night is dark

But many people looked down from the heights of the hillside, and they could still see many houses collapsed in an instant.

The ground was cracked.

This scene is really shocking, but it scares countless people.

Some children started to cry

"Wow wow..."

The children cried in fright.

Not to mention the children, even the adults turned pale with fright, but they couldn't cry.


This sound kept ringing.

It's getting colder.

The north wind howled.

The blower's face hurts like a razor.

But they didn't care about the pain, they were all frightened at this time.

Many people can't come back to their senses.

"Really moved?"

"Really earth movement?"

There are also people standing on high and flat places, still having lingering fears.

Fortunately, they did not go back to their house to sleep.

They were still thinking just now that they are too sleepy and can't hold it anymore, why don't they go back to sleep?

Now that they remembered that thought before, they were all scared for a while.

"Earthquake, it's scary."

"Fortunately, we came out. If we were buried below, we would not be able to come out, and we would die."

"Sister Wang's family, and Aunt Lin's family, they all went back to the house to sleep, they..."

Indeed, many people went back to the house to sleep, and no one dared to think what happened to those people.

Because they watched helplessly as the houses collapsed.

If you can't run, you will definitely be crushed inside.

The beams fell down and suppressed people, it was really too dangerous.

In fact, many of them were hesitating in their hearts just now, whether to go back to the house and sleep.

Many of them are even thinking about not moving.

Those who say it moves are probably lying.

Everyone even doubted whether what Miss Su said was right.

Also, do you think the magistrate can just listen to the words of a Jianghu master?

Those are probably all crooks.

But when the ground moved, they realized that it was all true.

Many people have been shocked but cannot return to their senses.

Everyone in Su Teng Village didn't go back to sleep and stayed outside for three days.

Because everyone believed in Su Binglan.

Su Binglan said that if there is earth movement in the past three days, there must be earth movement.

If it really moved, everyone was more convinced of Su Binglan.

The surrounding villages are okay, but people from other villages in other towns go back to their houses to sleep more.

Everyone didn't believe in the ground movement, so many were buried in the house.

But there are also many people who are very cautious. They just stand outside and don't go back to rest, and they will be fine.

There are a lot of people watching from an open place in the distance, watching the earth move, and they all find it scary.

Some of them worry about those who go back to sleep.

But they didn't dare to move, they felt that the ground was still shaking and moving.

And it moved more and more.

All cracked.

Everyone should take the children carefully to avoid those cracks.

The key is landslides.

Some rocks fell directly from the mountain.

The huge boulder rolled down, which was also scary.


"Shanshi, everyone avoid, avoid."

The trees in the village were also uprooted and fell to the ground.

The scene of the scene is really shocking.

Many people cried with fright.

The children cried a lot, and some adults trembled with fright.

When the ground kept shaking and the house collapsed, the scene really shocked everyone.

Many people did not dare to move or go to the village to save people.

Can only stand.

Because the ground is still shaking.

But the houses that Su Binglan designed were all in good condition, and none of them collapsed.

In the midst of ruins, those buildings looked very abrupt.

"Look, over there, the house over there is still fine."

The houses built by the Su family are big, as are the houses in the Tofufang Xiufang Winery.

After the expansion, the pottery workshop is also very large, and there are many houses built by Su Zhengde and Su Xueye with a team of workers. These are all good and have not collapsed.

So everyone looks at these nice houses and feels amazing.

"That is the tofu workshop, the winery and the embroidery workshop, and there is the pottery workshop in Liuteng Village."

"And the new house that Brother Su helped to build, and the one built by Su Xueye..."

"Ah, these houses are all right, and the ground movement is all right?"

Everyone thought it was amazing.

All of them looked at those buildings with shocking eyes.

Some jaws will drop.

Some were so shocked that their eyeballs were about to fall out.

Everyone found it to be true.

As long as the houses built by Su Zhengde and Su Xueye have not collapsed.

Of course, there are also houses built by others, and the better ones have not collapsed.

But many houses and buildings still collapsed under the ground.

"That's why Su Xueye is amazing, and the buildings he built are all right. Earthquakes!"

Everyone thought it was amazing.

There are houses that don't collapse when the ground moves.

Really incredible.

Many elderly people remember that when the earth moved before, all the houses collapsed, and even some large trees were uprooted.

But they rubbed their eyes vigorously and found that there were no dizziness.

Those buildings and those houses are still there.

"Everyone, be careful, the vibration is getting bigger and bigger."

Everyone was afraid of the ground shaking.


At this time, Su Binglan was standing on a towering tree in the back mountain.

She just stood on the tree and watched the earthquake around the county seat.

She could feel the earthquake getting bigger and bigger, followed by a large-scale tremor.

If there is a large-scale strong vibration, many people outside will also be injured, because the ground will crack, and there will be mudslides and landslides.

If a big earthquake is to be stopped, she must use her aura power.

She is now a mortal body, unable to have some of the power she once had.

But there can still be some strong earthquakes.

But this time, she has to use a lot of spiritual energy. After using it, her body will be weak for a period of time.

It will take a long time for her to fully recover.

It occurred to her that this was her brother Lan Ruozhu's territory, within the boundaries of Dingzhou.

Thinking of so many people in the county, thinking of how she felt as Lan Ruobing's parents to protect the people, Su Binglan took a deep breath, and then began to use the power of spiritual energy.

Her hands gradually moved, and blue rays of light emerged from her body.

Then, a strong earthquake was about to occur on the ground, but because of Su Binglan's ability, the earthquake seemed to be suppressed.

It was as if the ground about to roll was being held down by a huge hand.

The ground can't make a strong vibration.

But there are still small movements.

But such shaking would not produce a large number of casualties.

People who are evacuating outside will not be in danger.

When Su Binglan suppressed the strong earthquake, snowflakes also floated in the sky.

"It feels like the vibration is getting smaller and smaller."

"Will this shake, will it be okay?"

"It's not shaking anymore, everyone go to the village to save people, go and save people."

At this time, many people looked towards the sky and were surprised to find that it was snowing.

When looking at the snowflakes, everyone also noticed that the vibration of the ground became smaller and smaller.

Then gradually there was no vibration.

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