Su Fengzhang and Su Wenxian's excited eyes were red.

The two of them stared at the wine jar, smelled the smell, and couldn't take their eyes off of it.

Smells better than anything they've ever had.

Su Wenxian breathed in the aroma of the wine for a while, and suddenly thought of something, and said, "Yes, and fruit wine."

The two opened the fruit wine tank next to them again.

Then the two of them would smell different from the taste of sake brewed with rice, a kind of wine with a sweet smell.

Su Fengzhang also likes to drink, and has drunk a lot of alcohol before.

At this time, I smelled the aroma of fruit wine, and I was amazed, "I have never smelled such wine before."

"It has a fruity taste, and I don't know what it tastes like."

"It must be delicious."

Su Fengzhang and Su Wenxian felt very greedy when they smelled this fragrance.

Both of them couldn't help swallowing.

They feel hungry.

The wine smell is so tempting.

They feel like they haven't had a drink in a long time.

Su Binglan smiled lightly as she looked at the uncle and the elder brother.

She especially understands Uncle and Brother Wenxian.

If her father and three brothers were here, it would probably be the same reaction.

In this day and age, few ordinary people can afford alcohol.

The conditions are slightly better, and I will be willing to buy a little wine during the festival.

It's not a good wine to buy, just drink a little to satisfy your cravings.

Su Binglan smiled and said, "Uncle, brother, go get a wine glass and drink it."

As soon as the two of them heard Su Binglan's words, they couldn't wait to get something out.

Su Binglan felt that the wine with the spirit spring water should be different.

The reason why the wine has such a strong fragrance should be related to the Lingquan water.

Su Fengzhang and Su Wenxian couldn't hold back their excitement at this time.

The two of them scooped out a little wine and poured it into bowls.

Then I scooped a little bit with a small spoon, put it in my mouth and took a sip.

Both of them moved cautiously.

After taking a sip of wine, both of them were stunned.

Su Fengzhang looked down at the wine, forgetting that there was any movement.

He had an unreal feeling.

He needs to savor the feeling of drinking just now.

He actually drank his own wine.

And he didn't know if it was a psychological effect. He felt that the wine was delicious and delicious.

It tastes better than the wine I bought before, and it tastes more than a little bit.

"Dad, why do I drink so well, this is really what we brewed?"

Isn't there something wrong with his taste?

Nor was he hallucinating.

I was really excited inside.

Su Wenxian looked at Su Fengzhang with bright eyes.

The corner of Su Fengzhang's mouth moved, he wanted to say, son, you have said everything I wanted to say.

Su Binglan looked at the uncle and brother with a smile on his face.

Su Binglan also took a sip with a spoon and tasted it.

When her expression changed, she couldn't help but nodded and said, "It's really delicious."

Much better than the jug of wine that the guest gave his father last time.

Luo Jinan said that the pot of wine was of middle and upper quality.

So the wine they make should be good wine.

Su Wenxian took a few more sips with a spoon, and said excitedly: "So I don't feel wrong, I really drink good wine."

"We brewed it ourselves, so proud."

Su Wenxian didn't know how to express this feeling in words.

He now understands why his mother likes embroidering things so much, because embroidering good-looking things will also give you a sense of accomplishment.

Su Fengzhang asked, "Lan Lan, can the wine be sold in this way?"

Su Binglan explained: "Uncle, brother, we have to add a few more processes. After adding these tools, the wine will be better."


Su Fengzhang was stunned.

They thought they had a good drink, and were excited and happy, but suddenly heard Su Binglan say that the wine could be better.

They all have a feeling of being unreal.

Then both of them couldn't come back to their senses.

It was because I was so excited that my brain was blank and I couldn't think.

Su Binglan looked at them without laughing, and asked directly, "Uncle, eldest brother, all the things that you asked you to prepare for filtering and distillation are ready."

Hearing Su Binglan ask this sentence, Su Fengzhang suddenly came back to his senses and said, "Everything is ready according to what you said, Lanlan, I'll go get it."

Su Wenxian also hurriedly said, "I'll go and help."

Those things they put in the storage room.

After taking out everything, Su Binglan began to teach how to filter and distill, adding a few procedures.

This wine is more mellow and rich.

The two of them watched Su Binglan do this seriously.

They also remember what Su Binglan said.

In order to drink their own wine, they remembered every step and every detail that Su Binglan said about winemaking.

After adding a few processes, the wine tastes more fragrant. The key is that the wine feels more mellow.

"Delicious, delicious."

Neither Su Fengzhang nor Su Wenxian could describe their current mood.

Su Binglan said: "Brother, take out those small wine jars, pack them up, and send a jar to Grandpa, Grandpa, and our Su family."

The two of them listened to Su Binglan's words and hurriedly took out the small wine jar.

Then put the wine into the small wine jar and seal the lid.

Immediately afterwards, Su Fengzhang and Su Wenxian began to busy delivering wine to the old man Su, Su Zhengde, and the third uncle.

For the wine at home, Su Binglan can just give it to her father.

But it was only in the afternoon, and her father was still at the tofu shop and didn't come back.

Since you are drinking, you should have a good meal at night.

When Su Binglan took the wine home, her second brother was busy in the medicine field and could smell it.

"Jiuwei, have you bought wine?"

Su Wenxiu excitedly walked from the backyard to the main hall following the smell of wine.

"Sister, have you bought wine?"

Su Wenxiu hadn't had a drink for a long time.

Of course a doctor can't drink alcohol.

This is a rule given to him by his sister, and he knows it.

So he can smell it, right?

Su Binglan said, "This is the wine we brewed ourselves, and it tastes better than the wine bought outside."

Su Wenxiu widened his eyes in surprise.

But then he remembered that his sister had said before that he wanted to open a winery.

And the winery should have been built.

Su Wenxiu has been obsessed with medicine recently, and he doesn't care about the outside world.

Now Su Binglan doesn't sit in the clinic anymore, now it's all Su Wenxiu who sits in the clinic, with his apprentice helping by the side.

Of course, if Su Wenxiu sits in the clinic, the speed will be slower, but his medical skills are also good.

If there is really any incurable disease that Su Wenxiu cannot cure, he will ask his sister for advice.

It was Song Yi's father. His foot was injured, but Su Wenxiu had to perform an operation to heal him.

This operation also made Su Wenxiu famous, and everyone believed in his medical skills.

And everyone took the medicine he prescribed and it really worked.

Su Binglan looked at the second brother's eyes, raised her eyebrows and said, "Second brother, do you want to drink?"

Su Wenxiu felt that his sister was a little serious, and hurriedly said: "Sister, I know some of the precautions you mentioned. I don't drink as a doctor."

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