "this is the first Hokage's kekkai Genkai. Wood-style".

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