Chapter 425

Along the way, Song Yi immediately listened to Su Wenwu's words, full of doubts and curiosity in his heart.

He couldn't wait to come to Su Teng Village immediately, see what Su Wenwu said, and wanted to see the changes in Su Teng Village now.

But listening to it, Song Yi felt a sour feeling in his heart.

"Brother, you are sour. I don't have a sister."

Su Wenwu was not humble at all, and said with a proud look: "No way, who asked me to have a sister, and my sister is beautiful and smart."

"My sister has the ability..."

These words are heartbreaking.

Who made him not have a sister?

Song Yi hurriedly said: "Stop, stop, you go on, I want my parents to give me another sister."

However, when it comes to Songyi's parents, Su Wenwu's attention was diverted. He said, "Actually, my father's foot was injured before, and he couldn't walk at that time. The doctor said that his foot could not be cured."

"But my dad's feet are completely healed, and now my dad walks and runs like a normal person."

Anyway, his father is used to walking and running, and the speed is that fast.

Hearing these words, Song Yi's whole body was shocked, and the whole person seemed to be frozen.

Song Yi gradually reacted, his eyes widened suddenly.

Did he hear it right?

Can your foot hurt so badly get better?

Song Yi couldn't believe it.

Song Yi was excited to say something at this time, but his lips were trembling, but he didn't know what to say.

After a while, he found the voice and said, "Wenwu, did I hear what you just said right?"

"Your father's feet are ready?"

In the past, when we ran the escort together, when they were homesick on the road, they would chat and talk.

Song Yi also knew how seriously Su Wenwu's father injured his foot.

It was injured while carrying cargo at the dock.

Su Wenwu said that his father's foot went to the doctor to treat the doctor, and the doctor said that there was no way to do it.

Song Yi's father's foot was injured by a fall. It was very serious at the time, and it couldn't be healed later.

His father also limped when he walked.

Su Wenwu heard Songyi's excited voice and understood what Songyi meant.

"Songyi, don't worry, I'll help you ask my sister when you go back, my sister may be able to heal your father's foot."

Su Wenwu is not his sister.

He didn't know whether Song Yi's foot injury was serious or not.

He felt in his heart that his sister was omnipotent and would definitely be cured.

But he can't say that.

He can't cheat his own sister.

So some things, he has to ask his sister first.

Even so, there was hope in Songyi's heart.

If his father's feet are healed, and he has a business life, the family will be fine.

"Wenwu, thank you."

They don't say thank you.

But at this time, Songyi didn't know what to say other than thank you.

Not only did Su Wenwu save him, he is still helping him now.

But there was nothing he could do for Su Wenwu.

He thought about doing things with Su Wenwu, and he must do it well.

While riding the horse, Su Wenwu said to Song Yi who was behind him: "When your father's feet are healed, thank me again."

"it is good."

The two of them talked like this and soon arrived at Su Teng Village.

When passing a piece of land, Songyi saw many people building houses there from a distance.

And it looks very big and occupies a lot of land, but it is not the same as a house.

Song Yi was a little surprised, "Wenwu, what are those people doing there?"

Su Wenwu explained: "That's the embroidery workshop. It's the embroidery workshop that my sister wants to set up. It will be built in two days."

"Embroidery workshop? Is it such a big embroidery workshop?"

Su Wenwu nodded, "That's right, you haven't seen the tofu shop. The tofu shop is also very big, but the tofu shop is in the village, behind my house."

In fact, walking with Songyi here reminded Su Wenwu of the past.

So he sometimes has an unreal feeling.

It's heartbreaking to think about what their home looked like in the past.

"I can't wait to take a look." Song Yi had to hold back his curiosity, he really wanted to fly to Su Teng Village to see what it looked like.

"See you soon."

When the two arrived at the entrance of the village, they dismounted and walked towards the village together.

The two walked from the road north of the village.

At this time, both of them can see that there are several carriages going in.

Song Yi looked at these carriages and was stunned.

If Su Wenwu hadn't told him this was Su Teng Village, and it looked like a village, he really thought he had come to a lively town.

He had seen several carriages.

"Your village is so rich now? Does everyone have a carriage?"

Song Yi was not surprised.

Su Wenwu said: "No, these are for tofu products."

"Today is estimated to be the delivery date, so there are more people coming to get the goods."

Some carriages are going out, and when they pass by Songyi, Songyi can smell a fragrance.

He couldn't describe it, but it just smelled good.

He couldn't help swallowing


He feels so hungry.

Their family eats only two meals, one in the morning and one in the evening.

In fact, he is in a state of not having enough to eat every day.

But the food at home is not enough, so we can only eat like this.

So this will smell the fragrance, and Songyi feels very hungry.

But Song Yi said nothing.

When he followed Su Wenwu in, it was almost noon, and he could see some old people in the village gathered together in twos and threes to sit in the sun in Maza.

Everyone had a smile on their face.

Song Yi was even more surprised.

He felt that the mental state of the villagers in Su Teng Village was different from that of the people in their village.

Even if the people from their village came out to sit and chat in the sun, they would have nothing to do, with sad faces on their faces.

But the villagers of Su Teng Village all had smiles on their faces.

That smile was dazzling.

It seems to be smiling with hope.

"Wenwu, your village is really different."

He could feel it was very lively here.

Looking at everything around you, you can feel the breath of life.

Yes, it is the breath of lively life.

"Well, the big guy is better now, so he will be happy."

His mood is different now than before.

It's also because now I can eat and wear warm clothes, and I still have serious things to do.

The family is also fine, he has no worries, he can do things with peace of mind.

Songyi was even more shocked when he saw the mansion of Su Wenwu's family and the tofu shop.

After Su Binglan's interview in the morning, she hired six people.

These six people then went into the tofu workshop and worked with Shen Qiuhua.

Shen Qiu taught them to make bean curd when the flowers were blooming.

By noon, Shen Qiuhua took everyone to make some tofu.


After Su Binglan finished her work, she went home. She sorted out everyone's interview list in the study to see who was suitable for work in the embroidery workshop.

But at noon, she started to prepare lunch, and she had to go to town in the afternoon.

At this time, Su Wenwu brought Songyi to the house and told Su Binglan that this was Songyi.

Su Binglan smiled and said, "Since he is my third brother's brother, let's have lunch at home first. After lunch, I will tell you about making stinky tofu first."

? ? Little cuties, 10,000 words is better today, ha, monthly pass ~ refill



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