Su Binglan continued: "It's not so easy to get them to change their evil ways directly, they are too busy."

"So we set up a stall and asked them to come help and let them know what it's like to make money with both hands and work hard."

"Everyone understands the truth. It's useless to just say it. It's only useful if you let them go to work, see and feel, and they should be able to change their minds."

Liu Yinyin looked at Su Binglan.

There are many touches in her heart.

Her sister-in-law is really different from before.

She didn't expect her sister-in-law to say such a reasonable thing.

She felt that her sister-in-law radiated rays of light, which made her admire her.

And when will my sister-in-law learn martial arts, why doesn't she know?

No wonder she said what to do if she encounters a robbery, the sister-in-law's expression is very indifferent, and she is not worried at all.

It turns out that her kung fu is so powerful, so don't be afraid.

Of course Liu Yinyin is also smart, she still knows what to ask and what not to ask.

"And sister-in-law, don't tell your family about tonight, I'm afraid they will worry."

Liu Yinyin nodded and said, "Don't worry, Lan Lan, I won't tell you."

Liu Yinyin seemed to think of something, and asked, "That little sister-in-law, if they don't come to the place where we set up our stall tomorrow, do you really want to go to them?"

Su Binglan smiled and said, "I don't have the time to spare. Some words scare them. I show them a clear path. Whether they are willing or not depends on their fortunes."

Liu Yinyin suddenly realized that it was so.

The two continued to drive home in the dark.

But when she was on her way, Su Binglan always felt as if someone's eyes were falling on her.

But she couldn't feel the person's breath again, she thought maybe she was too sensitive and suspicious.

If there were still people following him, they would have appeared long ago.

They all went to the village, but none of them moved.

So Su Binglan took Liu Yinyin's hand and rushed home quickly.

Su Binglan didn't notice that Luo Jin'an was behind them on the way.

It's just that Luo Jin'an can hide her aura, so even if Su Binglan is very perceptive, she doesn't perceive Luo Jin'an's existence.

Luo Jin'an stood at the entrance of the village, looking at Su Binglan's figure, her eyes flashed with bright and dark light.

There are deep and complex emotions in there.

He stood under the darkness of the night, and the autumn wind blew his clothes, making his whole person take on an elegant and noble atmosphere, like a banished immortal who came to the mortal world, as if he was about to emerge.

Su Binglan and Liu Yinyin were very excited when they saw the village.

Especially Liu Yinyin ran to Su's house excitedly, she wanted to tell her parents how much they earned tonight.

I used to grow crops and grains, and I might not be able to earn a tael of silver a year.

But this night, I made more than one or two.

The excitement in my heart is indescribable.

She is eager to share this joy with her family.

And according to this method of making money, their Su family will soon get better.

"Father, mother, we are back."

As soon as the two entered the door, they smelled a moving fragrance.

Su Binglan's heart moved, this was the scent of beans.

It smells so good, and it's a nostalgic scent.


At this time, Su Fengmao and Shen Qiuhua were not idle, they were grinding beans with a small stone in the yard.

Shen Qiuhua turned the stone mill, and Su Fengmao helped put the beans on top, and then received the ground soy milk.

When the two heard that Su Binglan and Liu Yinyin were back, they excitedly put down their work and said, "How are you back?"

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