The Sharingan Hyuga

Chapter 16 - Land of Waves part 2

While in the middle of dinner, Tazuna started to say about his son in law when Inari made a ruckus about how they all going to die and run away. Tsunami went after him.

After hearing about his story, Naruto said: "he is a hero". All including Tazuna nodded.

But the mood turned sour when Shuichi commented "you are pathetic. you know that?". Naruto shouted at him for the first time "What did just say?". while everyone looking at him unhappily, Shuichi looked at Tazuna "you said that man brought courage to the village. but No, he didn't. you just put your courage in him. that's why the moment he died, your courage also disappeared with him.

He was just a fisherman and weak. yet, he wanted to protect every one of you. and you guys throw away your pride, his sacrifice for your pathetic lives.

Your land doesn't deserve the hero old man. But still, you are doing a great job for your land. Once the bridge completed, This land fate will entirely change but from what I heard your story and from what happened to Kakashi sensei, I'm sure by tomorrow or day after tomorrow, your villagers will once again betray you by leaving you alone to build the bridge".

Yakumo put her hand on his shoulder "Shuichi, please". He sighed and stayed silent. Tazuna then spoke "It already happened. The workers already stopped today as their families were threatened. It doesn't matter if my old bones will turn to dust and everyone leave me. I should finish what I have already started".

Naruto then spoke "don't worry about the workers. I will make a hundred shadow clones to help you build it".

Next day,

Naruto made dozens of shadow clones, who were helping with the bridge. Sasuke and Sakura too joined them. While Yakumo lifted a Heavy Brick just like Sakura, She started to wobble after walking halfway, Suddenly, a hand came into her view and snatched the brick from her. "I told you many times. don't do something you aren't good at".

She pouted "but I too wanted to help. I can't help but feeling useless when I saw Sakura-san doing that activity with ease".

"That's because they have training in the academy. You didn't attend the academy neither you had physical training due to your weak body. Just disregard the things that are impossible and concentrate on those things which are possible for you. How about you go and supervise those naruto clones regarding how these things were to arrange. he's making a mess again and again. I will talk to sensei about it".

Just then, Kakashi walking nearby "Oi, Kakashi sensei". He ran while leaving Yakumo who is looking at her hands while feeling frustrated.

"Sensei, don't give Yakumo that kind of work". "Hmm, why not?". "She can't do physical work. Just give her something that doesn't require a lot of stamina. Why not let her supervise those dumb clones of naruto. I can see from here that Old man has been troubled with handling so many clones. Just give her work to me and Sai". He nodded.

After a while, Shuichi while carrying some materials required for construction. He stopped and saw Yakumo doing her work excitedly. He smiled watching her from a distance.

"It seems you care about her a bit". "sensei, what are you doing here. you need to rest". "Ah! it's fine. Do you like her?". Shuichi almost screamed "What?. no way. what made you think like that?".

"Well, aside from Hinata, you see every girl as someone weak and you act indifferent to them. But you seemed to have this expression with her just like whenever you are with Hinata you know. Not to mention, she's the person I saw you didn't get angry even after getting kicked in the butt. You even care about her health more than your sensei. I can see she's someone special to you. It's not just becasue she's your teammate. Don't be in denial kid".

Shuichi shook his head "Sensei, you are wrong about something. I don't have any sort of feeling you I think I have towards her. I have more pity for her. she reminds me of Hinata and Naruto. You know she and Naruto are similar, even though their situations are different. They work very hard for the impossible. The three of them work very hard to fight against their fate unlike a trash member of my clan who just accepted his destiny and force others to do the same.

When I see them working hard like that, I can't help but support them".

"Sometimes, I forget that you are still a 12-year-old kid you know". Shuichi shrugged his shoulders "My mind is just a couple of years more m_a_t_u_r_ed than my physical body".

"Say, kakashi sensei, how strong is our enemy that even you get ended up in that state?". His face turned dark "I underestimated the opponent. If I just had used sharingan from the start, I would have finished him. But even more so, we're fooled when his helper who disguised as a hunter nin made his fake death and took him away just when I was down by overusing my sharingan".

In the morning, while having breakfast, Shuichi cursed out suddenly "f**k, Dammit". all looked at him. His face was dark "The enemy is here. All the five workers who are on the Bridge got killed. He also has three people beside him. His chakra is very dense. There is a boy around our age with him, and there are two more who look like similar level to those Demon Brothers you met ".

All of them immediately became serious. Kakashi immediately stood up "Yugao, let's go. and one of you stays here for protecting these two". Yugao looked at them "Shuichi, you are coming with us. Yakumo, sit this one out. Sai, stay here and protect them". Kakashi looked at Sakura "you go and fetch Naruto".

Shuichi activated "Byakugan". He looked at Sakura and said "Naruto is at 750m 10 o'clock direction. they started to leave. Just when he was about to leave, he turned back. He took out two Kunai and handed over to Tsunami and Tazuna "although this doesn't help you. It would at least be useful when it's an unforeseen circ_u_mstance". They took the kunai each after a bit of hesitation.

Then, he looked at Tazuna. "we're going to fight the battle old man. I have the confidence that we will win against them, but if your people can't gather the courage to fight against people like Gato, then there is no use even if we defeat them. There are a lot of people like Gato in this world. If he was gone today, someone else will come tomorrow.

But if a person like you who travelled to Konoha to call for help even lying to the village in the process die, If a person like you who is building the bridge even against the odds for the sake of the people of this land die, who will free them from the next Gato?.

A ninja village like us won't interfere in a civilian town like yours unless there's a ninja involved, old man. The thing that needs your village isn't some bridge. it would only make you a bit richer. What your land need more is the courage to face your problems.

Courage to face injustice. courage to face evil. That's only possible when the entire residents of this land unite and face them together. The worst case is that you die. But if you keep hiding behind shinobi who are nothing more than strangers like us, you will just die every day. I said everything I want to say. After this mission. We will have nothing to do with each other anymore. Whatever you do isn't of my concern".

Then, he turned back while nodding to both Sai and Yakumo. He started to run to catch up with others. Yakumo shouted, "Come back safe".

While his daughter Tsunami was worried about Inari and run upstairs, Yakumo sat down and started to practise calligraphy. Tazuna asked, "what are you doing?". Yakumo smiled "I can't help them. So, I'm doing the thing what I can do".

Tazuna mumbled "The only thing you can do huh! what can I do with these hands other than building the bridge". Then, Shuichi's words keep echoing in his ear. Suddenly he started to pick things up. Sai upon seeing him asked, "What are you doing?". Tazuna replied "I know what I have to do. This is the only thing I can do right now. don't worry about me and protect my daughter and grandson".

Yakumo looked at him confused and then asked Sai "isn't it dangerous for him to roam at this time?". Sai shrugged his shoulders "who knows. our orders are to stay in this house to protect both of them if anyone tries to kidnap them".

Meanwhile, on the Bridge, Zabuza, Haku and two of his subordinates are standing there for a while. "Zabuza sama, they are here".

In front of them, Kakashi, Yugao, Sasuke and Shuichi stood at a distance from them. Zabuza looked at them "I was waiting for you, Sharingan Kakashi. Oh! it seems there are two more. Where are that blonde idiot and that weak pinky?"

Kakashi ordered, "I will take care of Zabuza. Yugao will take care of those two Chunin while Sasuke and Shuichi will take care of the boy".

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