This gave Su Binglan a sense of urgency.

Su Yi's heart surged when he heard the master's words.

Doing things with the master, his heart is full of passion.

I feel like my whole body is full of energy.

"Master, don't worry, your subordinates will hurry up to do it."

Think about it, the entire continent has their industry, and they can grasp the news of various places on the entire continent, that is really amazing.

That's not something ordinary people can do.

But they are based on night market bars, and there are good wines, and there will definitely be many customers who come to their night market bars to drink.

Coupled with lighting and musical instrument effects, it is easy to break people's hearts and let people tell the most secret news.

Their night market bar will become a place to collect all kinds of news.

The point is, night market bars can not only collect news, but also make money from guests.

Because the wine they sell is good wine that can't be bought anywhere else.

And the master also said that when the weather is warm, he will also make drinks. In that case, there will be more guests.

Su Yi was also full of expectations.

He likes doing meaningful things like this, rather than doing that kind of shit.

It can be said that what the master is letting them do now is very safe.

They also get a good night's sleep.

Neither of them thought that one day they would be able to do tasks from the dark to the light.

And they learned to disguise with their masters, they can make up their own makeup and pretend to be all kinds of people, and they will not be discovered.

Su Binglan nodded, "This time when you go back, transport the wine I prepared for you to the night market bar for sale."


Then Su Yi reported something to Su Binglan, and then handed a letter to Su Binglan and said, "Master, this is a letter from the third son of the South."

Su Binglan nodded, then took the letter and looked at it.

Seeing the content of the letter, Su Binglan showed a smile on her face.

The third brother is doing well in the south. He has bought several stores, some in the county seat, and hired the surrounding villagers to do things.

Su Wenwu also wrote in the letter, "Sister, there is also a lot of land in the south. I want to buy the land here, and some are very cheap."

"Sister, I also found a lot of things on the mountain here. Some things seem to grow on trees. I don't know if I can eat them. If my sister is here, she must know how to eat them."

"This is also a treasure. There are many things we don't eat on weekdays."

"If there is something delicious, I want to build a factory."

"I also saw a very strange bug on the mountain, it can secrete something, it looks like grease, and I don't know what it is..."


Su Wenwu told Su Binglan what he had seen and heard in the letter.

Su Binglan moved when she saw these expressions.

Strange bugs, according to her third brother's description, could they be white wax bugs?

Ash bugs can produce white candles.

This profit is very high.

Thinking of this, Su Binglan's heart almost jumped.

If it is really an ash worm, then you can indeed buy land there, and you can build a factory there, and build a factory specializing in the production of candles.

And this season in the south, in terms of fruit, there should be kiwi, sugar cane and pineapple.

These things can be delicious.

Su Binglan wanted to go to the south to see these things.

"By the way, sister, Fei Ran heard your words last time and had an idea. She built a factory, which is the same size as our brewery's tofu factory, and hired people to make shrimp."

"She made a few signature dishes in her restaurant, such as vermicelli shrimp with garlic."

"She also opened her own dumpling shop, specializing in making dumplings. The best thing to eat is shrimp dumplings, which are more expensive than ordinary dumplings, but everyone likes them very much."

"Sister, there is no dumpling shop in the south, and dumplings haven't been spread, so this dumpling shop is very popular, and Feiran has opened several dumpling shops, and the business is also booming."

"We moved the market from the prosperous area to a remote town, and by the way, we also provided the villagers with the opportunity to work, so that they could earn money and live."

"I have to say that this idea is really good. In just over a month, the profit is very high, and Fei Ran is very happy, because these are her own industries, and the Ye family can't interfere."

"Places like Fucheng in a prosperous area have a lot of competition pressure, and there are a lot of restaurants and shops. If the business of the shops robs other businesses, it will be very troublesome. We will not be like this when we open a shop in the town."

"But many people also know that our hot pot restaurant and dumpling restaurant are delicious, and they all come to town by carriage from Fucheng to eat, haha..."

Su Wenwu wrote a lot in the letter and rambled a lot.

Su Binglan couldn't help but want to laugh when she saw it, it was the third brother's style.

But seeing that the third brother and the others were doing well in the south, she felt relieved.

In the early days, he asked the third brother to open a store and do business. He also accumulated some experience. He was familiar with opening a store in the south, and he could handle it with ease.

In fact, Su Binglan also very much agrees with Su Wenwu's method of moving the market to the town's county seat.

This will not only help a lot of people, but also make the shop popular.

Because there may not be so many gourmet shops in places like the county seat of the town, if there is a shop with very delicious food, it will soon be

will be famous.

There is no need to advertise, and naturally everyone around will know.

After Su Binglan read it carefully, she went to the house and took out a pen and paper to write a letter to the third brother.

"Third brother, if you see something strange again, you can draw it, and I will know what it is."

"Third brother can buy mountains and land, and there are many good things in the south. Later, we need to build factories on the spot to produce these things."

"The third brother can also train some of his own people on weekdays to help you do things."

"There is also the kind of bug that the third brother said should be a good thing. If my guess is correct, it is the white wax worm. The white wax worm can specialize in the production of white wax. If it is possible, the third brother can build a local factory and come back to produce white wax."

"The third brother said that the sugar cane you eat is indeed a good thing, but there are many uses other than eating."

"Sugar cane can be used to make sugar, make brown sugar, and drinking brown sugar is good for the human body..."

"Bagasse, don't throw it away, third brother. This kind of thing can be used to make paper, and it can also be used to make seasonings. Third brother will bring it back."

In fact, when writing this, Su Binglan can imagine how many treasures there are in the south.

Fortunately, the third brother was arranged to pass, so he could do a lot of things.

If she hadn't planned to go to Fucheng, she could go directly to the south now.

But don't worry, when the weather is warmer, you will find more good things in the south.

There are also many delicious fruits.

After writing the letter, Su Binglan handed it to Su Dao Dao: "Let someone deliver the letter to my third brother in person."

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