But if you take that little back home, the people in your hometown will not have enough to eat.

Everyone asked him to come back and bring some more.

But every time Su Fengchen is limited supply.

He won't let one person buy all the lo-mei made at once, and give it to the local people.

So at that time, Su Fengchen stipulated that everyone should buy in limited quantities.

Those lo mein are delicious.

But this time Su Fengchen made dried meat sausage again, which was even more delicious.

They can't wait to buy a lot of dried meat sausages to take back.

These dried meat sausages, if they can't order in large quantities, even if they buy a lot, they are reluctant to take out, and they plan to keep their own family to eat.

Su Fengchen saw everyone looking at him with earnest pleading eyes, feeling a little soft-hearted.

Everyone likes their Su family's food, and he is actually very happy.

Everyone looked at Su Fengchen with hearts.

They were afraid that Su Fengchen would say that there were not many lo-mei and dried meat sausages, so they could not order.

Since they brought the food back to sell, they have made a lot of money, and their wealth has also increased.

Although their hometown is far away from Su Teng Village, they still like to run back and forth.

Mainly to make money and eat delicious food, kill two birds with one stone.

Su Fengchen thought for a while and said, "Luweifang intends to make more dried meat and sausages, and will make a lot. You can order in advance."

"How much quantity do you need, pay the deposit, and then pay the money and deliver it in one hand."

Hearing Su Fengchen say this, everyone became happy.

"Young Master Su, thank you so much."

"Young Master Su, thank you, thank you very much."

"I'll order a hundred pounds first."

"I'll also order a hundred pounds first."

"I ordered three hundred catties."

"Then I also have three hundred pounds."


Su Fengchen twitched the corners of his mouth when he heard the numbers reported by everyone.

"Are you all serious, ordering so much at once?"

A businessman said anxiously: "Seriously, Mr. Su, you know that we also pay attention to integrity in our business, otherwise Miss Su would not be able to cooperate with us, so what we said is true, and we can pay the deposit now."

"Yes, Mr. Su, you don't know how popular your dried sausages are. I feel very delicious when I eat them. I have never eaten this kind of food before."

"It's okay to buy a lot of this stuff, it's easy to store. We have eaten so many delicacies, and eating this dry sausage is very delicious. You can imagine how popular this stuff is to bring back to our local area to sell."

"Yes, it's a good thing."

"Young Master Su, don't worry, I'll order 300 catties. I have a channel that I specialize in selling food. They are all rich people who are willing to spend money on food, as long as it's delicious."

"Young Master Su's food must be delicious. There is no doubt that we have tasted it ourselves."


Su Fengchen saw that what everyone said was true, so he directly signed a contract agreement with everyone, and began to let the people from Luweifang make dried meat sausages.

Dried meat sausages are quick to make. The people in the Luweifang chop the meat, and Su Fengchen and Miao Zhizhi are in charge of seasoning.

The seasoning is simple. Put the seasoning directly into the meat filling in a large pot and stir it well, and then give it to the people in the Luweifang to let them enema.

After filling, hang it on the yard string to dry.

It didn't take a few days for the jerky sausage to be ready.

When Su Fengchen called the merchants to deliver the goods, they were all stunned.

It's so fast, just a few days.

Shocked and excited at the same time.

Everyone quickly handed over the money to Su Fengchen, and then let someone use a carriage to pull the meat and sausages and set off.

They want to quickly bring the dried meat sausage back to the local area to sell.

You can make a lot of money a few years ago.

Of course, in addition to ordering dried meat sausages, many people also ordered a lot of lo-mei food, and they all took them back to their hometowns together.

These merchants are especially happy to pay.

And there was a look of excitement and joy on their faces, for fear that the payment would be late and the goods would not be available.

Su Fengchen held the silver in his hand, and actually still felt in a trance.

Obviously he should be happiest when he makes money, but these businessmen are happier than him.

"Master Su, thank you very much. With your dry intestines, I can still make a lot of money when I go back."

"This thing is a good thing. I can't sell all the dried meat and sausages. I have to keep some of it to entertain guests during the Chinese New Year."

"This thing can also be given as a gift."

"Yes, yes, I took the duvet I ordered from the embroidery workshop back as a gift. Everyone likes it. These things have opened up some local relationships. Now it is much more convenient to do business in the local area."

"Me too, I took the braised chicken and roast duck and some of our snacks as gifts, and got through some relationships."

"That's right, these things didn't work for gift-giving in the past."


Everyone was chatting, and Su Fengchen couldn't help laughing.

He never thought that these delicacies could play such a big role.

In the evening, Su Fengchen took the silver and sat on the kang to share happiness with Miao Zhizhi and his parents.

The old lady Su was amazed, "In just a few days, I have made so much money."

"Jerky sausages are so popular."


Feng Chen said: "Well, everyone likes dried meat sausages very much. We can make more. In three days, it will be the market in our village. There must be many people who come to buy it."

The old lady Su said: "Well, you can do more, don't get tired."

Miao Zhizhi said with a smile: "Mother, I just put condiments, I'm not tired, it's mainly the people we hire to do the work."

"Now that the Luwei Workshop is established, many people are employed, and I don't need to do many things myself."

Mrs. Su said, "That's good. You were also exhausted some time ago, so you need to rest more recently."

Miao Zhizhi said: "Mother, it's okay, I can help Fengchen look at the storefront at the door."

The store is open every day, and many people will come all the way to buy lo-mei, and Miao Zhizhi and Su Fengchen will take turns to visit the store.

Mr. Su and Mrs. Su originally wanted to help, but Miao Zhizhi and Su Fengchen didn't want the two old people to be tired, so they hired someone anyway, so they could rest at home.

However, Miao Zhizhi had an idea in her mind at this time, and said, "Father and mother, Feng Chen, I actually have an idea."

Mrs. Su hurriedly said, "Zhizhi, just say what you have in mind, we are all family."

Su Fengchen also looked at Miao Zhizhi with encouraging eyes.

Miao Zhizhi said: "It's like this. Before, people from the county and Fucheng came here to buy lo-mei. I wonder if we can open a few more stores in other towns or county towns, that is, the Suji lo-mei store. , we hire people to watch the store and hire people to deliver goods every day."

"In this way, it is much more convenient for local people to buy lo-mei, and the food made by our lo-mei shop does not have to rely on foreign merchants to make money, we can open more stores to make money."

When Miao Zhizhi said this, Su Fengchen's eyes lit up, "This method is good."

The old lady Su also nodded, "Yes, Zhizhi, your idea is very good, we didn't think of it before."

Mr. Su doesn't talk much on weekdays, but at this time he also nodded in agreement.

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