In fact, I was tired and a little hungry when I went out for a walk.

Because they came back from the town and walked through the small roads in the village, they all smelled the aroma of the food.

At this time, every household in the village started to raise fireworks and start cooking.

Passing by the door of the villagers, you can smell the aroma of the food.

This scent makes them all have appetite, especially want to eat.

But after coming to Su's house, I found that those scents were not as good as the scents here.

This smell is so good that they almost knelt down.

Shen Qiuhui and Shen Mohen's footsteps were fast.

The two walked towards the house in three steps and two steps.

"It smells so good, what delicious food did Lan Lan make?"

Su Binglan smiled and said, "Uncle came back just in time. We have snail noodles for lunch today, but the taste is a bit strange."

Shen Qiuhui waved his hand and said, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, what Lan Lan makes is definitely delicious."

He also smelled a strange smell in the yard just now, when he suddenly thought of stinky tofu.

After Shen Qiuhui came to her sister's house, she liked to eat stinky tofu.

I have experience eating stinky tofu, and sometimes the weirder the taste, the better.

So he doesn't care what the smell is, as long as it's delicious.

Just hungry too.

Looking forward to lunch now.

Everyone nodded unanimously and believed in Su Binglan.

Shen Mohen looked at his father's appearance and felt that his father was such a serious and cold person.

But since he came to his aunt's house, his father has completely changed his style of painting.

Becoming easy-going and fun to talk about.

In the past, when Shen Mohen communicated with his father, he was still very frightened.

But now he was willing to talk to his father more.

Because he felt the deep father's love.

He felt that his father still loved and cared about him very much.

It's just that my father rarely expressed it before.

In the past, his father was very strict with him. Since he found his aunt, his father has relaxed a lot towards him.

And what he wanted to do, his father started to support him.

This made him very excited.

Sure enough, it's still at my aunt's house.

His father wouldn't let him go back to the capital, and he planned to stay at his aunt's house.

And learning from my sister, I can really learn a lot.

My sister is not only a business genius, but also a medical genius.

Learning something from my sister can benefit a lot.

Even his master, the valley owner of Medicine King Valley, envied him that he could learn from his sister.

Of course, he has also learned a little bit of acupuncture now.

Although he is not yet proficient, he has memorized all the acupuncture points of the human body.

The next step is to master acupuncture and moxibustion.

But my sister was too busy, so Shen Mohen planned to take time to study with Su Wenxiu.

It just so happened that the students were all studying normally now, and Shen Mohen also planned to study with Su Wenxiu.

He can go to class.

In fact, Shen Mohen's medical skills are really high for others.

But he really couldn't compare with Su Binglan's medical skills.

Then he can't do acupuncture.

Therefore, in studying medicine, Shen Mohen is also very modest.

He felt that to be a good doctor, he had to keep learning.

So taking advantage of this time, he also plans to study medicine with Su Wenxiu.

Su Wenxiu was actually happy to discuss medical techniques with Shen Mohen, because Shen Mohen had much more practical experience than him.

There are many cases that he can follow and learn from.

Two people can learn a lot by discussing.

But at this time, Shen Mohen's attention was still on lunch, snail noodles.

"I also think what my sister makes must be delicious."

In fact, Shen Mohen was very curious and wanted to take a look, but at this time the pot was covered with a lid, and they didn't know what was in the pot.

are very curious.

However, Su Wenzhe quickly said, "Brother Ye, let me set the fire."

"Yes, yes, Brother Ye, let me set the fire."

Everyone thinks that Brother Ye looks fine-skinned and tender. If you let him burn firewood, will his hands become rough?

Ye Feiran smiled and said, "It's okay, just burn some firewood, I'm not tired."

She really likes the atmosphere of the Su family, everyone is considerate and helpful to each other.

There wasn't that kind of intrigue atmosphere at all.

And she can feel that warm feeling, everyone cares about her and really cares about her.

It was Shen Qiuhua who pulled Ye Feiran up, and Su Wenzhe naturally sat down on the horse and started to burn firewood.

At this time, it was almost time, Su Binglan said to Su Wenzhe, "Brother, turn the fire down."

Su Wenzhe often helped to set fires. He knew how to set fires and cooperated very well with his sister.

After changing it to a small fire, Su Binglan added some water.

"Okay, after a quarter of an hour, it can be boiled into a fragrant screw soup."

At this point, everyone can see what is in the pot.

"This... what is this?"

"Ah, this..."

Everyone was shocked when they saw what was in the pot.


Guess what's in the pot, but didn't expect it to be this.

Isn't this the snail you see by the river on weekdays?

Similar to the snail, but larger than the snail.

But isn't it all in the mud?

How can I eat it?

When everyone saw this, this idea flashed in their minds instinctively.

But it smells really good.

But there are doubts in my mind, how to eat this thing.

Before everyone looked carefully, Su Binglan put the water on and closed the lid again.

At this point, everyone came back to their senses.

No matter what it is, as long as it is made by Lan Lan (sister), it will be delicious.

Others think that this thing cannot be eaten, it may be that others do not know that this thing is delicious.

Just like beans.

Those beans are everywhere, but who knew that these beans could be used to make tofu.

Su Binglan knew it.

So it must be delicious.

Everyone was puzzled and hopeful.

Su Binglan put the lid on the pot and looked at everyone's expressions, and understood what everyone was thinking.

But Su Binglan didn't explain too much, just said softly: "After a while, everyone will know whether it tastes good or not."

As if thinking of something, Su Binglan said: "By the way, mother, you need to bring some toothpicks."

Before, their family made some wooden toothpicks, which came in handy at this time.

Shen Qiuhua hurriedly took a toothpick from the table.

"Lan Lan, these are toothpicks that were just made before."

Shen Qiuhua didn't know what Su Binglan was doing with these toothpicks.

Su Binglan took the toothpick and said with a smile, "I'll use it later when I'm eating."

"Father and mother, rest and rest first, we'll eat snail noodles and snails when we're done."

Shen Qiuhua did not go to rest, but asked, "Lan Lan, what else needs to be done, my father and I will help."

"It just needs to cook fans."

Su Fengmao said: "This is simple, I will set the fire."

There are two pots in the stove, which can be cooked at the same time.

Shen Qiuhui said: "Brother-in-law, I'm coming, you rest."

"It's okay, I'm not tired." Su Fengmao was telling the truth. Every time he cooks with his daughter, he feels energetic all over his body.

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