Su Wenzhe's eyes were bright, and he said, "Sister, can you make sweet potato cake even with the sweet potato you baked?"

Su Binglan smiled and nodded: "Yes, sweet potatoes can be made into sweet potato cakes, potatoes can also be made into potato rice cakes, and peanut cakes, etc. These are all delicious."

At this time, when Su Binglan was talking, images flashed in his mind.

"These will be delicious when made."

Su Wenzhe also began to imagine the picture of the delicious food that his sister said in his mind.

Sweet potato cake, potato cake, what does it taste like?

He obviously just ate lunch not long ago, how could he feel hungry?

Especially want to eat.

"Sister, shall we do this later?"

When Su Wenzhe said these words, his eyes were bright and expectant.

Looks like I can't wait to eat it.

Liu Yinyin was also looking forward to it.

But Liu Yinyin was more reserved, not as obvious as Su Wenzhe's expression.

But she couldn't help but look at Su Binglan, wondering if she even made sweet potato cakes and potato cakes together in the afternoon?

Su Binglan understood her eldest brother's eyes, she smiled and said, "Tomorrow we will make sweet potato cake and potato cake."

Su Wenzhe said excitedly: "I'm looking forward to tomorrow when I can eat sweet potato cake and potato cake."

"Actually, the practice is also simple, but it is not the same as what you imagined. We have to add some things, and the taste will be better."

"However, I made so many noodles and rice today, so let's make rice cakes first." Su Binglan looked at the noodles that eldest brother kneaded, and Liu Yinyin made a lot of rice.

It is also good to eat rice cakes at night.

Liu Yinyin nodded and said, "Indeed, I used to be able to eat rice cakes during the Chinese New Year, but I couldn't eat them on weekdays."

Liu Yinyin still remembered the feeling of the Chinese New Year.

At that time, rice cakes were all noble things, and even during the Chinese New Year, you could only eat a little.

She still remembers the taste now. This year is good. This year, rice cakes can be eaten open.

Make two big pots at home at once.

And my mother said, if it's not enough, I want to eat and continue to make it.

Even on weekdays, you can also make rice cakes.

Shen Qiuhua also said with emotion: "Our custom here is to eat rice cakes during the New Year."

"Lan Lan said that there are many kinds of cakes that can be made. There are many kinds of cakes. During the first month, when relatives visit, you can take them."

"When the time comes, you can bring more Yinyin when you go back to your mother's house to give your mother's family a taste."

Shen Qiuhua treats Liu Yinyin very well on weekdays.

Now that the family is in good condition, it is natural not to be stingy.

She just wanted to ask Liu Yinyin to bring some more home.

Everyone has a family, and she understands that feeling.

As a woman, although she lives in her husband's house, she still misses her mother's family in her heart.

Sometimes I can take some things home and feel more at ease.

Liu Yinyin nodded happily, "Thank you, mother."

"You're welcome, it's all family."

Liu Yinyin was actually very moved.

In fact, Shen Qiuhua is really good and treats her very well.

Many people in the village envied her, saying that her mother-in-law was kind to her.

Of course, people used to gossip behind their backs, mainly because the conditions of their home were not good at that time, and she often took things from her parents' home.

Or take the children back to their parents' house.

But now others won't gossip, they will only envy her.

Now everyone wants to work under the Su family.

Both her parents said that because they were in-laws with the Su family, they were especially respected in Liuteng Village.

The big guys are very enthusiastic about them all.

Her parents also said that she made them very proud, and they felt decent when they went out.

She was actually quite happy.

When they were talking, everyone started working together.

Su Wenzhe wanted to burn the fire to cook the prepared rice.

Shen Qiuhua, Liu Yinyin, and Su Binglan kneaded the dough in front of the face plate, and then rolled it into a dough.

When the rice is cooked, wrap the rice on the dough.

Wrapping rice cakes is also a technical job, that is, it has to be wrapped into a chirp on the outside.

It looks good cooked this way.

The more people do things, the quicker they are.

So many noodles and rice are ready in over an hour.

After it is done, it is placed in the pot and steamed to be steamed.

Also control the heat, sometimes the fire is too high, and the rice cake may open in the middle.

While Su Binglan was busy here, Shen Mohen looked at Yue Huachen in the guest room.

Shen Mohen was a little curious, just after a while, his eyes will be completely healed?

Can you see clearly?

Is that great?

He didn't doubt Su Binglan's medical skills, he doubted his own medical skills and the Medicine King Valley's medical skills.

It was said outside that Yaowanggu's medical skills were so powerful, but after seeing Su Binglan's medical skills, he knew what it meant.

If the medical books and medical skills of Medicine King Valley were not lost, wouldn't it be very powerful?

In fact, when he first went to study medicine and entered the King's Valley of Medicine, his father did not agree.

But he later said that if he became a disciple of Medicine King Valley, he might have more clues to find his aunt.

Then his father agreed without hesitation.

He didn't know why his father was so obsessed with his aunt, he had to find her.

He heard his father often say that if it wasn't for his aunt, he would have died when he was a child.

He knew that, to his father, his aunt was the warmth in his heart.

He even sometimes wondered if his father regarded his aunt as his mother.

After all, his father lost his mother since he was a child, so his aunt was kind to him back then.

But then my aunt died.

But my father always said that my aunt was not dead, that my aunt was still alive.

He knew that the reason why Dad later became the head of the family and used thunderous means to control the family's power was because he felt that he could only find his aunt if he had enough power.

If it weren't for this belief, he felt that his father might not have wanted to be the head of the house.

Shen Mohen knew in his heart that his father was not a good person.

His father is very skilled, otherwise he would not have jumped from a descendant of a family who was bullied and ignored to become the head of the family.

He not only has the means but also endures.

But only when he mentioned his aunt, his father seemed to have become a child.

He couldn't understand how his father felt.

But he had to do what his father told him to do.

But after searching for so long, he didn't know where his aunt was.

Just when Shen Mohen thought about this, Yue Huachen woke up on the bed.

The moment Yue Huachen opened his eyes, his vision was blurry.

But he could see the light.

At that moment, Yue Huachen thought she had hallucinations.

He knew too well what it felt like to see.

His hands were shaking.

He didn't even dare to blink.

He carefully rolled his eyes and looked around.

Then the scene in front of him gradually became clearer.

He also saw Shen Mohen sitting beside the bed.

This is a man as elegant as jade, "Brother Shen?"

Yue Huachen carefully addressed the person in front of her.

Shen Mohen looked into Yue Huachen's eyes, saw the look inside, and said excitedly, "Brother Yue, how are you?"

"Can you see?"

"Is it really okay?"

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