Chapter 127 Take root in the heart

Seeing Su Binglan's skilled swordsmanship, everyone was surprised and didn't think much about it.

They just know that this is their group treasure.

When talking about sweaters just now, because Su Binglan was cutting chicken nuggets, Su Fengchen was suddenly interrupted.

The old lady took over the topic and said, "Lan Lan, is this sweater a dress?"

The old lady is very concerned about this.

The main reason is that the conditions of the third family are not very good. If the wool of the sheep can be used to make clothes, maybe the conditions of the third family can be improved.

Su Binglan explained patiently: "Grandma, a sweater is a garment made from wool rubbed into wool threads."

"When it's very cold in winter, wearing such a sweater will keep you warm."

Su Binglan seemed to think of something and said, "By the way, grandma, you can tell the third uncle and the third aunt when you go back, and keep the wool."

"If you can, you can raise a few more sheep."

Su Binglan had memories of three uncles and three aunts in her mind.

Aunt San is diligent and talkative, but she is very kind and treats her well.

Aunt San's family has two sons, both older than Su Binglan.

But they are all fifteen or sixteen year olds.

To get another time and space era, these two people are still in school, but here, the two people work in the field like adults to make money.

Three uncles and three aunts used to be in good condition.

Because the third uncle is very good at cooking, he seems to have stayed in the capital before.

Later, for some reason, he returned to his hometown in the countryside to work in the fields.

When someone asked why, he didn't say anything.

The old lady said, "Okay, I'll go back and talk to your third uncle and third aunt."

"It's just that this mutton is not easy to sell. Do you really need to raise a few more sheep for wool?"

Su Binglan knew that lamb was more expensive than pork.

But people here don't know the benefits of eating lamb.

It's all meat, and everyone is reluctant to buy pork on weekdays, let alone mutton.

The main reason is that the mutton is too fishy, ​​and everyone does not know the practice of mutton.

But Su Binglan knows that mutton can be used for barbecue to make mutton skewers, and it can also be used to make mutton film and mutton soup, and mutton is also needed for hot pot.

The third uncle used to be good at cooking, maybe he could open a barbecue restaurant.

As for the sheep raised, wool is useful for wool, and mutton is not to be worried about being sold.

Su Binglan cut up the chicken pieces, put them in the pot, washed the hands, and said with a smile, "Grandma, it's not for the wool, mutton is a good thing."

"If the third uncle opens a shop or sets up a stall, the business will also flourish."

The old lady waved her hand and sighed: "I can't tell you about this. After your third uncle comes back from the capital, he won't talk about cooking, setting up a stall and opening a shop."

"I don't know what happened to him."

"Even if someone sets up a table to ask him to help, he doesn't go."

Su Binglan listened and frowned, which was strange.

What did the third uncle experience in Beijing?

"Grandma, take some things slowly, you can always convince the third uncle, don't be in a hurry."

Su Binglan was talking and started cooking.

She added water to the pot.

While everyone was not paying attention, Su Binglan put some spiritual spring water in it.

Food made with spiritual spring water will be extra fragrant and good for the body.

Luo Jinan chopped the firewood, took the firewood and walked to the stove naturally, and squatted down to cook the pot.

Seeing Luo Jin'an's actions, Su Binglan felt a sour feeling in her heart.

He really doesn't talk much on weekdays, and his breath is restrained, which makes it easy for people to ignore him.

But when you're about to do something, he suddenly shows up to help.

Like spring rain, moisturizing things are silent.

However, Su Binglan knew that such people were actually poisonous, because such people could take root in people's hearts unconsciously.

And no one notices it.

(End of this chapter)

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