Both of them looked at Su Binglan and Liu Yinyin with anticipation in their eyes.

Liu Yinyin closed the door, and then whispered: "Dad and mother, we earn a tael of silver plus 560 wen a night."


Shen Qiuhua and Su Fengmao were both stunned.

They all suspected that the ears had auditory hallucinations.

"So much, one tael of silver and five hundred and sixty cents?"

This is a huge amount of money for ordinary people.

Catch up with their annual income from growing crops.

It's just one night.

Of course, neither of them doubted Liu Yinyin's words.

Liu Yinyin has a good personality and never lies.

They only suspect that something is wrong with their ears.

Su Binglan looked at the expressions of the two and said with a smile, "Mother and father, it's true, we made so much in one night."

Shen Qiuhua clapped her hands excitedly, "This is really great, Lan Lan, you are really a blessing to our family."

Su Fengmao was also very excited, but he usually spoke little and was not good at words, so he didn't know what to say.

But also laughed.


Shen Qiuhua suppressed her excitement and said, "My father and I, as you said, peeled the soybeans, soaked them in water, and your father and I would use a stone mill to grind them out in about time." There were more soybeans, and when Su Binglan left , just let them get a small portion of soybeans.

But even so, Shen Qiuhua and Su Fengmao are still busy until now.

This time, the family didn't feel sleepy, instead they were very excited.

Su Binglan handed the money bag to Shen Qiuhua and said, "Mother, you take care of the money in our family, I'll give it to you first."

Shen Qiuhua held the purse and said, "Go, go in and see."

"Xuexuan and Xuehai are asleep, let's be quiet."

"it is good."

The family sat around the kang, poured out the money from the purse, and counted.

Counting and counting, Shen Qiuhua's smiling mouth couldn't close.

The eyes were narrowed.

"We have spare money in our hands and feel at ease. Let's live a good life, and our family's conditions will get better and better."

"I always feel that as long as you are diligent and diligent, you will always have a good life."

Liu Yinyin also said excitedly, "Yes, mother."

Su Binglan said: "Mother, the money is on yours. I will be busy tonight, and tomorrow morning I will go to the town to set up a stall to sell tofu."

"Are you going to sell tofu tomorrow morning?"

At noon, Su Binglan told Shen Qiuhua what tofu was, although he hadn't seen tofu yet.

But just smelling the smell of those beans made her think it must be a good thing.

Shen Qiuhua now believes her daughter's words extremely, she feels that what her daughter said is right.

"Well, let's go to set up a stall. Taking advantage of the fact that it is just autumn and the weather is not cold, I can make more money by setting up a stall. In winter, maybe we can set up a shop."

Su Binglan even thought about buying a shop.

But she thought about it. She plans to build a commercial area in the future. There are many shops in the commercial area, and they are all built by her own home, so there is no need to buy shops.

Shen Qiuhua was stunned for a while, she never dared to think that she could open a shop before.

But she now feels that her daughter is capable, and it's right to listen to her.

"Okay, you can arrange it."

Su Binglan seemed to think of something and said, "By the way, mother, I was sick and took medicine before, and I also had money to buy Jinan. You also borrowed it from the east and the west. Let's pay back the money early, and then we can save what we earn. down."

Shen Qiuhua said: "This is the money you earn, how can your parents use the money you earn, your father and I are thinking, let's work harder, after the autumn harvest, we will sell the grain and pay back what we borrowed. "

Su Binglan's heart was warm, she took Shen Qiuhua's hand and said, "Mother, I'm your daughter, we are all in the same family, you and dad got together before, and it was for me, and it's normal to use these back to everyone."

"Besides, I have the ability, I will still earn, and it will get better and better in the future."


[Writing a new book and changing the style, in fact, my heart is also nervous and nervous, but it is also a warm and healing sweet text, making a fortune, so that everyone can relax from the heart, a paradise-like life, if you like this, little cuties, please bookmark and vote Leave a message to support it, thank you little cuties here

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