Chapter 226 High Rice Yield

When Su Binglan said it, everyone listened carefully.

Seeing everyone's seriousness, Su Binglan was also willing to say.

She said it in great detail so that everyone can remember it.

"Then, evenly spread the sugar with water on the chicken."

"Grandpa, put oil on the casserole and heat it up."

The old man was in charge of burning the fire, and when he heard Su Binglan's words, he quickly set the fire.

Su Binglan looked at the oil in the casserole and said almost: "When it's almost 80% hot, put the chicken in, fry it until golden brown, and then take it out..."

Su Binglan saw that the frying was done, she took it out and drained the oil.

The old lady took a breath and said, "It's really fragrant, is this done?"

Su Fengchen looked at some unused seasonings and said, "Mother, those seasonings are useless, there must be other steps."

Only then did the old lady notice the seasonings, "Look at me, the light smells good, how do you use these seasonings?"

Su Binglan smiled and said, "Grandma, don't worry, I'll use these later."

Next, Su Binglan added water to the pot, put the chicken in, and then put in the prepared condiments.

"Boil it first with a strong fire, and then cook it with a simmer. The simmering time is relatively long, about two hours."

More than two hours is more than four hours in modern times.

At that time, it was very late.

Su Binglan planned to let the grandparents watch, and fished it out after telling them what to do. When fishing, they should pay attention to keeping the chicken intact.

The old lady said, "When it's cooking, it smells delicious. It's really fragrant."

Su Binglan was in a good mood with the old lady's support, "Grandma, are you hungry?"

"I'm not hungry. I ate a lot of lunch, but I was hooked by the smell. If I took it out and sold it, someone would buy it just by smelling it."

There are still a lot of rich people in town.

And the Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, many people will buy some good things as gifts.

Some people are willing to spend money, and the key things must be good things.

So as long as the chicken and duck are delicious enough, the old lady believes that many people will buy it.

Next, Su Binglan taught everyone how to make roast duck.

Roast duck requires a refrigeration step.

It needs to be refrigerated for a long time, and even if it is to be eaten, it will not be eaten until the next night.

However, everyone remembered the steps and methods Su Binglan said.

Then Su Binglan taught Su Fengchen to make duck blood soup.

In this way, Su Fengchen can make these meals for his grandparents when he has time.

After the work was over, Su Binglan said the main purpose of this time.

She wanted to buy duck eggs from her uncle.

"Lan Lan, do you need duck eggs?"

Su Fengchen thought that if Lan Lan needed duck eggs, he would go to a few more villages to buy more duck eggs.

Su Binglan explained: "Uncle, it's almost the Mid-Autumn Festival. The moon cakes we ate in previous years were very simple. I wanted to make moon cakes with different fillings. The moon cakes with egg yolk fillings were delicious, so I thought about buying duck eggs from you, uncle. ."

"I thought, uncle, you need three cents to collect everyone's duck eggs, and I will give my uncle four cents."

When Su Binglan said this, the expressions of the old man, the old lady and Su Fengchen changed.

The old lady said solemnly, "Lan Lan, there is no such thing."

"Sanwen money is the market price, that is, it is the same as if you buy it from Fengchen."

"I know you are here to take care of Fengchen's business, but you can't do this."

"Fengchen still wants to rely on you to do business well in the future."

The old lady knows that if you want to do long-term business, you can't take advantage of it.

Don't bully your own family.

Su Fengchen also insisted, "Lan Lan, we have our own duck eggs, you can just use them. If you go outside, you will only get three cents, and the uncle will also follow the three cents."

In fact, Su Binglan thought that if she used it to make moon cakes, the cost must be properly earned.

She bought it from her uncle, although she said it was to take care of her business, but also to save trouble.

At Su Fengchen's insistence, Su Binglan still thought of a way, "Uncle, I'm not being polite to you, then I'll pay you a duck egg for three cents, but I have to pay you a certain fee."

"no, I'm fine."

"Uncle, listen to me, you have to run errands to collect duck eggs. I saved a lot of trouble by buying from you. Even if you hire someone else, you have to pay for the errands. Uncle, you have charged the fee, and I will pay for it. Duck eggs are also at ease, aren't they?"

At Su Binglan's insistence, Su Binglan agreed with Su Fengchen that duck eggs are still three cents apiece, but there is no basket of duck eggs for a certain fee.

After the agreement, Su Binglan and Shen Qiuhua went home with two baskets of duck eggs.

These can make quite a few mooncakes.

The old lady wanted to keep them at home for dinner.

"I've already made duck blood soup, so I'll eat it here."

Su Binglan smiled and said, "Grandma, grandma, uncle, I'm welcome, I'm sure I'll come over to eat, but I'm going to go home for dinner tonight."

Su Binglan and Shen Qiuhua were on their way back, and Shen Qiuhua said, "You feel sorry for your grandparents, right?"

Su Binglan explained with a smile: "We are having dinner at grandparents' house. Grandparents will definitely call Dad and the others together. With so many people eating, we need a lot of dry food."

"Grandpa and grandma are very economical on weekdays. They are reluctant to eat the white flour steamed buns you sent before."

"I went to eat this time, and the white flour steamed buns that my grandparents saved are gone again."

"Even if we give it back, grandparents are not at ease with it."

"Besides, grandpa and grandma told us to eat too many times, and it wouldn't make sense if we didn't call the three uncles and three aunts."

Shen Qiuhua also understood, "It's still Lan Lan's thoughtful thinking."

When the two returned home, it was late, and Su Fengmao and Luo Jinan also came back from the field.

Shen Qiuhua said: "You went to the ground to take a look, don't worry?"

Su Fengmao said happily: "You don't know, the rice in our field is growing quite well, and the rice grains are bigger and better than the villagers. Everyone came to ask us how we planted it."

Shen Qiuhua was also happy when she heard it, "Really?"

She hadn't been to the ground for a long time.

"Of course it's true. If you don't believe me, ask Jinan."

Shen Qiuhua looked at Luo Jinan.

Luo Jinan said softly: "Mother, our rice is indeed growing very well. The villagers came to ask how we planted it, and whether the seeds were good."

Shen Qiuhua listened, her eyes overflowing with a smile, "It seems that this year is a bumper year."

Luo Jinan looked at Su Binglan.

Su Binglan always felt that Luo Jinan's eyes were a little intimidating, as if he understood something.

In fact, when Luo Jinan went to irrigate the fields during the drought, Su Binglan added spiritual spring water to the bucket.

Lingquan water can improve varieties and make grain crops grow well.

Of course, this is the external environment and cannot change the growth rate of food crops.

Only her space species grows faster.

The reason for improving the varieties to make the rice yield high is also thinking that if these varieties are used by the villagers, they can be distributed to the villagers, so that the rice yields that everyone will grow in the coming year will be high.

No one will starve to death.

It is true that the yield of food crops here is too low.

Su Binglan couldn't stand it any longer.

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