Lan Ruozhu wouldn't have thought of it if his sister hadn't said this all of a sudden.

In fact, Su Binglan thinks that his brother is already very smart, but his brother is not reborn through time, so his thoughts are still influenced by the environment of this era.

So I never thought that military talents could be trained in this way.

Because of the excitement, Lan Ruozhu was very energetic.

He felt that the whole person was full of fighting spirit.

Su Binglan smiled and said, "Brother, sit down first, and I will tell you slowly."


Lan Ruozhu sat down again.

In fact, his character is very stable, but Lan Ruozhu clearly knows what kind of influence his sister said that the establishment of this academy has really had.

That way, the barracks won't have to worry about having no talent available.

When you think about it, the entire military camp is filled with a group of elites and people you can trust, which is exciting.

Lan Ruozhu is not belligerent.

But he understands that he has a powerful force in his hand, and he can protect the person he wants to protect at any time.

This piece of land under his jurisdiction, the people on the land, he can guard.

They can be prevented from enjoying a peaceful environment, free from war.

Even if someone attacks, he is sure to keep the enemy out of this land.

Su Binglan looked at her brother's expression and understood what her brother was thinking.

The two brothers and sisters actually have a tacit understanding.

Su Binglan said: "Brother, our students are divided into different classes, and they are also divided into classes according to their age. After they finish their studies, we will divide them into different fields and give targeted teaching according to what each person is good at."

"For example, for generals, we focus on training them in the direction of generals. For military divisions, we focus on training them."

"There are also those who are good at observing the weather and exploring terrain for rescue and so on."

"The main thing is to cultivate talents who can command combat."

"It's like learning at a young age. Let them learn for a few more years, and they can't go to the battlefield until they become adults."

"Older people can enter the military camp earlier with more practical training."

"Such students still have to let everyone enroll for free."

"Families of soldiers with meritorious deeds will be given priority to enroll in places."


Su Binglan briefly explained some plans and operation models to Lan Ruozhu.

"I'll write a detailed plan for my brother later, and my brother can build students according to the plan."

"If my brother wants to add some, he can also add it in the plan."

Lan Ruozhu said with emotion: "My sister has already said it in great detail."

After my sister said this, Lan Ruozhu knew how to operate.

He also had a plan in mind.

"Sister, where do you think it's better to build a military academy?"

Su Binglan looked at Lan Ruozhu's expression and said with a smile, "Brother must have an idea."

Lan Ruozhu smiled, "As expected, I can't hide it from my sister."

Although he had an idea in his mind, Lan Ruozhu was still used to discussing it with his sister.

Lan Ruozhu has never been arrogant. If he has something to say to his sister, he is used to discussing it with her.

Even if he trusts his subordinates, he will ask his subordinates for their opinions and opinions on many things. In this way, he will know more and make it easier to make the right decision when making a decision.

Lan Ruozhu said: "I'm thinking of building a military academy here in Fucheng. It's right across the main army, so I can easily arrange for some students in the academy to be taught by people."

"When the barracks needs people, they can directly supply the barracks."

Su Binglan nodded, and Su Binglan had the same idea just now.

"There is a large area of ​​land near the villages around the prefecture, which can be used to directly build a college without occupying farmland."

Dingzhou has a lot of land, and there are many in various places, which is very convenient for construction.

Since my sister said the same, Lan Ruozhu decided to build the Military Academy here.

The two brothers and sisters began to discuss and discuss the details together.

In the afternoon, the two siblings, Yi Rong, went to look around Fucheng in casual clothes.

Thinking about where to build the school.

When the two people came to a mountain valley, their eyes moved.

Lan Ruozhu said: "Sister, this valley is a natural martial arts training ground. I think this place is better, and it is concealed."

Su Binglan said with a smile, "I think this place is good because there are mountains and forests next to the valleys, and the mountains and forests are places for everyone to practice and practice."

"Some things can be built here to facilitate training, such as climbing over barbed wire, shooting and so on."

"What are these?" When my sister was Lan Ruobing before, I never heard her say it.

When she was Lan Ruobing, she did not recover her soul memory, only a part of her memory, so she did not know many things.

At that time, I didn’t understand what could not be arranged, but now I can help my brother arrange it.

Su Binglan explained patiently: "Those are training programs. I will write a detailed plan later, and my brother will know after reading it."

Lan Ruozhu said without hesitation: "Well, you can build what my sister said first."

"I want my sister to be my teacher. If my sister teaches everyone, everyone will learn a lot."

"Do not

My sister's status is so honorable, I can't bear my sister's hard work. "

Su Binglan didn't care about this, she said, "Brother, I still have a lot of things to do right now, but when the school is built, I can guide me."

Lan Ruozhu was joking just now, but she didn't expect her sister to actually agree.

He was surprised and excited, not knowing what to say.

"Sister, you..."

"Brother, we are brothers and sisters, don't be polite, what you want to do is also what I want to do."

When Su Binglan said this, Lan Ruozhu understood everything.

The two had talked about dreams when they were young.

Both of them wanted to make the people have enough food and warm clothes, so that everyone could live in a peaceful and prosperous world.

But now the civil strife in Chu is on the verge of breaking out, this is not a peaceful Chu country, then they will create a prosperous and peaceful environment.

They will work together.

The two brothers and sisters looked at each other, even if they didn't speak, they understood each other's inner thoughts.


Said to build a military academy, the two brothers and sisters began to implement it.

As for giving the soldiers a rest and letting the soldiers plant potatoes and sweet potatoes, it has already been arranged.

There is also a special person to teach, Su Binglan doesn't have to worry about it for the time being, just need to make plans for the military academy.

Su Binglan also drew the design of the school according to the terrain.

"Brother, this is the teacher, this is the office of the masters, since it is a military school, it is a closed school, and you cannot leave the school without permission, so this is a dormitory, a dormitory for six people..."

"This is an apartment house, a house for the masters."

"This is the training ground, here are all kinds of equipment..."

Su Binglan's painting academy paints very detailed, so that it is convenient for craftsmen to build according to the drawings.

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