Everyone looked forward to hearing Su Binglan cooking.

Su Binglan thought about it, she was going to make a large plate of fried chicken.

It's enough to do one dish. Everyone eats a large plate of fried chicken with rice cakes, which is also quite good.

Su Wenwu also got off the kang and said, "Sister, I'll help you."

Su Wenzhe and Su Wenxiu also rushed over to help.

Said to help my sister to cook, but in fact, I learned to cook with my sister.

Then it is a pleasure to watch my sister cook.

Especially watching the process of the food coming out of the pot, it is so appetizing.

The aromas of the dishes are alluring.

Liu Yinyin said: "Daddy, you rest, we help my sister cook."

Shen Qiuhua and Su Fengmao said with a smile: "Okay, you can do it together."

The family talked happily.

Shen Mohen looked at him with envy.

He likes the atmosphere very much.

But in their family, his parents are his only child, and he has no siblings.

Mainly because his father experienced those things when he was a child, and felt that there were more brothers fighting for family property and fighting more.

So he has a son.

This avoids fighting.

He used to think his father was right.

But looking at the way of getting along with his aunt's family at this time, he thinks it's so good, many brothers and sisters are very harmonious, so the family is warm and lively.

He really likes it.

No matter what, he wanted to live here.

Yue Huachen looked at the scene in front of him, and for some reason, he felt a very relaxed feeling both physically and mentally.

Yue Huachen has not felt this way for a long time.

He also likes the atmosphere here.


Su Wenxiu asked curiously, "Sister, what are we doing tonight?"

Su Binglan said: "Make a large plate of fried **."

Fried chicken?

Everyone in the Su family had never heard of fried chicken.

Mainly because Su Binglan used chicken to cook many dishes before, including potato stewed chicken, spicy chicken, braised chicken nuggets, etc., but he has never made a large plate of fried chicken.

No one knows what it tastes like.

But everyone who has eaten Su Binglan's dishes knows that the same chicken and chicken nuggets will taste different if they are made in different ways.

So they were really looking forward to it.

Su Wenzhe asked, "Sister, is the big plate fried chicken like fried pancakes?"

Su Wenzhe thinks fried pancakes and fried noodles are delicious. My sister made them before.

He still remembers the taste, it was delicious.

Looking at everyone's expressions, Su Binglan explained: "The big plate of fried chicken is different from the dishes we made before. The soup of the big plate of fried chicken tastes the best, and it's a good meal to eat with the main food."

"You'll know when it's done."

Hearing Su Binglan say this, everyone looked expectant.

Su Wenwu said, "Sister, am I going to kill a chicken?"

They also set up a place in their yard to raise chickens and ducks, which is also for cooking during the Chinese New Year.

This is also a habit formed before.

Almost every household raises one or two roosters, all of which are ready to kill and cook for the Chinese New Year.

I hate to eat it on weekdays.

Although the conditions at home are better now, Shen Qiuhua is still used to raising a few chickens and ducks at home and cooking chicken for Chinese New Year.

Su Binglan said: "Today I will cook a dish and kill two **."

And there are still guests today, so Su Binglan decided to do more.

Then, the big plate chicken tastes good, and everyone should be very appetizing, and they should eat a lot.

Two chickens should be enough for a big platter.

"Okay." Su Wenwu then went to the yard to catch chickens and then kill them.

Su Wenxiu went over to help.

In order to practice medicine, he often deals with small animals, and he can do these things.

After they kill the chickens, they let their blood.

They used to throw away the blood of chickens when they killed chickens, and they only later learned that chicken blood, duck blood, pig blood, and these things are good things.

Only the duck blood fans in town are welcome.

Liu Yinyin's parents' shop is still open.

Big brother and sister-in-law are also helping in the store.

The new year is closing, and the business in the store is very hot.

Her parents said that they would close the door two days ago, and reopen after the first lunar month.

Anyway, your own store, you have the final say.

The main reason is that the business is so good that her parents, eldest brother and sister-in-law are reluctant to close the store early.

You can make a lot of money in a day.

There is also her nephew, Henger was an apprentice outside, and she took a rest during the New Year. After Henger came back, she realized that such a big change had taken place in her family.

He followed happily and helped out in the shop.

The last time I went to town, Liu Yinyin had seen Heng'er.

This nephew is very sensible and respects her aunt.

Liu Yinyin and Su Wenzhe also came to help, and Liu Yinyin helped to remove the chicken feathers and clean them.

These can be made into duvets.

How could they know that these were good things before, or it was thanks to their sister that they knew.

Seeing the chicken blood, Su Wenzhe thought of Liu Yinyin's parents, and asked, "By the way, did Heng'er go to help in the parents' store too?"

Liu Yinyin understood what Su Wenzhe meant, and said, "Well, my parents still have a lot of money.

Brother and sister-in-law thought that after the new year, he would not ask Henger to be an apprentice. Although he could learn some things, it was quite hard work. It would be better to open a shop by himself, and the business would be good. "

"Now my eldest brother and sister-in-law have only one child in Heng'er, and this store will also be given to Heng'er in the future."

"But the elder brother and elder sister-in-law decided to have another child. They feel that there are many brothers and sisters in the family, and Heng'er also hopes to have a younger brother and sister."

Su Wenzhe said, "After that, Heng'er has younger brothers and sisters. What do you think about the elder brother and elder sister-in-law?"

Liu Yinyin said with a smile: "Then open another store. The business of duck blood fans is so popular, and the business of opening another store is just as popular."

"Or open one in another town."

Su Wenzhe suddenly said: "Oh, yes, why didn't I think of it."

"But business is really good now. Last time I visited the town, there were still many people queuing up."

Liu Yinyin said: "Our mutton soup shop is the same. The main reason is that there are more people in our town, and more people come from other places. There are more people, and more people go to the store to eat."

In fact, it is still the mutton soup shop and the duck blood vermicelli shop. The food is delicious, the price is not expensive, and you can eat enough.

So ordinary people can eat it.

Like a hot pot restaurant, ordinary people are still reluctant to go.

That is, people who have some money in hand will eat it.

Even so, the hot pot restaurant business is booming.

"By the way, my parents said that they have already bought that store."

"Bought it?" Su Wenzhe was still a little surprised, the price of a store is not cheap.

In particular, the west side is now prosperous, and the prices of shops are also rising.

Liu Yinyin smiled and said: "Well, my parents made a lot of money from duck blood fans, so I bought the store directly, so that I don't have to worry about the landlord suddenly not renting the house. Customers don’t know, and old customers will be lost.”

Liu Yinyin knew the temperament of her parents, so there must be more silver left in the hands of the shop after buying it, otherwise, they would not have bought the shop directly.

Su Wenzhe agrees with this point very much, "Indeed, it is always in one place, where regular customers can find it, and fans who come from other places want to eat duck blood also know where it is."

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