The Sharingan Hyuga

Chapter 15 - Land of Waves Part 1

One day later, Shuichi's hand is covered with a chakra with Dark Brownish purple colour. Yugao looked at him in astonishment "you are a genius. you only not learned two of the kenjutsu techniques perfectly with a single day but also made a chakra hand blade although it is still blunt, still, there's progress".

Shuichi replied "well, it certainly not because of my talent but Sharingan let me learn it quickly. I made progress not only in this". "Shadow clone jutsu". two shadow clones appeared beside him "See, I already learned shadow clone jutsu". She was surprised "But when did you". "You already told me theory and when you made shadow clones. I just copied it".

She smiled "Not bad. But if you can just copy it with Sharingan, why did you still need a teacher? You can just learn ninjutsu by simply looking at it. You can just ask any of the jonin to perform a jutsu in front of you once. Why do you still need your father's permission? you can learn it without him knowing".

He replied "Well, if the Hokage assigned me a ninjutsu teacher, that means I can just learn it officially. as most of the people, even my clan members still don't know that I have a three tomoe m_a_t_u_r_ed Sharingan since I never used them in public.

Moreover, My father and the elders are already disappointed with Hinata. If I disappoint him by going against his orders. He certainly won't punish me as it's my right to learn. Instead, he will start to put pressure on my little sister Hanabi. She is only 7 you know. She already has enough pressure on her. I don't want to put more pressure on her".

She patted his shoulder "I'm sorry. I can't help you with that. You have to deal with it by yourself".

Then, he suddenly changed the topic "sensei, since I already summoned the shadow clones. I remembered that you said Shadow clones can share their experience once they disappear. Can't I just use them for training? with two more shadow clones, my training time will be cut off by three times".

She thought for a while "can't you make few more clones?. After all, we're not using your high-rank jutsu. With your chakra control, the consumption wouldn't be high".

"Hmm, you sure?". "I'm no sensor. I don't know how much chakra reserve you currently possess". "Hmm, in my current situation, I can do 64 palms for 5-6 times. I can also do Revolving Heaven jutsu a couple of times with no issues".

"Oh! you have far more chakra reserves than I thought". Then, she mumbled, "perhaps a genetic mutation?".

"Anyway, let's start our training".

One more day later, Yugao has a grim face on her when she summoned everyone. "sensei, anything happened". "We are going to the Land of Waves. Team 7 has met with trouble".

"What happened?". "I will tell you on the way. Hurry up. pack up everything and get ready to move".

After a while, "Three days ago, They were ambushed by Zabuza Momochi, A rogue jonin of Kirigakure. Both had a battle and both were injured. At the last moment, It seems the enemy has a helper. He was carried away by him.

Kakashi taichou also was wounded and judging by his estimation, they will be back in a week. Three days have already gone by. we don't know whether the enemy will attack before. We need to hurry".

Soon, after a few hours, they reached the port and took a boat. unlike Tazuna who row the boat slow and silently in a fear of ambush, Team 15 didn't need to worry about it and reached the Island a few hours later.

It was already evening by the time they reached the Island, So they didn't saw any workers on the Bridge.

After making enquiries about Tazuna, They quickly found his house. Shuichi frowned upon activating Byakugan and mumbled: "What are the hell those two are doing?".

Yakumo who was beside him asked, "What is it?". Shuichi shook his head and they continued on their way.

"Hello? Is there anyone here?". Tazuna came out and was surprised to see them "What are you doing here?. Never mind, come in".

After they entered the house, Yugao asked: "How is Kakashi Taichou's condition?". "I'm fine". They turned their head to see Kakashi having a bandage around his hand. "don't worry. I will be recovered fully after a couple of days".

His daughter Tsunami and Sakura came to the living room from the kitchen. "Ah! guests?". While his daughter Tsunami was surprised to see more ninja, Sakura screamed "What! why were you guys here? don't tell me you are the Backup team from the village?".

Shuichi asked her coldly "Yes. Do you have any problem?. If you don't need any help, we can go back. It's not like we're getting paid for this Mission".

He said the last sentence by looking at the old man. The three of them shuddered for a second when they saw his cold expression with his white eyes.

Then, he looked at kakashi "sensei, When you defeated that two Kiri chunin, you must have already known that it would be at least B rank mission. Knowing you, you wouldn't make a reckless decision to complete a Brank mission with three weak genins who just graduated from the academy 2 months ago. so, what changed your mind?".

The atmosphere turned cold. Even Yugao was unhappy with his behaviour in front of the clients in their own house, she was also curious as she also knows her former captain mentality.

Kakashi smiled helplessly smiled and didn't reply about it. Shuichi looked at him "no reply. then let me guess. Is it because of your students then?".

Then, he turned towards Sakura and looked at her coldly "Definitely not this weak girl. she won't have the courage to do something like that". She shivered again for a second when she saw his expression. "Sasuke? No. I don't think so. He is smart. So, It's Naruto, isn't it?. That idiot is a reckless fool".

Then, suddenly, a kick landed on his butt. He shouted "Hey". Yakumo replied, "You always destroy the atmosphere in with your cold remarks. Now, stop behaving like an a_d_u_l_t and let us have some peace, please. We haven't eaten since morning. I'm starving and you behaving like that won't get us dinner here".

He snorted "Hmpf, it's not my fault that they were weak. who told him to accept an A rank Mission like this and getting himself injured". everyone immediately understood because he was angry about seeing Kakashi getting injured and forgot his rude remarks earlier while Sakura was giving Yakumo a thumbs up in her mind for kicking him.

While they were having dinner silently, Yugao spoke "Kakashi Taichou, where are Naruto and Sasuke?. haven't seen them since we arrived."

Shuichi spoke "Earlier when we reached the house, I saw them with my Byakugan. It seems they were doing a tree climb exercise. But sensei, isn't it too much that you are teaching them that exercise now? does that mean, you haven't taught any ninjutsu to the three of them?".

Kakashi replied "they were busy in doing D-rank missions. You know how Naruto and Sasuke are like".

Shuichi nodded but still commented "sensei, why does this weak girl sitting here and enjoying dinner while those two are working hard?". while pointing chopsticks at Sakura

"Hey you white-eyed freak, I'm not weak". She almost flipped the table. Then, he again went to cold expression mode "What did you just say? did you already forgot your academy after graduation or should I once again remind you why you are weak"?.

She sat down instantly in fear. Kakashi then said, "Shuichi, she climbed the tree in one try you know?". Shuichi was shocked "What?". Then, he pointed at Sakura "this weak pinky haired girl who has nothing but the mouth has perfect chakra control?".

Sakura put on a haughty smile "now, you realised my great talent?". "Sensei, after getting beaten up Zabuza and overusing your sharingan, your eyes probably got damaged. You should check them after we went back to Konoha. Ok?". If only he would show a bit of concerned expression on his face, people might have thought he was a kind guy.

Sakura replied "you mocking me?. Ask Naruto or Sasuke when they come back. I have got the perfect chakra control you know".

She expected either surprised expression or a frustration expression on his face but instead, he has an irritated expression on his face "Then, why in the hell you aren't training enough but working hard to improve that stupid face of yours".

"stupid? why you". "What? didn't no one told you how your face looks when you sat beside Sasuke?".

Yugao then interrupted "Both of you stop it and eat silently. Shuichi, you stop insulting her around and eat quickly". Shuichi instantly nodded "that's right sensei, I shouldn't waste my precious time by even talking about her". "you".

Sakura in her mind, there's a chibi Sakura and a chibi Shuichi. Chibi Sakura punched him three to four times and kicked far away "go away you white-eyed freak, cold looking bas***d".

Then, while they were in the middle of dinner, Naruto and Sasuke supporting each other while looking pretty much beat up entered. Sakura screamed "Sasuke kun". Shuichi then pointed her "see". Yakumo nodded her head "I understand".

"Oh! Shuichi? Sai, Yakumo san?". Sai and Yakumo greeted back both of them while Shuichi replied: "Naruto kun, seems like you trained very hard today?" and he ignored Sasuke just like every time.

They both sat down and started to eat. Naruto immediately started talking and it eventually turned into an argument between Naruto and Sasuke.

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