Shen Mohen was a little excited, his voice trembling and hoarse.

He also stared at the moon painting dust without blinking.

For fear that he is also hallucinating in front of his eyes.

He knew what Yue Huachen had gone through, and he also knew how hard Yue Huachen had suffered.

He was actually quite angry in his heart, and wanted to help Yue Huachen.

However, his medical skills are limited.

He always felt guilty and guilty.

So he sincerely hoped that Yue Huachen would get better.

Yue Huachen looked at Shen Mohen at this time, and could see his excited movements and his expression.

He saw very clearly.

Yue Huachen was also in disbelief. He touched his eyes with his hand, and his fingers blocked his sight.

He moved his finger away, and the scene in front of him became clear again.

Yue Huachen pinched herself with her hand to make sure that the pain was real.

His expression moved and he was a little excited, but he tried to restrain his emotions and said hoarsely: "Well, it's good, it's really good."

"It's very clear."

Shen Mohen excitedly patted the fist of one hand on the palm of the other hand, "It's really great."

"Miss Su's medical skills, even I admire, I didn't expect to be cured in one afternoon."

Shen Mohen now admired Shen Ningxue even more.

He has an urge to be a teacher.

But now he already has a master, and the owner of the valley is his master.

At this time, Shen Mohen didn't know that his master wanted to worship Su Binglan as his teacher.

Yue Huachen thought of that voice before.

It was so similar to County Master Lan, he actually thought about it at that time and wanted to see it.

I want to see what she looks like.

Perhaps what he imagined in his mind was the appearance of the Blue County Lord.

Even after so many years, he still remembers that when he was young, when he was the most desperate, it was the girl who picked him up.

Buried his mother for him, taught him a skill so that he could live.

But he betrayed the trust of the county master.

Because of a woman, he became what he was later.

Yue Huachen felt remorse and guilt in her heart.

Yue Hua said hoarsely, "I want to thank Miss Su."

Shen Mohen nodded and said, "Okay, I'll take you to thank her."

"By the way, Miss Su said, let's stay here for dinner tonight."

"I heard that the food of Su's family is very good. It's all delicious food. It's something that can't be eaten outside. Now we have a good taste and can eat delicious food."

The last time Shen Mohen came to Teng County when the Earthquake was still in motion, he ate a few local delicacies.

He was stunned.

Only later did I learn that those foods were all researched by Miss Su.

So this time, he was also very excited, wondering if he could eat something delicious.

The last time he returned to the Medicine King Valley, the master was full of praise.

Moon Painting Dust nodded.

Now that he is better, he feels that his mentality has also changed.

Shen Mohen was habitually supporting Yue Huachen to go out.

But this time, Yue Huachen said, "Brother Shen, thank you, just let me go by myself."

Only then did Shen Moheng realize that Yuehuachen had recovered.

He can see everything around by himself, and he can move by himself.

The two came to the main hall together.

When Shen Mohen was at the entrance of the main hall, he saw Shen Qiuhua busy in the stove.

Shen Mohen didn't know why, so many people saw Shen Qiuhua at a glance.

Who is this woman?

Why does he feel so familiar?

Shen Moheng looked at it at this time, forgot to walk, and his footsteps stopped.

He felt something was about to come out.

Shen Qiuhua was busy at the stove, and suddenly felt something.

She turned to look at the door.

Then he saw Shen Mohen at a glance.

Seeing Shen Qiuhua's face, Shen Mohen blurted out, "Auntie!"

These two words not only shocked Shen Qiuhua, but even Shen Mohen.

Why did he call him aunt all of a sudden.

It was because she was too similar to the aunt's portrait drawn by her father.

Dad wanted to make it easier for them to find Auntie.

I found a professional painter to simulate the portraits of my aunt when she was a child and the portraits she has grown up and now.

The woman in front of her is very similar to the person in the portrait.

And she looks a bit like her dad.

Is it really an aunt?

At this time, Shen Mohen's brain was confused because the impact was so strong that he couldn't think rationally.

Shen Qiuhua was also shocked.

When she saw Shen Mohen, her eyes trembled.

This child made her seem to see Shen Qiuhui growing up.

He is very similar to his father.

The moment Shen Qiuhua looked at him, she suddenly thought of some of her childhood days, and her eyes suddenly turned red.

Time really flies, and in a flash, decades have passed.

She was young then, but now she's a grandmother.

"You are?"

Shen Qiuhua still asked softly, but her voice was slightly choked.

Shen Mohen's mind was blank at this time, and he didn't know what to say.

Well, just instinctively asked carefully: "Are you aunt? I'm Shen Mohen, and my aunt's name is Shen Qiuhua."

Shen Qiuhua nodded, "Well, my name is Shen Qiuhua, and I have a younger brother named Shen Qiuhui."

Hearing this sentence, Shen Mohen's whole body was shocked, and then the whole person became excited.

He was speechless because he was so excited.

He wanted to speak, when his throat seemed to be blocked and he couldn't make a sound.

When Shen Qiuhua walked in front of him, he found the voice, "Auntie, I finally found you."

Shen Mohen's eyes turned red.

He had an urge to cry.

He didn't know why either.

It was his father who had a relationship with his aunt, and he had never seen her before.

But why is she so excited and so happy to see her aunt.

He also felt very kind.

Is this what the bloodline feels like?

Shen Qiuhua looked at the boy who was a head taller than him.

As if seeing the humble and careful little boy once.

Her brother's son has grown so big.

She had a very relieved feeling.

Shen Qiuhua also choked up, she reached out and touched Shen Mohen's hair, "Good boy, I'm your aunt."

Shen Mohen was tall, and in order to make it less difficult for Shen Qiuhua to touch his head, he lowered his head.

Shen Qiuhua patted Shen Mohen's shoulder and said, "After all these years, is your father okay?"

Shen Mohen wiped the water light from the corner of his eyes, "Well, Dad is very good. There were some dark injuries on his body in the early years, but I healed him."

"He has been thinking about his aunt and always said he wants to find you."

Shen Qiuhua's heart was a little sour, "Don't he blame me?"

When she left the Shen family, she didn't take him with her.

In retrospect, she was actually quite frightened.

I was afraid that the child would not be able to survive in such an environment as the Shen family.

But fortunately, he is alive and well.

The kids have grown up so much.

Shen Mohen shook his head and said, "No, Dad never blamed Aunt. Dad said that when he was a child, Aunt took care of him and treated him well."

"When my aunt left, there were a few people left behind. They also took good care of my father. If they hadn't secretly protected my father, my father would not have been able to survive in such an environment."

Shen Qiuhua sighed softly: "Your father is actually very smart."

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