Su Binglan smiled and said, "This is makeup."

Su Yi touched his cheeks, chin and neck, which were all his own skin.

The exposed hands also looked the same as a woman.

"Is makeup so magical?

Su Yi muttered to himself.

They were dead men, and they were the calmest.

But at this moment everything in front of them made them have to show a look of amazement.

"The content of my training for you is also to learn makeup. Not only do you have to do makeup for others, but you also have to do makeup for yourself."

"Using the disguise technique, it is easy to be seen by others, but with makeup, it is not easy to be seen by others."

Su Binglan did not put heavy makeup on them, but used different colors to make their appearance and skin look different.

"You can change your appearance, of course, you also need to learn how to change your attitude when you walk."

"You can do lurking tasks after you can master advanced camouflage."

"You also have to learn to interrogate. You will interrogate the arrested prisoners and meticulous work, so that even the toughest person can spit out their secrets. Interrogation is not easy, and I will teach you various interrogation methods."

Various interrogation methods?

Su Yi and the others hadn't digested makeup just now, and the master started something new.

All they could do was pay attention and listen.

Listening to Su Binglan saying this at this time, all those terrifying interrogation methods came to mind.

Just when they were thinking like this in their minds, Su Binglan said, "Actually, for the prisoners and Xiaozuo to tell the news and secrets they know, they don't necessarily need to use those interrogation tools, but they can also use their weak points."

"Some fine works have undergone strict training. No matter how heavy the torture tools they endured, they will not reveal the news. Such people are not afraid of death, but there may also be things that people care about. We must start from these, attack people's hearts and let them They voluntarily confided the news."

"That is to say, we need to understand the identity of this fine work, and observe the subtle expressions of this fine work by speaking."

"Many people who appear to be expressionless actually have subtle facial expressions."

"We found the topic breakthrough by observing their subtle expressions..."

"Also, drugs can also be used during interrogation. Drugs can cause hallucinations and make people weak, so that people can take the initiative to reveal all secrets..."

Su Binglan said briefly.

But Su Yi and the others were shocked when they heard it.

Micro-expressions, drug hallucinations, and other things that attack people's hearts, and take the initiative to confide news, these are the first time they have heard of them.

You must know that those who can withstand interrogation tools have hard bones, and have received strict training, and their bodies can resist drugs.

Hallucinogenic drugs are not so easy to configure.

Su Binglan can say it, so naturally there is a way to dispense the medicine.

For her, it's all easy.

"And you know how to disguise yourself the most easily, that is, to live like a normal person in reality, and it is easy to be discovered by others. In short, you have a second job."

Second job?

"It's like being a store manager. In the eyes of others, you are a manager, so where you go and what you do, it's not easy to be suspected."

The key is to camouflage in place.

"You also need simple medical knowledge. Even if you can't become a doctor, you must be able to identify herbal medicines and be able to find medicinal herbs in the wild mountains and forests to stop bleeding."

"You also need to have survival skills in the wild."


Su Binglan said a lot, and the more Su Yi and the others listened, the more shocked they became.

At first they thought they didn't need to learn anything else at all.

But after the master said this, their blood boiled.

They want to learn.

I want to become the kind of all-rounder my master said.

That way they can do anything.

All can help the master to do more things and do more tasks.

If they do, they also feel that they are suddenly valuable.

Not just a dead man hiding in the dark.

Su Binglan briefly told everyone what they were going to learn, the tasks and things they were going to do in the future, and it was time for lunch.

Su Binglan was going to make lunch, so she let everyone rest, and in the afternoon she would continue to teach everyone.

As soon as Su Binglan dismissed everyone from get out of class, Su Yi and the others immediately hid in the dark.

If they didn't take the initiative to appear in front of everyone, few people would know that they were hiding in the Su Mansion.

Su Binglan seemed to have thought of something, and said to the air, "You don't need to hide in the dark. In the future, you are not a dead man, you are trained as a steward, just live in this other courtyard."

Su Yi and the others knew that they would not exist as shadows in the future.

Being able to live in the sun is naturally much better than living in the dark.

When they looked at Su Binglan, their eyes were filled with gratitude.

"Yes, master."

Su Binglan was going to cook lunch herself. In fact, the Su family were curious about what Su Binglan was going to do.

Usually Su Binglan cooks fresh food by himself.

However, on this day, the Tofu Square Embroidery Square Noodle Square Winery and others have officially opened for business.

Su Fengmao and Shen Qiuhua also started to get busy.

And Su Wenxiu

Start teaching the students.

However, Su Wenwu and Ye Feiran went shopping for a while, and after seeing that there was nothing wrong with the Mala Tang shop, they came back.

Seeing that Su Binglan was about to cook, the two hurriedly prepared to help.

"Sister, what do you want to cook, I'll help you."

At this time, Su Wenwu's face was full of smiles, the corners of his mouth kept rising, and at a glance he knew that he was in a good mood.

Looking at Ye Feiran's expression again, Su Binglan understood everything.

It seemed that Ye Feiran had confessed to Su Wenwu.

That's good.

Su Binglan took the fans out and soaked them in the water, and said, "Didn't you say yesterday that I will make snail noodles today."

Su Wenwu's eyes lit up and said excitedly, "Sister, it's fresh food again, right?"

He was so looking forward to it.

Su Binglan smiled and said, "Don't worry, snail noodles don't smell good, you may not be used to it, but it tastes really good."

Su Wenwu said, "Sister, the stinky tofu you made doesn't smell good, but it tastes delicious."

"Last night, there were people selling stinky tofu by the riverside during the Lantern Festival. There were still a lot of people who bought it. There are so many people who like it. It means it's delicious. The snail noodles you said must be delicious."

He doesn't care what the smell is, as long as it's delicious.

However, Su Wenwu thought of Ye Feiran, looked at Ye Feiran and said, "Feiran, what do you want for lunch?"

When Su Wenwu faced Ye Feiran, he was absolutely attentive.

He knew that he would definitely like to eat his sister's cooking, but he couldn't just care about his own thoughts, but also what Ye Feiran wanted to eat.

Both of them had said what they were saying before, Su Wenwu was no longer called Brother Ye Feiran, but directly called Feiran.

Ye Feiran listened to Su Wenwu's name, and felt that his name was really nice.

"My sister's cooking must be delicious, and I also want to try the snail noodles."

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