Chapter 188

Su Wenzhe didn't know if his judgment was correct.

He felt that his brother-in-law was also diligent and conscientious on weekdays, rarely speaking and only doing things.

It looks simple.

How can it be a black belly.


Everyone was eating skewers and talking happily.

After returning home at night, Su Binglan went to her parents to help peel the peanuts.

Su Binglan thought about it for a while, but she still said directly, "Mom and Dad, I may have to go out for a long trip tomorrow."

Su Binglan's words exploded like a bomb.

Shen Qiuhua asked anxiously: "It's so good, why do you travel far?"

Everyone looked at Su Binglan anxiously.

"That's right, what's the need to go out?" Su Fengmao couldn't accept the thought of his daughter going out.

Must be worried and worried.

Don't know what's going on?

Now the two sons don't know the news, and they don't know what's going on. He won't be able to sleep anymore if the daughter goes far away.

But he also knew that the girl was a very thoughtful person, and no one else could interfere with the decisions she made.

But their parents couldn't help but worry.

Su Binglan knew that her mother was worried.

But this time, she had to go.

Even Luo Jinan's hands trembled. When peeling the peanut skin, she pressed it hard, and the peanut kernels flew out.

Su Binglan instinctively stretched out his hand, grabbed the peanut kernel in his hand, and put it back into the dustpan.

When Su Binglan and Luo Jinan's eyes met, Su Binglan seemed to see a worried look in Luo Jinan's eyes.

She didn't know if it was her own delusion.

She blinked her eyes to take a closer look, and found that Luo Jinan had lowered her head.

He continued to peel the peanuts.

In the farmhouse, if you eat dinner at night, if you don't sleep, even if the family talks together, it is not just idle talk.

Instead, he was busy with what he was doing while talking.

Neither Su Wenzhe nor Liu Yinyin spoke.

They probably knew in their hearts why Su Binglan went away.

Before many customers came to their stall to eat, they would talk about a lot of things during the meal.

They naturally heard about the Baicaotang goods.

They listened to their sister and didn't tell their parents about it before because they were afraid they would be worried.

Now that my sister is going away, I can't hide it.

Su Binglan explained: "I just heard the news about the second brother, and I heard from the people in Baicaotang that he went to the capital."

"It just so happens that the people from Baicaotang also went to the capital this time, so I'll follow them over there to see and pick up the second brother."

Su Binglan did not say that the second brother had an accident with the Baicaotang goods.

Just say to pick up the second brother.

In fact, the people at Baicaotang would not arrange for people to go to the capital.

It's all people from the capital looking for goods and people.

The reason why I say this is that I don't want my parents to worry.

"The capital?"

When they heard the capital, Su Fengmao and Shen Qiuhua's expressions changed.

When they went to town before, they heard that there was a war outside.

"But... but there's a war going on outside, and your second brother doesn't know what's going on, so I can't let you go."

Su Fengmao and Shen Qiuhua didn't care about their second son, Su Wenxiu.

But people always have to know.

You can't just be impulsive and stupid.

Just because the second son doesn't know what's going on right now, he can't let the daughter go find him.

What if the girl is in danger again?

It is still necessary to keep the people in the family, and then find a way to get Su Wenxiu back.

Su Binglan said: "There are forces and connections behind Hundred Herbs Hall. The road they take will be fine. They have branches all over the place, and they are all organized. I will be fine with the team."

"Besides, the second brother and the third brother went out to make money for me at the time. I should pick up the second brother and come back."

Su Fengmao said solemnly: "There is nothing that should or should not be done. You are brothers and sisters, and it is normal to help each other."

"Even if it wasn't for you, shouldn't they go out and make money?"

"Don't have any burdens in your heart, it's the parents who let them go out to make money."

"I also think that they have a profitable business and can live a good life in the future."

How could Su Binglan not know that her father said this to comfort her heart.

"But Dad, you also said that my second brother and I are brothers and sisters, and we want to help each other. I'm going to the capital, and I'm going to the capital to get some herbs."

"It's a medicinal herb that we don't have here."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Su Binglan said so, Su Fengmao and Shen Qiuhua also knew that she was very persistent, and persuasion was useless.

"That's fine, Dad will go with you."

Shen Qiuhua said angrily: "Your feet look like this, you are still at home, I will go with my daughter."

Su Binglan's head hurt.

But the heart is also warm, this is family.

Such warm family affection makes people depend on home no matter where they go.

Thinking of going home early.

When Su Fengmao heard this, he remembered that his feet were coming, and a self-abandoned expression appeared on his face.


It's all his feet. If it weren't for his feet, the two sons wouldn't go outside to make money.

Now he wants to help his daughter, but can't help anything.

Su Binglan looked at her father's dull look with his head lowered, and said, "Father, when I came back in the afternoon, I took a big bag of medicine, which is for your feet."

"I've packed them into small bags, you put them in hot water and soak your feet every day."

"When I come back, give Dad a treatment, and Dad's feet will be fine."

Su Binglan didn't know how long it would take to go to the capital this time, but she had arranged a lot of things.

Of course, she will definitely come back.

If others are in danger, she will not be in danger either.

But if this sentence is said, it is not convincing, so I simply don't say it.

"Also, I'm going with the Hundred Herbs Hall's team. I can't bring anyone else. The carriage can't hold too many people."

"You all know my ability, don't worry."


Su Binglan insisted and talked a lot, and finally persuaded everyone.

However, Su Fengmao and Shen Qiuhua still explained to her and asked her to come back sooner.

Su Binglan agreed.

Shen Qiuhua rambled a lot without worry, and Su Binglan responded.

Su Binglan also thought of something, and explained to Shen Qiuhua, "Mom and dad, remember to spend the money you keep."

"And about building a house, you can find Uncle Zhengde, just spend more money and worry about it."

"And dad, you must remember to soak your feet, mother, don't work too hard..."


Su Binglan never thought that she could talk so much.

But that's what caring feels like.


Su Binglan and Luo Jinan returned to their house.

Su Binglan looked at the silent Luo Jin'an, thought for a while, and said, "I have already told my eldest brother that the ox cart will take you to the academy every day, and pick you up in the evening."

"My parents will also take care of you."

"The medicine I gave you, you also take it on time. Although it can't be cured, your cold poison will not break out after taking the medicine."

"My parents have said that I won't let you do the work at home. You just need to take good care of your body."

Su Fengmao and Shen Qiuhua were also afraid that Su Binglan was worried about Luo Jin'an, and they all said that they would take good care of him and would not let him work, so don't worry about Su Binglan.

(End of this chapter)

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