Former General Wei has been guarding the border area of ​​Bianzhou, and has saved the people there many times.

Especially that earthquake, the Wei family completely won the hearts of the people.

According to the gossip, the reason why the Wei family took measures to evacuate some people in advance during that earthquake was because County Master Lan predicted the earthquake in advance.

But this is just gossip he accidentally knew, and no one knows how.

But the fact is that the Wei family army did take precautionary measures in advance, so that time there was a big earthquake, but there were almost no casualties among the people at the border.

The people of Bianzhou Border Pass said that the Weijia Army was the god who saved them.

Especially Wei Jinan is the god of war.

It's a pity that such a young god of war died.

Meng Ce did not believe that he was sacrificed.

Meng Ce knew that the Wei army was framed.

If it wasn't for being framed, how could someone like the Wei family sacrifice.

Therefore, whenever Meng Ce thinks of these things, he also sighs with emotion in his heart.

Mrs. Feng listened to these words and said, "In this way, I can really know in advance."

"I think Miss Su is not an ordinary person. She said that if there is ground movement, there must be ground movement, and she would rather believe it than to believe it."

"If the earthquake is really moving, the entire county still doesn't know how many people will die."

Mrs. Feng had an impression of the ground movement.

After the earthquake, so many displaced people were displaced.

She was still young at that time, and once made porridge with the family.

But after the earthquake, there are too many refugees, and there will be plagues.

If these problems occur, Meng Ce will not be able to quickly return to the imperial court in Kyoto.

Meng Ce pondered for a while and said, "Miss Su?"

Mrs. Feng said very seriously: "Well, I believe her."

"I don't know why, when I met her, I felt a sense of intimacy, and I couldn't help but believe in her."

"What she said was involuntarily convincing. It was a strange feeling."

Mrs. Feng is a noble daughter of the Feng family, and she has a lot of knowledge.

No one had ever given her such a feeling before.

Therefore, what Su Binglan said, Mrs. Feng believed without hesitation.

"Besides, she saved Binbin."

Binbin is Meng Bin, the son of Meng Ce.

Meng Ce was silent for a while and said: "Mother, if you tell all the people in the county that there will be earthquakes in the next three days, and let everyone prepare, it will be very troublesome if there are no earthquakes later."

He is the county magistrate, and every word he speaks will be amplified infinitely.

"And how to explain how to say we know there's ground movement?"

Mrs. Feng said: "Miss Su thought of this floor. Miss Su said that there was a master of Jianghu who passed by this place and watched the sky at night, saying that the earth moved in these three days."

"When someone asks, they won't know who the master is. Even if everyone guesses, they will only think that he is a hidden master."

"And Miss Su also taught a way to set up a tent."


In the end, Meng Ce, as the county magistrate, informed everyone that there was ground movement in the past three days, and asked everyone to take preventive measures.

Arrange for people to teach the people to build tents.

Arrange people to a safe place.

Because the county magistrate personally informed everyone about this, many people believed it.

Many people are starting to get ready.

There are many towns and villages in the whole county.

The county magistrate has arranged for people in every village and every place to be notified.

On the first night, everyone nervously stayed in the open space outside and dared not enter the house.

Many people are nervous and afraid to sleep all night.

But the ground didn't move on the first day.

Everyone was suspicious.

"It feels like the weather is fine, will the ground really move?"

"Could it be fake?"

"Our county magistrate is a good magistrate, how can it be fake."

"Everyone should be careful. They all said that there will be earthquakes in these three days, not on the first day, not on the second day, maybe on the third day."

After the first day, everyone was really sleepy, and many people went into the house to sleep during the day.

But each family will arrange for people to take turns to guard.

The next night, there were still many people who didn't dare to rest at night, just yawned and watched the house carefully.

However, in the second half of the night, many people couldn't stand it and went home to sleep.

Everyone thinks that there is no way to know the ground movement in advance.

Probably all fake.

I heard that the magistrate only listened to a Jianghu master, maybe this master is a liar.

So everyone didn't quite believe it, so they went back to the house and went to sleep.

In the winter, I can sleep well in the house, and I can't freeze.

Some people slept in tents.

In fact, the people sleeping in the tents are also very light sleepers, and their hearts are nervous, for fear of sudden earthquakes.

However, sleeping in a tent is not the same as sleeping at home, and it is always unsteady to sleep.

There are also many people who only have one or two quilts in their homes, and there is no way to set up a tent, so they can only stand on the open space outside.

Only wealthy families can set up tents, and then there are some families around Su Teng Village.

The people in the villages in other towns were all standing outside.

Everyone was so sleepy that some would go back to the house to sleep, while others insisted on standing outside and not sleeping.

It was too cold for them to sleep in the open air.

Then there is not much to wear, only more activities.

Do more activities to avoid freezing.

The next night was still fine.

The ground has not moved for two days, and everyone is even more suspicious.

"There should be no ground movement. It's been fine for two days."

"No, we haven't slept for the past two days. We have to stand outside. It's too sleepy."

"It should be fine, let's go back to the house and sleep. We've been fine sleeping in the house for the past two nights."

"What the magistrate said may not be true."

"And I heard that this news came from the Su family. The Su family is just an ordinary farmer, not a god. How do they know that the ground is moving?"

"That's right, everyone, don't listen to the wind as the rain. What should you do?"

"No, it's so cold outside, don't freeze the child."

"If it's freezing and getting cold, it's not worth it."

"It's better to go back to the house and sleep. If there is any movement, just run out. It's good to watch the weather."


On the third night, many people went back to the house to sleep.

After two days without sleep, everyone really couldn't bear it.

Then there are many people who don't believe it at the beginning, sleep in the room when they should sleep in the room.

The first half of the third day was still fine.

But in the middle of the night, it suddenly moved.

The ground shook.

The ground suddenly shook violently, stunned many people.

Especially some old people, suddenly remember some memories from the past

"Earth, earth, hurry, hurry out."



Suddenly the ground shook violently, scaring many people.

Those who stayed on the open ground outside were fine, and many of those who went back to sleep were crushed inside by the collapsed house.

Some run fast, while those with strong houses can run out quickly.

Those whose houses are not strong and those who are slow to respond are pressed down by the houses.

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