Su Binglan imagined the scene and put a smile on her face.

With more high-yield crops, people will have food to eat and will not go hungry.

Su Binglan remembered that when he was a child in Su Teng Village, people in other villages died of starvation.

Although the villagers start to sow and cultivate the land in the spring, if the weather is dry or flooded, the food in the field cannot grow at all, and the villagers cannot harvest the food.

The whole village is going to starve.

If there is no money to buy quilts or something, when it is extremely cold in winter, some people will indeed freeze to death.

In fact, the people in the village also want to help each other, but sometimes when everyone is too busy to take care of themselves, they can't take care of others at all.

Fortunately, most of the people in Tenghe Town, Su Teng Village now live a relatively stable life.

As long as you are diligent and diligent, you can eat enough.

However, businessmen from other places will be very emotional when they see their scene in Su Teng Village.

Because when wars are frequent, not every place is like Dingzhou, such as Su Teng Village.

Lan Ruozhu can also imagine that kind of picture, the entire Dingzhou can produce that kind of high-yield grain, and the people will definitely be able to store enough grain and have food to eat.

Granaries all over Dingzhou can also store enough food.

There will also be enough rations.

What Lan Ruozhu cares about most is the life of the people in his jurisdiction.

Imagining the people living and working in peace and contentment, Lan Ruozhu also had a smile on his face.

His heart became hot, "Sister, it's all your credit."

Su Binglan hurriedly waved her hand, "Brother, don't put all the credit on me."

"Originally, Dingzhou has become very good under the management of my brother. All this is due to my brother. I just added a little bit of embellishment."

Although she knew that her brother spoiled her, Su Binglan didn't like taking any credit from her brother.

She just did her best to do something.

"My main purpose is to popularize these two kinds of food. Besides, my paper mill and printing factory also need people. My brother doesn't blame me for arranging some people to work there."

Lan Ruozhu said solemnly, "Sister, what are you saying, my brother knows that you are kind, and you want to help everyone."

"You don't know, since I heard what you did, many people have spontaneously come to Fucheng Yamen to inquire about news and ask when to recruit troops. Many people consciously want to join the army."

"This kind of enthusiasm has never been seen before."

Speaking of this, Lan Ruozhu's expression became relaxed again.

It can be said that his sister helped him solve too many problems.

Seeing that Dingzhou is about to become prosperous, this is also the credit of my sister.

He is not stupid, he is clear in his heart.

Su Binglan laughed lightly and stuck out her tongue at Lan Ruozhu, "Seeing that my brother is in a hurry, I will also make a joke with my brother."

Lan Ruozhu shook his head helplessly and said, "You!"

When Lan Ruozhu looked at her sister, her eyes were helpless and spoiled.

Su Binglan seemed to think of something and said: "Brother, we now not only have Dingzhou, but also a large area from Dingzhou to Bianzhou. We all need to follow this method to encourage soldiers to open up wasteland and cultivate, and I will look back and open factories in various places. ."

Lan Ruozhu said: "Actually, what many soldiers care about most is how their families are doing. If their families are settled, they will be very active in everything they do."

Su Binglan also agrees with her brother's statement.

"Brother, I went to visit the family members of many soldiers and talked to them, and then I learned that many people served as soldiers with a very simple idea, that is, to be able to eat enough, to save some food for the family, and to send back the military salaries they earned. At home, the family can have enough to eat.”

"As for the righteousness, many soldiers came from poor backgrounds, and they didn't understand this at first."

Lan Ruozhu sighed and said, "Most of the people in the barracks are illiterate. Of the few generals I have accepted, three grew up with us. Like Ji Xingye, they have both cultural relics and have grown from soldiers to generals."

"There are two people who came up from fighting on the battlefield. These two are good at fighting. At first, they didn't even know how to read maps. After I found out, I arranged for someone to teach them specifically, so I cultivated them. "

"And then a lot of people are actually illiterate."

Su Binglan listened, her expression changed, "Brother's intention is to let them also learn to read and write?"

Lan Ruozhu shook his head and sighed: "It's easier said than done, if you set up a study class for everyone in the military camp, many people will have a headache."

"Those people would rather practice a little longer than learn to read."

"Some were eager to learn when they were young, but couldn't read because of their limited family background, and it was very difficult to learn when they grew up."

Su Binglan listened to this, thoughtful.

Lan Ruozhu continued to sigh with emotion: "If only I could learn from a young age, just like Ji Xingye and the others."

Su Binglan's expression changed when she heard this, and she suddenly had an idea, "Brother, we can set up a military academy."

Lan Ruozhu's expression changed, and she concentrated, "Sister, what did you just say, about the Military Academy?"

Lan Ruozhu had never heard of a military academy before.

Neither did the entire Chu Kingdom.

Many of the generals of Chu State either came from the Jiangmen family, or they rose up step by step from the military camp.

Then there is

It is the person who is directly designated by the above to arrange the official position.

Most of these people also have some talent, so they can command the team.

"And what is a military academy, does it train generals?"

"Yes, we can build a big school to train military talents, not only in martial arts, but also in knowledge."

"There are excellent talents learned there, and we can directly let them take over the task."

"It is also possible to appoint official positions, preferably small ones, so that they can be promoted step by step in practice."

"People with wisdom in it can do military work. In such a school, we can directly cultivate confidant talents and cultivate an elite team."

Lan Ruozhu stood up excitedly, and clapped his excited hand on the table, "Okay, this is a good way."

"I never thought of that."

"We can directly cultivate military talents in this way, and they will also be our confidants and people we trust."

"But those who enter the school must be clean and have no problems."

Seeing her brother's excited look, Su Binglan couldn't help but smile.

She thought it would be nice if she could help her brother.

"By the way, sister, you said how the school will operate, and how will the master arrange it?"

There are many colleges in Chu State, and there is also Yunhong Academy in the capital.

But what was taught there was the content of the imperial examinations.

When the princes are in class, they may learn archery.

There are no colleges that teach military knowledge.

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