The Sharingan Hyuga

Chapter 17 - Land of Waves Part 3

Sasuke snorted "hmpf, I can take care of him alone. I don't need him to assist me".

The mist began to surround them. Kakashi opened his sharingan. "Be careful". Sasuke closed his eyes and began to concentrate on the surroundings. Just then, a senbon needle flew towards him. He immediately sensed something and put his kunai in front of him but the attack didn't reach him. When he opened his eyes, there's a hand with a dark brownish-purple chakra around it caught the senbon.

"petty tricks". Shuichi looked at both of them "I heard that your village possess one of our eyes. So, you must know this hiding and killing don't work in front of me". Sasuke moved forward and made some hand seals

"Katon: Goukakyu no Jutsu - Fire release: Great Fireball Technique".

He breathes out a 1m big Fireball and attacked them. Shuichi cursed in his mind "you idiot, do you want to destroy the bridge by releasing that high damaging ninjutsu here. thankfully, it isn't big".

But it did separate them. Kakashi then said "good job on separating them".

Haku charged forward towards Shuichi and Sasuke while Yugao was dealing with two chunin, Kakashi began his battle with Zabuza.

Because Sasuke never fought together with Shuichi and he was extremely competent, He keeps on dragging him down by interrupting his attacks. After facing it for three times, Shuichi frowned and stood aside. while Sasuke replied "I told you before. I can take him alone. I don't need you to assist me".

Shuichi who didn't have good feelings from the start immediately pushed his palm out

"Hakke kushou - Eight trigrams Air palm".

He blew both of them from a distance. Since he didn't use much chakra, even though, it hit the vitals, it didn't damage them much. Sasuke stood up and looked at him in anger "What the hell are you doing?".

Shuichi replied, "I will not interfere with your battle from now on".

he immediately dashed towards Haku who has a senbon in his hand and ready to defend the attack. But he just bypassed him and went towards Yugao.

Sasuke arrogantly spoke "now that annoying pest has gone, let's continue our battle. shall we?".

Haku threw a senbon needle quick but Sasuke was also quick to block it. He dashed towards Haku and attack him but his kunai was stopped with a senbon needle.

Sasuke was surprised "a thin needle-like this can stop my attack?". Haku then attacked him with

"Thousand Flying Water Needles of Death".

He created a thousand needles from nearby water and rapidly fired at Sasuke but Sasuke who sensed the attack jumped up high and reached his back "hmpf, it seems like you are too slow".

Then he kicked at him but it was blocked by his leg.

Then, suddenly his surroundings began to change. It became colder every second passed by.

"Hijutsu: Makyo Hyoshou - Secret Technique: Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals"


Yugao was fighting with a chunin while the other one was held back by Shuichi. Yugao scold him "Why the hell are you here? you were ordered to fight the boy with Sasuke". Shuichi replied "blame Sasuke for that. He just wants to battle him alone that he kept on interfering with my attacks. What can I do?".

Then, suddenly the surroundings became a bit cooler and he looked back "What is that jutsu?". "Damn, If Sasuke gets killed, Hokage will hold you accountable for it for going against your leader's orders. you know that right".

"Relax sensei, Naruto is already on his way. will be here in any minute". She nodded "Then, it's fine".

A while later, Naruto who returned with Sakura. Sasuke who was regretting "Dammit, I underestimated the opponent. Shouldn't have sent that Hyuga away". He was getting attacked by senbon needles from all sides. just then, a voice spoke, "Naruto Uzumaki is finally here". He announced himself loudly.

Shuichi smacked his forehead "this idiot. wouldn't it be better if he sneak-attack him from the outside?".

Sasuke who was excited "came at the perfect time. If he attacks him from the outside and I attack from inside, we can easily break this ice". but his hopes shattered when he heard a whispered from his beside "Hey, I sneak in to save you. Pretty cool huh". Sasuke immediately got angry "you moron. why did you enter?". "Hey! I came here just to save you and you are giving me this attitude?". "If you just...never mind". Then thought "I knew it. this idiot was unreliable. If I had known this, I would have just kept my mouth shut at that time. anyway. If its ice then..."

Even kakashi and Zabuza were sweatdropped when they saw him sneak into the trap. Zabuza asked, "just how is this clueless kid became a ninja with his brain?".

Shuichi first sighed but then, he thought "It's time". "sensei, leave both of them to me and go help Kakashi sensei. both were wounded pretty much. I can hold them for some time. before that, kill the main threat".

"you sure?". He nodded. "Ok, I'll leave them to you".

Kakashi who was battling Zabuza was surprised to see Yugao suddenly abandoning Shuichi and coming his way. "taichou, I'm here to help you out. We will finish him first. he will give us some minutes".

Zabuza cursed "dammit. she also joined me?". He shouted "hey you two. He's alone. Finish him quickly".

Then, he sneered at them "you Konoha nin overestimates your genin too much. What do they know about life and death battle when they probably grew up in a greenhouse".

After a while, Zabuza getting pushed back by both of their attacks. Since Yugao and Kakashi worked together at Anbu for years, Their attacks are well coordinated and eventually Zanuza well into a disadvantage. But for some reason, Yugao getting angrier by the second. "What happened.....".

She turned her head and shouted "Oi Shuichi, we are at the battlefield. What the hell are you playing around for?".

"Eh! but I'm not playing around. I'm serious". She mumbled "really? they why the hell there is no byakugan or sharingan activated in your eye, and they are still not down yet. low in chakra?". Then, he said "I'm seriously practising my new kenjutsu techniques you've been teaching around. These are the best practising partners I can get".

The chunin filled with anger and attacked him with their weapons but he was dodging some attacks and parrying some of them with his chakra arms.

He further replied "even if I finish them quickly, there is no opponent left for me to fight. If I join you. it will destroy your coordinated attacks. and Sasuke doesn't need my help. So, I can't do anything in the meantime".

If he didn't have the cold expression while replying, people would have thought he was just playing around and not taking it seriously. But, Yugao knows that he probably wants to increase his mastery so that he can demonstrate it to his father. Seeing his form which already increases from a chakra hand to chakra arm. she nodded as it was good. after all, only a real-life threat situation will create enough pressure to improve oneself. That's why those who participate in life threat battles constantly grow stronger than those who just train.

While their fights going on, suddenly all of them stopped their fighting and looked back. Shuichi instantly turned Byakugan and was shocked "This chakra. What is this red chakra? Naruto?".

Even Zabuza was shocked while Yugao asked: "did the seal broke?". Kakashi looked at them seriously for a while "No. it didn't but somehow it was leaked outside".

Shuichi who heard that "Seal broke?". then he looked at that ice Mirrors again. He mumbled, "this isn't a chakra that a human can have. furthermore his chakra is blue colour". Then he remembered back during his academy days, the villagers, the older academy kids used to call him demon brat, Demon fox etc...

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