When Shen Qiuhua recalled these, her eyes were red.

"My grandmother hurt me the most, but I couldn't save her at that time, there was no way to save her at all."

"It hurts to think about it now."

"My mother went early, and my grandmother brought me up. At that time, I was ten years old. Before my grandmother died, it was me who was most worried."

"I still remember her appearance at the time. She let me live well, let me live simply and happily, and forget the Shen family."

"She said that the Shen family is going to be in chaos, and I don't know how many people will survive."

"Later Forsythia took me to death in the fire and left the Shen family."

"We went to Xinghua Village, as a mother and daughter."

Shen Qiuhua never mentioned this.

No one in the Su family knew.

At this time, Su Binglan was very distressed when she heard her mother say this.

She stretched out her hand and hugged Shen Qiuhua, "Mother, you are suffering."

She felt sorry for her mother.

Shen Qiuhua looked at her daughter and smiled softly. She shook her head and said, "I didn't endure hardship. Mother has good children like you. Mother feels very content."

"And the life our family is living now is what I like. Your father is also good to me, and the children are also good. The family is harmonious and life is very warm."

"Really good."

"If it wasn't for the change in the Shen family, I don't know what it would be like now."

"Besides, after I returned to Xinghua Village with your grandma, your grandma was also very kind to me, and she was reluctant to bear a little hardship for me."

At that time, although the life was difficult, there was no need to worry, and there was no need to worry about being killed suddenly.

I can sleep peacefully every day.

Su Binglan said, "But uncle, doesn't he welcome my mother back to my grandma's house?"

Shen Qiuhua shook his head and said, "No, your uncle is also very good. He is your grandma's own son. It was your uncle who responded to your grandma and me outside, and we went back to Xinghua Village together."

"Your uncle is honest and honest. He and your grandma both know my identity, and they are afraid of making me suffer a little."

"It's your aunt who has some problems. When I was at home, she didn't like me. Your grandmother and your uncle also instinctively protected me, so she was even more angry."

"I didn't want to embarrass your grandma and your uncle, so I came to Suteng Village with your father, across Xinghua Village. That's fine."

"But during the festivals, I will go back and have a look."

"I'm grateful to your grandma and your uncle. For me, that's my mother and my brother."

Since Shen Qiuhua left the Shen family, she has never been regarded as everyone's young lady.

Her mind was calm.

Su Binglan nodded.

"That's my grandma and my uncle too."

She was grateful to them for saving her mother and being good to her.

So when she went to see her grandmother and uncle in the first month, she planned to bring some more things.

Su Binglan asked curiously, "Mother, when the conditions at home were not good in the past, did you ever think about going back to the Shen's house?"

Shen Qiuhua shook his head and said, "No, I never thought of going back."

"My grandmother let me live well. I know that I can live well only if I stay away from the fighting environment of the Shen family."

"And the conditions at home were not good at that time, but everyone could sleep peacefully. If you go back, you will be hurt."

When Shen Qiuhua mentioned this, she was a little scared, "I heard that there was a civil strife in the Shen family later, and several of my uncles and brothers and sisters died."

Su Binglan can understand.

The Shen family, one of the six aristocratic families, is not an ordinary family.

It's no surprise that anything happens in it for power and profit.

Su Binglan said, "I heard that Shen Qiuhui is now the head of the Shen family."

Shen Qiuhua nodded, smiled and said, "I know, but I didn't expect him to become the head of the Shen family later."

"He is my concubine. His mother died not long after he was born. At that time, the stepmother that my father married treated him very badly and abused him. I saw him once and scolded the servants and asked them to take them for him. delicious."

"Later, he would sneak into my yard, and I would give him the delicious food and not let the servants talk about it."

"I will take him to play and give him a lot of fun things."

"I'm not very close to other siblings, but I think he's cute and pitiful, and he's still very dependent on me."

"You know, if there is someone who needs you very much, you can't help but be nice to this person, not to mention that he is still a younger brother, so I wanted to be nice to this younger brother at the time."

"Unexpectedly, he survived in such an environment and became the head of the family."

Shen Qiuhua learned about the Shen family later.

But she never wanted to return to such a family.

She wanted the children to live a life of ease and freedom, and she didn't want them to be tied down in such an environment and worried about their lives.

It's great here, you can eat well, wear warm clothes, have a relaxed day, and sleep peacefully.

Su Binglan said: "So, Shen Mohen is my cousin."

Shen Qiuhua nodded and said, "Yes."

Su Binglan looked at Shen Qiuhua's expression and asked, "Does that mother not want to recognize her relatives? I heard that my uncle has been looking for you, and my cousin has been looking for you."

"The Shen family is not like it used to be, and I have the ability to protect my mother now, so

Mother don't have to worry about anything else, what to do. "

Shen Qiuhua was silent for a while, then sighed: "When I was in the Shen family, I was the closest to my grandmother and had a good relationship with that younger brother. During the time I went to Xinghua Village, I couldn't worry about him."

"If you recognize it, just recognize it. It's just in private. It's better not to let people know about it on the surface."

Su Binglan said with a smile, "I understand, my mother just wants to see my uncle and cousin, but she doesn't want to be involved with the rest of the Shen family."

"I left my cousin at home for dinner. If he can recognize him at night, he will recognize it, and we don't have to avoid it deliberately."

Shen Qiuhua smiled and nodded, saying that her daughter is a caring little padded jacket, which is true.

A lot of things, she doesn't need to say, her daughter understands.

After the mother and daughter said they understood their own words, they went to the stove to cook together.

At this time, Liu Yinyin had already adjusted the taste of the rice.

The sweetness of the rice cake should be just right, so that it tastes delicious.

Liu Yinyin looked at Su Binglan and said, "Sister, look, how does this taste?"

Su Binglan smelled it, then took a bite of it with chopsticks, and said, "It tastes good, so let's do it like this."

"We made rice cakes and bean cakes in previous years. In fact, we can add some new tricks."

Speaking of this, the big guy came to the spirit, Su Wenzhe also kneaded his face, and couldn't wait to ask: "Sister, what else can you do?"

"You can also make sweet potato cakes and brown sugar cakes."

If there is milk, add milk to the kneaded dough to make the cakes more sweet and delicious.

But when they were at the border, the cow with aura from the back mountain was still at the border.

The cows they use now are not dairy cows.

After the new year, she thought about whether it was possible to set up a dairy farm to produce cows.

That's really good stuff.

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