Su Binglan said this with a gentle look in his eyes.

After Su Binglan came to this world, the more she knew about this continent in this era, the more she wanted to do something.

But there are some things you need to have enough money to do.

So she started to make a fortune in business.

Now many shops have opened, factories and workshops have also opened, and she has a lot of money in her hands.

Could do something else entirely.

Such as opening a paper mill printing plant.

In this way, the paper on the market is more and cheaper, and many people can use it.

Then there is printing. With printing, some books are no longer so expensive. Printing can print a lot of books.

It is convenient for many people to watch and read.

"By the way, we have to get a library."

Su Binglan wanted to build a library so that many students could read books.

Looking back, you can think about asking everyone to apply for a card, an annual card, so that with the card, you can go to the library to read books for free, and you can borrow books to read.

In this way, students from underprivileged families can read books without being able to afford them.

Su Binglan thought this was a good idea.

Su Wenxiu was so shocked that he didn't regain his senses.

Dumbly forgot to respond at this time.

Su Wenxiu looked at his sister at this time, and his heart could no longer be described as worship.

He felt that his sister's ideas were always so noble.

Su Wenxiu knew that her sister was not doing this for herself, and she hoped to help many people.

Just like she opened these factories and workshops and hired people to work, she actually gave everyone the opportunity to make money and work.

Now more and more people are chasing their sister from the heart.

With such a sister, Su Wenxiu was extremely proud in his heart.

Su Fengmao was stunned, "Lan Lan, do you want to hire those retired soldiers and wounded soldiers to work?"

Su Binglan nodded and said, "Yes, including their family members can come here to do things."

"Someone in the family has served as a soldier and fought under Dingwang's banner, and they can come to our factory to work. They will receive salary bonuses every month, and they can live in the staff dormitory on weekdays."

In fact, during the war between Dingzhou and Jianzhou last year, Su Binglan discovered that after the soldiers retired or returned home from injuries, they still depended on farming to live. "

The system of this era was not perfect, and many wounded soldiers were not properly accommodated.

And although Prince Ding's mansion is well-funded, it is not so easy to raise hundreds of thousands of troops.

At that time, Su Binglan wanted to do something.

But she didn't have a complete plan in her mind at that time.

At this point, she just had an idea and could implement it.

Su Fengmao was shocked, and he said seriously: "Lan Lan, I am really proud of my father to have a daughter like you."

In fact, when he was young, he also had blood, and also had the chivalrous spirit of swordsmanship.

But at that time his abilities were limited.

He can only take care of his own little home.

But there is also blood and passion in my heart, and there is also a heroic dream.

There were some things he couldn't do, but he didn't expect his daughter to do it.

Su Binglan smiled and said, "Father, in fact, I did this just for the sake of doing it, not for the sake of fame."

Just because of doing so, my heart will be happy and meaningful.

Su Fengmao patted Su Binglan on the shoulder and said, "Good girl, do whatever you want, and Dad will definitely support you."

"And me, my mother also supports you."

Liu Yinyin also hurriedly raised her hand and said, "Sister, I also support you. I saved some money in my hand, and I will use it for my sister."

Su Wenzhe and Su Wenxiu also expressed their opinions.

Although the younger sister is not for fame and fortune, but such a thing is done, who will not read the younger sister's good among the students in the world.

This will go down in history.

Their faces flushed with excitement.

They especially wanted to see what kind of paper-making printing their sister did.

There is also the sister who said to use wounded soldiers to do things.

But can such a person work?

Seemingly aware of everyone's doubts, Su Binglan explained: "The families of these soldiers can all work, and the salary and bonus they receive every month can support a large family, so in this way, everyone can eat and wear warmly."

She also does things to the best of her ability.

Su Wenxiu didn't even bother to teach. He also wanted to see how his sister made paper, and he wanted to go over and help.

Su Fengmao said, "Are you going to arrange these things in the morning tomorrow?"

If possible, Su Fengmao would like to help his daughter do this now.

Su Binglan said with a smile: "Papermaking is simple, but it is complicated and complicated. First, get the factory done, and then hire good people to make paper and print."

"This is not something that can be done overnight. Parents, you should go back to the house to rest first."

Shen Qiuhua nodded and said, "Okay, then girl, go back to the room and sleep."

Although they were curious to learn more, they also didn't want to tire their daughters.

Urge her to go to bed.

After Su Binglan said a few words to her parents, she went back to her yard.

As soon as she entered the yard, a dark shadow fell from the dark, "This subordinate sees the master."

Su Binglan saw Su Yi

, nodded and said, "Is everything done?"

"Master, everything is done. We have opened night market bars in all counties in Dingzhou, and they have begun to operate officially. This is the information we recorded, please take a look at it."

Su Binglan brought over what Su Yi recorded, looked at it and said with a smile, "You guys did a great job."

Su Binglan opened night market bars in various places just to establish her own news network channel.

It is convenient for them to keep abreast of the latest news and gossip in a timely manner.

When Su Binglan did this, she also planned for a rainy day, thinking of serving her elder brothers Lan Ruozhu and Luo Jinan.

Su Binglan said: "In this case, our winery will be expanded, and drinks will be continuously provided to the bar. Have all the people who work in the bar have chosen?"

Su Yining said: "Don't worry, lord, we have all chosen, all of them were bought from slave farms, all of them are dead deeds, and they are formal places, the background is carefully checked, and after training, we can let them Already working."

Su Binglan is still very relieved when Su Yi works.

"Well, you can do these things, but we still need a lot of people in the later stage. You can continue to train more people. If the beggars on the roadside are innocent, they can also train them."

"And the place where the beggars gather is also the place where the news flows the fastest."

Su Yi nodded seriously and said, "Yes."

Now Su Yi admires his master from the bottom of his heart.

What the master taught them before was very useful to them, and the master's insight shocked them.

It was also the first time they knew what kind of store a night market bar was.

"And we are not only limited to Dingzhou, I want to open night market bars in the entire Chu country, and even the whole mainland in the future."

"Time is fast."

The war broke out at no time, and the key news is very important in the war.

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